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Guilty Gear Thread

we'll need a pump to clean up all of Sano's load that's for sure
that's no tru-oh who am I kidding? OTL that's pretty much what would happen to a T....

cell shaded Jam thighs.....
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I think they'll do version updates instead of full games this time around. They did the same with BBCP and P4A2, their most recent games (yeah, I know they're sequels but they're not making sequels to those).
Dizzy will make me very happy.

Still second (at best) to my dear, sweet homunculus.
So I suck at guilty gear. Haven't played since X2 reloaded. That was a good 11 years ago, and I sucked then. Now, sell me on this game, because although I did suck back then, the soundtrack was still awesome and it was fun to play. This shaping up to be just as good?
Watch some match videos. They'll give you a better idea of how the game plays. All I can say is that if you're interested in a game it might be better to get into it earlier on so you aren't overwhelmed with the amount of learning you'll have to do when the character roster is twice as large and dozens of minute changes have been made to move properties that you won't have a basis for understanding.

I mean, if you want to ask whether the game is "shaping up to be just as good" as X2 Reload, I think the unanimous consensus would be "no", half-clouded by jaded nostalgia but otherwise sincere based on inspection of the game's systems. Simply put, a lot of the design is contentious and a lot of GG fans might feel like they're focusing on the wrong things, or taking the series in the wrong direction, etc. It's hard to top ^Core+R and I think a lot of the negativity is out of concern that Arcsys has sold out or something. I'll let you be the judge of that.

Also, Potemkin is dirty nigh-unsalvageable low-tier apparently.
I see what you're saying.
I was just meaning in general but if you wanna get on the Jam's thighs fan club train theres plenty of room. :)
Ain't no room between those thighs.
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Jam's voice is annoying. Imagine what they'd do with her dub voice.
Jam's voice is annoying. Imagine what they'd do with her dub voice.

Christina Vee confirmed English Jam.
Jam has a pretty generic voice. Anyone could work, really.
I am actually Jam's voice
I used my best baritone that I could to capture the somber intelligence and quiet determination of Jam

This fucking guy.
how does it feel to voice the fifth best character according to eventhubs?
I used to play Baiken and May way back in the day, so no Baiken kinda makes me sad. Jam was a lot of fun too but I never really properly learned anything from her. Oh well guess if I get back into this I'm gonna rock May.
here's all you need to know about Jam:

if you're not doing her flying kick every other move, you're playing Jam wrong.
Generally a lot of the fanbase has a lot of problems with Xrd because, besides the whole character complaints thing, a lot of the mechanics just make a lot of people think "why". Stopping time every time someone does an RC just makes the game feel rough in terms of match flow, and Danger Time just flat out sucks as a mechanic and everyone is wondering why they wanted to include it at all (killed all hope I had for the game myself, really). That's not even getting into in-depth things like Potemkin going to bottom tier because modern ASW doesn't want to make a good grappler for some arbitrary reason, Eddie being more stupid good than ever before, YRC causing a ton of problems with match flow and footsies, etc. The community will still probably play this entry a lot when it comes out because that's what they always do, but if you want a genuinely good game then just stick with Accent Core +R.
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Oh well guess if I get back into this I'm gonna rock May.
yeaaaaah east coast may club
which waifu should I play

or Sin????
(all of them until A.B.A.)
tbh, I actually legit like Jam in terms of how she plays more than how she looks.

like, the first time I played her, it's like she was being built as I played. all I was doing was button mashing her, and she felt like a character I liked.

I like some of the other GG characters but none of them clicked to me like Jam.
So I suck at guilty gear. Haven't played since X2 reloaded. That was a good 11 years ago, and I sucked then. Now, sell me on this game, because although I did suck back then, the soundtrack was still awesome and it was fun to play. This shaping up to be just as good?

I think from what little (very little) is out there is that if you like GG, you'll like XRD.

There seem to be 3 major complaints:

- It doesn't have "my" character. Seriously, there are a lot of much loved characters missing: A.B.A, Dizzy, Testament, and on.

- New RC dumbs it down. Though, again, from what little I've read, it is less controversial than most people thought. I've zero hands on, so I can't speak to it more than that.

- The clash system is dumb.
I think the only real issue with Xrd is Danger Time because it's too much of a random variable in a competitive fighting game. The rest of the issues are easier to adapt to: Hellfire is just like Rage mode in Tekken 6, only the damage increase is for Overdrives (which I don't see people use that often); new RC's do mess with the flow of the match but it gives the user some time to think; and just assume everyone got a health boost and most of the health value has been pushed to last ~30% of the bar.
As for the lack of x character: remember SFIII?
I think they'll do version updates instead of full games this time around. They did the same with BBCP and P4A2, their most recent games (yeah, I know they're sequels but they're not making sequels to those).
Ha. I'm fully expecting those to show up as new games in their own right when they hit consoles.


I wasn't really getting that vibe from people on Dustloop. Sure, people have complained about Danger Time and characters/balance, but I think the general consensus is that the new RC system is a pretty great simplification of the old one, since it not only allows classic FRC stuff like Gun Flame FRC with a much wider window than the often single digit frame window it was before, but also enables newer, crazier things like the Potemkin airdash or DI YRC.
I think the only real issue with Xrd is Danger Time because it's too much of a random variable in a competitive fighting game. The rest of the issues are easier to adapt to: Hellfire is just like Rage mode in Tekken 6, only the damage increase is for Overdrives (which I don't see people use that often); new RC's do mess with the flow of the match but it gives the user some time to think; and just assume everyone got a health boost and most of the health value has been pushed to last ~30% of the bar.
As for the lack of x character: remember SFIII?
Health values are actually the same as in reload, but you are right, pretty much most of the health values are at the end of the bar, making guts look more powerful than it actually is
I wasn't really getting that vibe from people on Dustloop. Sure, people have complained about Danger Time and characters/balance, but I think the general consensus is that the new RC system is a pretty great simplification of the old one, since it not only allows classic FRC stuff like Gun Flame FRC with a much wider window than the often single digit frame window it was before, but also enables newer, crazier things like the Potemkin airdash or DI YRC.

Yeah this is the point I was getting at above. I've read of much more praise or indifference to the RC system than I have negative feelings toward it.

Danger Time however... That said, it sounds like it just slows down the rushdown of the game. The risks are generally so high, that it seems like people just back off. But I've not heard a lot of favorable things about it.
As an extra kick to the nuts, the whole game's pace was slowed down to accommodate Danger Time.
As an extra kick to the nuts, the whole game's pace was slowed down to accommodate Danger Time.
I just wish Danger Time weren't random. If there were set conditions, I think I'd like it more.
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I remember earlier on during development, at around the time they had the first playtests and the reveal trailer, the game's clash system was completely different and utilized some sort of rock-paper-scissors hierarchy based on the strength of the moves that clashed.

Then they completely scrapped that because it sucked and replaced it with Danger Time. I have the suspicion that the game was slowed down to accomodate that clash system, because I see no reason why the game needs to be slower to have "lol everything is fatal counters for 10 seconds". Sounds like they desperately wanted to include a new mechanic and ran out of ideas so they just went with Danger Time. I'm really hoping that it's not there in the next installment.
I'm really hoping that it's not there in the next installment.
Every Arc series tends to be pretty busted in the first iteration. Like GG1/GGX/GGXX and BBCT for example. Then there's Hokuto and Sengoku Basara.

This is pretty much the reason I'm not too broken up about not having a ps3. When -SIGN- #Reload or whatever comes out, and it will, then I'll look into getting Xrd.

In the mean time, I'll probably youtube the story mode when that happens.

Yeah but if you look at something like BBCT there wasn't really a frame of reference to compare the game to and be able to say, "X mechanic is a blatantly bad idea". Danger Time isn't like CT's mechanics because it's just a plain old bad idea, on paper and in execution. It's not like you have to play the game to realize, "this was really dumb and doesn't work". I seriously wonder why they included it.

I guess ultimately it's rare enough that it shouldn't be too big of a deal, but it's really annoying just watching a great match and all of a sudden DANGER TIME.

Also, I'm willing to bet that later installments are going to be PS4-exclusive, so don't go running out and buying a PS3 yet.
I think the reason that people think everything's slower than in the past is that the only really fast GG games are AC/+R, and since those are the ones that show up most often at tournaments, people tend to forget how slow Reload (which Xrd is based off of) really is.
Reload is pretty fast lol. Xrd definitely is slowed down a bit, but not enough to proclaim "lol shit game" after a while I didn't notice the speed change on the beta
Erin Fitzgerald is Ramlethal's VA. Sweet!
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I really like her, people think it is flat but I think it fits her a lot