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Guilty Gear Thread

I think the P on bottom K on top is to make chain combos make sense for finger positions. First finger gets punch, second gets kick, third gets slash, etc. It's definitely odd going to that from SF, but it does serve a purpose.
This way you have one finger for each important button without having to move at all.

Ok i think i get it now. You guys are using your thumb to press the K button?

Yeah i hate that. I stopped doing that for single button presses years ago, i hate activating specials with my thumb or anything complicated using my thumb. I use my thumb for skullgirls 2 button vertical inputs such as throw and tag or manual assist calls and that is it.

Well, its cool knowing where the disconnect was coming from as far as the argument was concerned, you guys dont mind using your thumbs for single button inputs and i do.

Its all good :)
Thanks for the advice guys :) it did help a lot though probably not in the way you expected, it was still very helpful nonetheless and helped cement my decision on which layout to go for.
One important key factor I learned about the GG Xrd universe.

You can spawn puppies.
LE copies finally came in the mail today... Game's fun but the PS3 version looks worse than I expected it to. Haven't tried online yet.
LE copies finally came in the mail today... Game's fun but the PS3 version looks worse than I expected it to. Haven't tried online yet.
Though, not "significantly" worse but definitely watered down from the PS4 version. It still worth it for either system tbh, though I have not played it online my self recently. Just finished the Story Mode today.
Glad I'm using a 720p monitor so I won't know how "terrible" it is compared to the PS4 version.
I'm so glad the LE comes with the codex. Makes catching up to the story that more convenient.
Glad I'm using a 720p monitor so I won't know how "terrible" it is compared to the PS4 version.
I'm so glad the LE comes with the codex. Makes catching up to the story that more convenient.
The one thing I noticed right away was how "Fuzzy" the character outlines looked compared to what the Trailers showcased, which was most likely on the PS4, also I believe the shading is more aligned and darker in comparison.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. It looks "softer" than the trailers. But that doesn't really bug me.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. It looks "softer" than the trailers. But that doesn't really bug me.
I agree. If anything, it gives it more of the Classic "themed" look previous installments of GG had.
Does the PS3 version have any performance issues? I've heard about the framerate taking a chug on certain stages, and certain moves effecting it as well.

I hope somebody makes a comparison vid sometime soon, cause I have yet to find anything, not even screenshots, that compare the two versions visually.
Does the PS3 version have any performance issues? I've heard about the framerate taking a chug on certain stages, and certain moves effecting it as well.

I hope somebody makes a comparison vid sometime soon, cause I have yet to find anything, not even screenshots, that compare the two versions visually.
I did not personally experience any heavy issues concerning gameplay, though through my first playthrough I noticed a slight frame drop on one of Bedmans animations.
Does the PS3 version have any performance issues? I've heard about the framerate taking a chug on certain stages, and certain moves effecting it as well.

I hope somebody makes a comparison vid sometime soon, cause I have yet to find anything, not even screenshots, that compare the two versions visually.
There are but so far it seems pretty much confined to challenge mode and online.

Not sure about stages affecting it, offline I haven't had problems yet, multiple transparent effects may be a problem but hasn't been for me.
There are but so far it seems pretty much confined to challenge mode and online.

Not sure about stages affecting it, offline I haven't had problems yet, multiple transparent effects may be a problem but hasn't been for me.

Have you played on the ps4 version yet?
Have you played on the ps4 version yet?
Nope, I have hardly ever even seen a PS4 in person at this point. I've only seen Xbones because a few people sometimes play KI.
Fuzzy outlines might be a result of the engine on PS3. I think Unreal Engine 3 has the capability to render the scene at a lower resolution percentage and then upscale it, resulting in a blurrier look but faster performance (UT3 does this). I strongly suspect the PS3 version of Xrd does this for the 3D scene during gameplay (but apparently not during cutscenes), meaning that the game might not actually be running at 720p. Or it could be something entirely different and I don't know what I'm talking about. I've noticed that changing the graphics settings from "Performance" to "Quality" doesn't change this.

So far I have not encountered any performance problems but I've barely had the game for a day. But I know that for the next version, if I actually get it, I'll probably buy a PS4 for it.

So yeah Sony, your plan is working.
Well since some people have gotten their games feel free to add me so we can get some games in. I might open a lobby tonight, so if your interested add me and I'll send out invites tonight when I get off work.

EDIT: I'm on PS4, but people can still join if they want.
Whenever the PS Store updates, Leo, his system voice, and the free Christmas colors (free until Jan 13th) are out today.

Color sample:
Probably going to mess around in Challenge and Arcade mode to get used to GG again before I even think of jumping online for real, but I'm up for some matches just to see how the netcode in this game is.
While I picked up Leo (he's $7.99 btw), I downloaded Elphelt and unlocked Sin, who's become my new favorite. Now to practice before I ever even think about touching online play.
Hey. So I'm playing Xrd, right. Little things keep bugging me, so I started to write them down so I'd stop focusing on them and be able to focus on learning the game. It's helped, and I've ended up picking Potemkin (he has the fewest things that bug me). But, I ended up noticing quite a few things about Ramethal, so I've come to the conclusion that she's poorly put together. Here's the stuff I wrote about her, cause I don't know what else to do with it. Maybe someone will say something about something that'll make her bug me less.

No transition frames for the swords. It's really weird on certain animations. I know the same thing happens with many other characters in many other games (including this one), but with her swords being so big it ends up particularly jarring.

Most of the moves involving her hands are really weird to me. She has her arms by her side under her cloak, yet for certain moves within a frame her arm phases through the cloak. Is especially weird when looking at 5K, since her arms can move around without having to phase through the cloak.

Her command grab also looks really awkward, with how she glides backwards. She shows none of the movement you'd expect from someone gliding backwards (neither her hair, her hat ears, or her coat so much as flutters (they all move around in her standing and crouching idles)). Feel like the move would have looked better without the glide.

She walks on air, but sometimes she doesn't.

What are those little lines that show up on her idle if she stands for too long...?

She looks like she's farting if she crouches for too long.

Her 2HS doesn't look right; up close, the hit comes before the big ground shake of the sword crashing into the ground. The entire back half of the move doesn't do anything, despite the groundshake that had me at first thinking the move hit twice.

Several of her ground chains (why does she have 13 lettered combinations?!) force her to stand afterwards, despite holding down, yet only some of them actually count as her standing. You can tell if she "stands" by looking at the sword: the swords are up if she's standing, but if she's crouching, rising, or descending then the swords are down (test this by teabagging as hard as you can: the swords will stay down if you are fast and low enough, meaning you're crouching before she can finish standing). 2PP forces her to stand, 2KK forces her to stand, and 2KP looks like it forces her to stand but the swords don't move (meaning she doesn't actually finish standing) despite the p being the same move that forces her to stand in 2PP. 2KPK and 2KPK/2PPK both force you to stand mid move, so I don't actually think I mind as much with those moves.

Having to hit downforward and P at the same time for Dauro is a silly thing. Why couldn't those properties just have happened on counterhit (not that I like counter hit specific properties)?

Maybe this is just cause I played Skullgirls, but it's really weird not being able to jump cancel moves that launch the opponent (5P4K). I'm sure this isn't Ramethal specific, but still.

I wish her 6S/6HS were 236 motions instead, so I could hold forward and do attacks.

I kinda don't like that her crouching chains don't come out if you're holding downback.

Her dash seems like it should stop sooner. It catches on opponents around her waist, where it looks like it should stop around her shoulder, or maybe her chest.
IIRC Ramlethal is the only character with the whole P/K chain combo gimmick. Having those in addition to two attack buttons essentially dedicated to using her swords makes her feel less like a Guilty Gear character to me and more of a weird mutant hybrid of ideas from other games. What other characters have you tried? I'm guessing you tried all of them and stuck with Pot because he's cool.

As for Dauro requiring precise downforward+P... again, it reminds me a lot of Blazblue for some reason.

Xrd in general so far feels a lot more rigid with really specific attack properties than XX to me (more like Blazblue, and I feel like a lot more of my inputs are being eaten), but I never played at a higher level so what do I know.

Jump canceling is really specific to certain moves per character. I'm not sure what you mean by this part but generally the only dedicated launchers in GG are standing Dust attacks. Otherwise if you want to follow up with air combos you have to land certain attacks under certain conditions. So for instance let's say a certain attack will only have enough hitstun to give you a guaranteed follow up if you land it on CH, or if the opponent is already airborne. I don't play Ramlethal so I'm not entirely sure of the specific move you're referring to but I'll take a look later.
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I just found this and....
Bedman's personality...
How do you even describe it?

Brilliant is the word that comes to mind for me but, I think that would be an understatement
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Poetry is power son
Slayer sounding like an immortal Sean Connery is something I'm totally ok with.

Now to determine if its also a stealth Highlander reference too.
Just got my LE from the store. It's so pretty, just wish I didn't have to have an arguement with some guy in there who was trying to buy my copy of it (paid it in full prior, so yes, it was mine).
The dub of Guilty Gear is very good, and I appreciate it.
Just as good as Blazblue.
Maybe a good dub is what GG needed for me to get into it.
Even though I like subs more, I guess I like understanding what they're saying in battle.
This is my thoughts on it. I'd chalk up most its issues more as coming from the direction than the VAs themselves since we know their work from other things.

But what's up with Potemkin? Doesn't he have a voice filter effect in Japanese or something? And Sol & Venom are just really off. Everyone else is fine.

On the upside, Dizzy sounds great. :)
Potemkin's voice filter is dumb
but Kirk Thornton is an odd choice, regardless
Doesn't the Japanese dub have the same voice actor for Faust and Potemkin?
yeah they do
I'm honestly not sure why they thought that the down pitch was a good idea when there's like
a billion japanese VAs that can do a deep and smooth kinda voice for Pot
Doesn't the Japanese dub have the same voice actor for Faust and Potemkin?
Yep. Also the announcer in GGX as I recall.
Maybe they were on a budget. Or maybe he's so good they signed him up for three roles.
He was actually a pretty small time VA at the time of GGX, so he was probably cheap enough that they could toss him whereever they needed
How are Faust's items generated? Do they all have the same chance of coming out or do they have differing rarities like Peacock's items?
Chipp's the president of some kingdom, not entirely sure.