If you have the time then you should build your own computer. People get intimidated by this, but in reality when you put it together it's actually almost as easy as putting together legos.
The only "hard" things are money and what parts to buy, but once you have a budget and a list of parts you've checked are compatible together then you're fine.
The great thing is that since you're buying the parts individually, the computer will be much cheaper and much more powerful than any pre-built computer in its price range. Also since it's custom-built, on the top of the fact that you know the insides of your computer so you can work inside it easier, it will be much easier to work inside the computer (swapping out parts, doing fixes, etc.) than compared to most pre-built computers as a lot of the time pre-built computers' insides are difficult to work in since the companies don't want you in there and instead want your money through customer service/warranty. This also means if your computer is starting to get slower in 5-10 years, rather than buying an entirely new computer you can just swap out the parts that are slow as needed. That also means you save money too! To top it all off, you're learning the insides of a computer which really helps you out, especially if you do something computer-related in school or for work.
Note that Skullgirls doesn't require a very powerful computer at all so I don't recommend you setting your computer power to that. Instead I would rather aim higher so your computer can handle much more, perhaps other games you may be interested in in the future. What's your budget anyway?
Also here are some sites you can check out to help you out:
http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc - Help/tips/guides/part recommendations (I highly recommend this!)
http://www.tomshardware.com/ - Help/tips/part recommendations
http://www.overclock.net/ - Help/tips/part recommendations/overclocking help
http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-cpu-review-overclock,3106.html - Best CPU for your money guide
http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107.html - Best graphics cards for your money guide
http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales - Alerts for sales on parts
You are also free to ask for some help here too since I'm sure me and a few other people would be willing to help you out with building your PC.