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General Bug Report Thread

I found a bug with Val's alpha counter where you can snap back on the first frame she lands on the ground even if you are using throw assist for a special move assist. I don't know if other characters can do it too but from the little testing I did with it it only happens with Val.
Can't get it to happen, would you be willing to do it in Versus and send me a replay file?
Its hard to replicate in a match but I can make a video in training mode and upload that.

Edit: I did some more testing and found that it doesn't work with throw assist but it does work with other specials like dead cross but not Vial Hazard.

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I'm pretty sure I found this after the last "last" patch but it might be a good idea to maybe fix now.

if you successfully counter with a vial loaded, but dhc out at/before the counter's followup hit the opponent gets poisoned (level 3 I think), the interesting part is that when you bring val back in you still have the poison and when you load a vial you're at three (probably has something to do with counter always causing level 3 of whatever poison you have).

heres a replay.

also probably known and probably unrelated, in replays of typing of the skullgirls the spectator is made to type whenever a super happens please don't type anything correctly I messed up almost all of them and if you do it right p2 will probably die too fast


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This is something that I honestly should've realized was not intended behavior a long time ago and now I feel like a goddamn idiot for overlooking it all this time...

In retail, every time I play Quick Match I am always on P1 side, always. I'm guessing this is some networking issue, probably Linux specific, where I may be failing to connect any time it wants me to be P2? Lobbies work fine on either side, it's only QM that's like this.

On beta QM will put me on either side just fine, so whatever's the issue it looks like it's already fixed there, but I just wanna note it here anyway just to make sure it's definitely known and that this fix makes it into retail.
P1 and P2 are decided by who joins and who hosts.
If you search for a match and find nobody, it will make you host and say waiting for opponent (P1)
If you search and someone was already waiting, it will join their lobby and you will be right side (P2)

Are you saying you're never able to join someone elses QM lobby?

Take someone you play with and make them search for a game in middle east and set it to "Only Mine" and then you join second, see if you get P2.
Yup, never. I have never been P2 in QM on retail. So I guess that means I'm unable to join someone else's lobby.
Yup, never. I have never been P2 in QM on retail. So I guess that means I'm unable to join someone else's lobby.
"Take someone you play with and make them search for a game in middle east and set it to "Only Mine" and then you join second, see if you get P2."

Did you try this?
I'm pretty sure I found this after the last "last" patch but it might be a good idea to maybe fix now.

if you successfully counter with a vial loaded, but dhc out at/before the counter's followup hit the opponent gets poisoned (level 3 I think), the interesting part is that when you bring val back in you still have the poison and when you load a vial you're at three (probably has something to do with counter always causing level 3 of whatever poison you have).

I've seen this happen too, in fact I thought it was intentional same as with Lv3 giving you back vial Lv1 at the end of the animation. This was in the game much more before the last "last" patch, I can remember this from more than 6 months ago.
I've seen this happen too, in fact I thought it was intentional same as with Lv3 giving you back vial Lv1 at the end of the animation. This was in the game much more before the last "last" patch, I can remember this from more than 6 months ago.
except you lose the poison if you let the animation end normally. This is what makes me think its not intended, because if you dhc out you get the benefits of landing a counter + the dhc out + because the point character isn't valentine you can't get rid of the poison.

Just making sure that its known, since even though it has a minimum meter expenditure of 3 meter and isn't something I've ever seen someone use, its fun but it doesn't seem entirely fair. Also, it doesn't give you the "you got a poison vial big toxic symbol" that shows you're getting the vials like after level 3 and regular load. Also it doesn't seem right that the level 3 gives you +1 vial and dhc'ing out of counter gives you +2.

overall it feels good but it doesn't feel intended.
I did some more testing and found that it doesn't work with throw assist but it does work with other specials like dead cross but not Vial Hazard.
Yeah. You can kara-cancel specials that overlap with snapbacks, into snapbacks. For example QCT+MP -> MP+MK snapback, because if you did QCT+MP~MK you would expect the snapback.
So this can be done as alpha counters too. The bit I was worried about was doing it off a throw or something without an overlapping motion. :^)

I have it on the list to fix, but it's not easy is all.
except you lose the poison if you let the animation end normally. This is what makes me think its not intended, because if you dhc out you get the benefits of landing a counter + the dhc out + because the point character isn't valentine you can't get rid of the poison.

Just making sure that its known, since even though it has a minimum meter expenditure of 3 meter and isn't something I've ever seen someone use, its fun but it doesn't seem entirely fair. Also, it doesn't give you the "you got a poison vial big toxic symbol" that shows you're getting the vials like after level 3 and regular load. Also it doesn't seem right that the level 3 gives you +1 vial and dhc'ing out of counter gives you +2.

overall it feels good but it doesn't feel intended.
I know you lose it if the animation ends normally. I was referring to seen this happen when you dhc out of counter as you mentioned. After Valentine is back she will have Lv3 vial regardless of what level I had when I countered; maybe because the counter does the exact same damage for all 3 vial levels. I knew about this when I was practicing my timing for the counter and noticed the vial was still there if I dhc'd out. And yes, Lv3 gives you +1 vial of the type you had before you use the super, but if you don't have any vial it will give you lv1 poison. Once again, I thought this was intended so I didn't bother to comment about it before.
PC Beta 8/5 Patch

The training dummy doesn't ground tech wulfdog and da grendel killa after OTG
press slam sometimes too after OTG
Steam, Endless Beta, Linux, Build 14608

Not sure if it's a big deal or not, but i've noticed that when the game is paused in Single Player (Arcade/CPU Quick Match, I can't test Story Mode for obvious reasons) if you choose "Exit Game" the game unpauses for a frame while it transitions to the next menu (Try Again/Play Again/Exit to Main Menu).

It doesn't break or crash anything mind you. It's just there.
Bursts occuring 90f or more after the first burstable hit will be safe, whatever hit they chose to burst.
Bursts occuring 90f or more after the first burstable hit will be safe, whatever hit they chose to burst.

Sorry, thanks for informing!
Doing Big Band's s.mp xx H Giant Step frame trap doesn't advance the IPS stage to stage 3 like doing raw H Giant Step normally would. Instead the combo remains in stage 2 until Big Band goes to the next chain.

Also, doing s.mp xx H Giant Step s.mp xx H Giant Step will cause the second H Giant Step to behave as if sound stun had already been used even though it's not part of the same combo.
Also, doing s.mp xx H Giant Step s.mp xx H Giant Step will cause the second H Giant Step to behave as if sound stun had already been used even though it's not part of the same combo.
Soundstun probably doesn't refresh until one frame of neutral passes.
Common issue with once per combo things that have 1F gap like calling assists, kancho, soundstun, BFF(?)
this has been plaguing me since I first started playing this game (albeit very rarely).
I finally have a recording with inputs to prove I'm not crazy.
This seems like a bug to me, is it not?
After a few matches with @Zidiane we discovered that if you call an assist and block when the solo opponent snaps the assist and the point character is still blocking the health does not return. is this a bug or intentional?
After a few matches with @Zidiane we discovered that if you call an assist and block when the solo opponent snaps the assist and the point character is still blocking the health does not return. is this a bug or intentional?
After a few matches with @Zidiane we discovered that if you call an assist and block when the solo opponent snaps the assist and the point character is still blocking the health does not return. is this a bug or intentional?
I....think that's actually a bug. Let me check.

It's a bug. Fixed!
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The heck was that? Was double dashing during Biggie's superflash, causing some weird momentum shenanigans when it connected? Did some abortion of proper physics happen at some point during the DHC because Biggie pushblocked? I don't even know what to think of that, the delayed sound doesn't make it any easier to figure out either.
The heck was that? Was double dashing during Biggie's superflash, causing some weird momentum shenanigans when it connected? Did some abortion of proper physics happen at some point during the DHC because Biggie pushblocked? I don't even know what to think of that, the delayed sound doesn't make it any easier to figure out either.
Sorry about the sound. It seems like Double was at the very edge of lvl 3's range, and the hitstun pushed her back enough to let her get out of the second hit.
This happens both in retail and beta. It seems if you are close enough during nom then the head flies in front of Fortune rather than behind her. With this setup I got it to consistently go in front of Fortune when I started off facing to the right but when I started off facing the left it would go either way.
Just a few minor bugs I've come across recently:

In beta, when playing 1v1 and ending the first round with Val's level 3, it usually does not let you pick your vial load type. I was able to get it to load a non-purple vial once, but not sure what I did differently.

A menu bug in beta. If you leave a lobby, it takes you to the first versus menu, as opposed to dropping you back in the lobby browsing menu (like it does in retail).

In both retail and beta, you can start a local tournament mode game with only 1 player assigned a controller, leaving no way (that I can find, at least) out of the controller configure menu.

Know that all 3 of these bugs are pretty obscure and none are game-breaking or anything, but hope that reporting them helps!
Sometimes all the flying rocks seem to teleport in the background of Marie's stage. You can see it at 0:20 in my combo video here:

Not sure what triggered this, but it makes it look like I cut to a separate combo recording ;_;

edit: here's the original recording I used for that combo, in case it offers any more information. You see the bug at 0:52 in this one:

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I don't know if this is a bug or if its intentional but after doing a grab with Bella on peacock in the corner her trajectory went up instead of across.

Didn't happen the other times I grabbed her in the corner either.

Well I'll add this here since things that I think are intentional are not.
It keeps bothering me how Valentine's s.Lp~Lp~Lp fails on crouching Valentine, Filia/Fukua and Double. The first hit will be successful and the second one will always fail breaking the combo and leaving you open to punish. The hitbox for these crouching characters seem slightly lower than they should; not even Painwheel or Peakcock have that issue even though they're smaller.

I don't think this need a replay, does it?

Ninja edit because I seem to forget how to type correctly at 1 am.
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Well I'll add this here since things that I think are intentional are not.
It keeps bothering me how Valentine's s.Lp~Lp~Lp fails on crouching Valentine, Filia/Fukua and Double. The first hit will be successful and the second one will always fail breaking the combo and leaving you open to punish. The hitbox for these crouching characters seem slightly lower than they should; not even Painwheel or Peakcock have that issue even though they're smaller.

I don't think this need a replay, does it?

Ninja edit because I seem to forget how to type correctly at 1 am.

This is already fixed in beta:

"Add back-of-the-head vulnerable boxes to crouching Cerebella, Filia/Fukua, Valentine, and Fortune in hitstun/blockstun/idle, and increase their height when necessary so that test-case moves all hit in the corner. (me, various)"
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for the longish time the fire effects (and sounds) of squigly's j.mp and (recently) cr.hp stick around after they've been cancelled until to what I can only guess is the move's natural length.
I was playing very well against nightmare difficulty AIs when enemy Beowulf decided to just use this wolf dash upwards all the time. Tried moving him or something but the only thing that cancelled it was hitting him(well obviously throw could stop that).

I found a trivia.
You can move the cursor to lower-right vacant room from left in a lobby. It doesn't happen if from upper side.
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Discovered a new bug, I think? With Cerebella, and I assume other characters who use charge moves, the charge seems to be maintained when crossing someone up with a normal. So, if someone is jumping at me and I'm holding downback, I can c.mp under them and then Battle Butt them from the other side by simply imputing forward (from where I started) and then my command.

I just discovered though that this is only the case if your normal isn't chained into (I think?). So, if someone is jumping at me as Bella, and I do s.lk, c.mp, and try to Pummel Horse, my charge move doesn't come out. I don't know if the switching to the other side just eats my charge altogether or what, but this is a weird thing that I hope can change to not eat my charge?


edit: Well, it's not chaining into a move. c.mk, s.hk charge move works. And if I get it just right, c.lp, c.mp crossunder will work. It seems like it's just s.lk?
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The fourth step of Beowulf's 3rd trial (s.LK>s.MK>c.HP) says that I finished that step before i actually did the c.HP. Purely visual for that step only, the Airwulf says it's finished in the correct manner.
Kara-cancelled cMK will have the ant disappearing before actually leaving off the right-hand side of the screen, but not the left.

It vanishes at around where Peacock's back foot is.
Well this is in retail so I'll post here.
Sometimes Painwheel's s.HK fails to hit on standing cerebella at short range, the hitbox is really small but it only fails on her, I've never seen it failing in other characters.
Here's a capture and replay, this happens at sec ~70 so you don't have to look for it. (Pending until I found out how to upload a replay) Edit: Finally done.

Also, is that line around Cerebella's horn thing and hair on her right side of the face is supposed to be there or is it a clean up error?

Another thing is, happens a lot that if I alt+tab out of the game the game would freeze and my computer will not respond. The game hangs in a black screen with nothing on it. I can't alt+tab back, end task with task manager (I can open the manager but I can't access it since window persists on top of everything) or close the game with alt+f4 or any other method, basically my only option is to log off or restart to close the application. I can't capture this since I can't close the game or do anything after it happens, but if it's useful I play the game at 1920*1080 at full screen with 3D backgrounds on.


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Found a parry bug:

If Big Band switches from parrying to blocking in the middle of parrying moves that don't cause parry hitstop like Inferno Brigade or Catastrophe Cannon or H Beam, he gets hit.

Furthermore if I mash buttons and mash forward while parrying these moves the buttons will not come out until the parry finishes.
So, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not (I couldn't find anything in any patch notes about it), but I was crunching some numbers with Valentine's poisons, and noticed that Val's green poison subtracts Drama, even if it's not a counterhit. Lv. 1 subtracts 25, Lv. 2 subtracts 50, and Lv. 3 subtracts 100. This also stacks with actual counterhits. So an HCH cancelled into Lv. 3 green poison puts the opponent at -200 Drama.

This seems like it could be a balance thing I could have somehow missed and didn't get written down anywhere, but I'd prefer to bring something like this up in case it's somehow accidental.