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General Bug Report Thread

So it's OTG > Sniper > Reversal Anything(optional) > Level 3

No need to tech.

Tested with reversal Pillar/Shot/5HK xx Level 3 and they still went away.

Reversal Normals xx Level 3, and Reversal Specials xx Level 3 work, but Reversal Normals xx Specials xx Level 3 don't.
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I am not sure if this was brought up or is in the process of being worked on, but it is a small thing I noticed on the character select screen. When picking a character with a alt. vo holding the selection button picks that alt. voice, however if you press and hold on the random choice it hovers over the character if it has an alt. voice and doesn't select them until the button is released and it does NOT give you the alt. voice.


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This happened to me not to long ago and I'm still not all that sure what caused it =P


Just though I should post it here just in cause I'm not the only one who's had this problem happen to them.
I am not sure if this was brought up or is in the process of being worked on, but it is a small thing I noticed on the character select screen. When picking a character with a alt. vo holding the selection button picks that alt. voice, however if you press and hold on the random choice it hovers over the character if it has an alt. voice and doesn't select them until the button is released and it does NOT give you the alt. voice.
Oh, good bug!
Random will randomly give you the alt voice just by picking a character, whether you hold buttons down or not. But if you are holding down the buttons and it decided not to give you the alt voice, that happens.
Since you are the only person ever to mention this, would you prefer random giving you the alt voice by holding it down only? I kinda prefer it randomly giving you an alt voice itself, and holding the buttons doing nothing, but I defer to someone who actually uses the feature. :^)
I mentioned this at SlapFights last week and no one seemed to be aware of it. It seems the training dummy will attempt to reverse based on the attacker's hurtboxes. I've see this before and it appears that the dummy treats hurtboxes as identical to hitboxes.

This is most evident if you order the training dummy to cycle through recordings with reversals enabled, as seen here:

Recording 1 is Fukua at idle. Recording 2 is Fukua crouching; I can't remember if she was downbacking or not.

It is very evident with Eliza, as her j.hp hurtboxes are notoriously large.

If a better video is needed I can record one if necessary; this is a quick recording I made Tuesday night.
It seems the training dummy will attempt to reverse based on the attacker's hurtboxes. I've see this before and it appears that the dummy treats hurtboxes as identical to hitboxes.
Nah, that's not at all what's happening. It's pretty far off, too. :^P

In your first recording you're holding down-back, and characters will go into preblock with down-back any time the opponent is close to you and attacks. So when you do the air attack, she enters preblock, and recovery from any block animation is marked as a reversal-able spot (there is no buffer period after preblock, it's just marked). So when you cancel out of the air attack, she recovers from preblock, is told she can reversal, and does so. It makes more sense if you make it (Downback) and (s.HP) as the two recordings.

If you were holding straight down, this wouldn't happen.
Oh, good bug!
Random will randomly give you the alt voice just by picking a character, whether you hold buttons down or not.

I use random pallete Peacock and I can attest to never having gotten the alt voice pack unless I specifically select a pallete and hold their button combo down.

I've gotten road rollers for days but I've never once succeeded this alt voice roll.
I use random pallete Peacock and I can attest to never having gotten the alt voice pack unless I specifically select a pallete and hold their button combo down.
[edit: "palette"!]
This might be because we're talking about RANDOM SELECT, not random color on a specific character.
Reminding MikeZ that armoring pw jMP, double jHP and parasoul bjLK (and some val normals and inferno of leviathan) makes the armored move uncancellable, even though we have plenty of time to react and input a counter super or whatever.
Still don't really know if that's intentional, but it can't hurt to ask again.
Dummy is set to tech, yet it won't tech after M/H buer hitting otg.
game crashing when para's bikes hit fortune's feral edge. I tried replicating it a while ago and had no success but I think I finally have video of it, cause I'm pretty sure I didn't before.


sorry its a twitch highlight I was streaming and I don't know how to get an oddshot like a cool guy
Yeah we've gotten that crash to happen several times, but usually we fail to replicate it afterwards. This time it was streamed though. And it did crash for both of us. It doesn't happen 100% of the time but somehow we keep getting it.
Reminding MikeZ that armoring pw jMP, double jHP and parasoul bjLK (and some val normals and inferno of leviathan) makes the armored move uncancellable, even though we have plenty of time to react and input a counter super or whatever.
Still don't really know if that's intentional, but it can't hurt to ask again.
Fixed the first two, didn't know about the last one but fixing it also!

Yeah we've gotten that crash to happen several times, but usually we fail to replicate it afterwards. This time it was streamed though. And it did crash for both of us. It doesn't happen 100% of the time but somehow we keep getting it.
Has it ever happened to either of you offline?
Just wanted to say I've also seen several other reports of Feral Edge crashing the game when hitting Bikes.

Seems real.
I'm sure it's real, I mean it crashed. I just have to be able to reproduce it or figure out WHY.
If I added a Beta option that would really annoyingly save the current replay each time you did a super, would you both be willing to try it until it crashed and send me the offending replay?
Hasn't happened offline to me at least; I don't think either of us either replicated it in training mode. And no one played fortune in my local area before.

Yeah sure, if Fizz is down I could do more testing of this.

Hey Fizz, want to ft100? :^)
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Well, I was assuming that replays would only count for actual matches, and that you couldn't record stuff in training mode.
I was able to replicate it offline. I was also able to get it with head on and off. I had dead characters near each time I got it and haven't been able to do it without them so far.

First one doesn't crash when replayed, but the second one does.
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Replaying a match with a feral edge crash doesn't always crash. Sometimes it just ends the match and returns to the menu if it was the end of the match. If there were failed attempts earlier in the replay, those might become successful when replaying the match.
@Triblue @fenster @Fizzxwizz
Bug is fixed here, will be in next build.
It had to do with rendering super shadows accessing an uninitialized variable; lots of stuff onscreen in that situation caused lag which made it happen more easily.
I'm legit surprised because this bug has existed for FOUR YEARS and happened in zero other situations.
Well, I won't read the whole forum to check if this is reported so feel free to remove or delete.

Since the 3/5 quick match update 06/24 my client has been crashing randomly when I'm player 1 and quickly select play again, usually after the first round. Maybe and I'm not sure could be related to another bug with the background music. This I usually find it when I choose Rooftops Assault stage; as patch notes said, the music should loop indefinitely and fade to 50% in between games but sometimes the music is cut off and restarts from the beginning of the second round.
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Hello ! I'm here to report a minor bug i've discovered in the new first to 3 quick match. After the first match, if I change characters and pick one or multiple same characters as the opponant, the same character(s) dissapears. This happened 100% of the times i tried.
All the pictures shown are after 1st match :


It isn't actualy required to pick the character but if I get to the box that asks if i'm sure about the team, the opponent characters dissapear.
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Here's a training mode bug:

Pick Big Band as player one and whoever as player two. Record the dummy's action to hold backwards for a little bit and set it to play as reversal. Hit the dummy with clp shk, or smp xx H Giant Step. clp shk and smp xx H Giant Step don't combo, but the dummy still gets hit. The dummy will block a less air-tight frame trap like slp shk as expected.

Big Band's not important to the bug; it should be reproducible with other character's perfectly air-tight frame traps.

I probably posted this somewhere a while ago, but I'm not sure if you saw it. As long as the beta's open for fixes again, I figured I'd put this up here again. For some reason, Beowulf's s. HK can't stagger assist characters. Lots of other moves like Bang! (L) and Bella s. MP can stagger assists, so it seems weird to me that this one would be intentional. I'm also getting this failure to stagger assists in happy birthday and double snap situations. Tried it on a few different characters, and it seems pretty consistent. Tested five minutes ago on PC (retail).

There's also this really weird, super-specific thing my friend showed me. We've been able to get this to happen a few times in training mode, but the timing is pretty tight: if Painwheel performs Air Buer very close to the ground, she won't be able to land during the active/recovery frames, and she can slide slightly along the ground like that. It looks like doing this with MK Buer and sliding into Squigly while the move is still active, the follow-through hit will whiff completely and she'll just let go of Squigly without hitting her. In slow-mo with hitboxes, it looks like Squigly usually goes into an aerial hitstun and gets cleanly hit by the follow-through, but in this really specific situation, she's in her standing hitstun instead, which is so narrow that Painwheel misses with her knee strike and the move doesn't connect all the way. Also tested five minutes ago on PC (retail).
Bug I knew about since forever but always forgot to post : if bella does a frame perfect kanchou reset after a combo that used kanchou, the kanchou reset will act like a second kanchou, not giving you the wall bounce despite starting a new combo.
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Is Air H Beam supposed to still break H Brass armor when BB is an assist?
Read patch notes plz
Also yes.
Bug I knew about since forever but always forgot to post : if bella does a frame perfect kanchou reset after a combo that used kanchou, the kanchou reset will act like a second kanchou, not giving you the wall bounce despite starting a new combo.
Had this written down, unfortunately it's not easy to fix.

For some reason, Beowulf's s. HK can't stagger assist characters. Lots of other moves like Bang! (L) and Bella s. MP can stagger assists, so it seems weird to me that this one would be intentional.
HAHAHAHahahahaha even the comment in the hit says
# can stagger point or assists that have flag4 = 0
so I guess I messed that one up... :^P Lemme fix it.

There's also this really weird, super-specific thing my friend showed me.
Oh I can just make those boxes way bigger on that one. Lemme do that.
Some weirdness stemming from Lenny and Nightmare Legion.

The lunge only goes as far as Double's opponent's position, if they were to jump over her or otherwise not be vertically at the same level as Double, the first hit of the super will come out. If this first hit strikes Lenny by himself the weirdness begins. The second hit of the super will come out as if the super did not whiff that first hit.

If the second hit connects on the opponent's point or assist, the super will continue as it normally would, despite not confirming with the first hit.
If the second hit is blocked by the opponent's point (regardless if it hits the assist or not), the super will start doing the beatdown but will stop after the first hit. I don't really know what +/- it is since the game won't output that information to me.
If the second hit doesn't hit the opponent's point, Double will carry through with the super with Lenny as a target. The super will spontaneously end when Lenny blows up and Double is able to block the explosion without fail unless she is in the middle of a vulnerable attack frame, it depends on how much HP Lenny had when Double started. If the opponent's point is close enough to be caught in the ensuing beatdown on Lenny or on their assist, no +/- information on the blocks will be output although blocking rules still apply (blockstun applied and Double can cross up the point character with a few of the strikes).
A weird bug happened when trying to connect to another player. Running latest pc version. I didn't see this reported anywhere after a quick look but sorry if this was reported already.

After finding someone in quick match and after hitting the button selecting okay to start the match, the both the text "waiting for other player" and "Please Wait... Posting skill Values" appeared on the screen. I tried to screen cap it, but only one of the phrases appeared so I seems that the game was rapidly alternating between the two. After about 30 seconds I hit lk to make sure the game didn't crash or anything and it brought me back to the versus menu. I'm not sure if it was something I did or whoever I connected to that prompted the bug.


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not sure if it was intended but the shackles around Painwheel's wrists ans ankles change to a different color when doing a buer it matches the color of the lightning sparks for her charged normals. EX: Color 12 (Sentinel) from purple to pinkish Color 22 (Spiderman) from red to white. Does this to all colors
I might be the only person that cares about this, but in the background of nightmarecrest there's trees that have been visibly above the ground since the stage has been playable (none of the trees are really touching ground but they mostly look like it). It's not something that bothers me but it is something I notice every time I'm watching sg and someone picks this stage, which happens a lot when there are certain players that pick exclusively this stage.

I put in some blur and maddenvision just to make sure

then I made a quick fix to see if I could

with just blur and no madden. I fixed the foliage next to the offending tree for the most part, but those didnt stand out as much to me.

Also after the opponent beowulf's chair lands on the ground and you do giant step it makes a hit sound, I believe the same thing happens when you take off your head as fortune, then remove fortune from point and then giant step.

This might be the same problem as 'reversal backward' or it might not be a problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯... but with Val in some occasion I have reverse normals like cLK.
Example: after a jMP jMK(1) jHP fastfall cLK, cLK looks the other way.

Or weird stuff with sMP, like first part of sMP hitting and the second part going reverse or doing the opposite whiff(opposite side)>then auto-correct hit.
This on happens after a beat extend assist or after jMP, I'm clearly on one side, but I guess cause it takes one mall step it auto-correct.

It happens like once in a while, so not big issue but still a bit annoying. It looks weird at least. It's often with cLK and sMP and never happened with cLP or other move. I guess it can happens with cHP due to the big step too, but it feels normal.

I thought I had the replays activated but nope :/, I'll try to find one and post it here.
I saw this a while ago but I never tested it, sekhmet flips around after being hit with sneeze during cartouche.

edit: happens with all sekhmet stuff as long as the head is attacking from behind
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Pc beta: i am the host and i see stuff like ggpo data...

First i thought i was dreaming numebers so i took 2 screenshots.

PC Beta:

I found a bug with Val's alpha counter where you can snap back on the first frame she lands on the ground even if you are using throw assist for a special move assist. I don't know if other characters can do it too but from the little testing I did with it it only happens with Val.