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I loved the original trilogy, I loved ODST and I loved Reach. I skipped 4 because it seemed far too early for it to have been anything but a cash grab, although I still played it at friends' houses and it was certainly very pretty.

It wouldn't surprise me if what 343 are doing now is phasing out everything from the previous Halo games (Cortana's gone, the promotional art for Halo 5 certainly raises concerns about the chief) to turn the franchise into what they want while keeping the name that sells consoles on the box. I'd probably still pick it up pre-owned or something if it didn't involve having an Xbox One though, just out of that spark of intrigue.
That Guardian undertitle is soo unnecessary. We already have Combat Evolved that was also (IMO) unnecessary!

At least it's not Halo 5: Revelations.^^;

I loved the original trilogy, I loved ODST and I loved Reach. I skipped 4 because it seemed far too early for it to have been anything but a cash grab, although I still played it at friends' houses and it was certainly very pretty.

It wouldn't surprise me if what 343 are doing now is phasing out everything from the previous Halo games (Cortana's gone, the promotional art for Halo 5 certainly raises concerns about the chief) to turn the franchise into what they want while keeping the name that sells consoles on the box. I'd probably still pick it up pre-owned or something if it didn't involve having an Xbox One though, just out of that spark of intrigue.

Yup, I won't be pre-ordering this new Halo especially after what happened with 4, but I'll let them try to fix things. I do wish they made their own franchise from the ground up. Microsoft just gave them free reign to do whatever they wanted with Bungie's baby, but with all these changes they should have called it something else.
At least it's not Halo 5: Revelations.^^

Thats part 2 of Halo 5. Originally it was supposed to be a 2nd trilogy. But saw more $$$ and making it a saga.

Personally. I liked h4...on the Campaign front. Im interested to see where they take Chief. I am hoping to god they clean up that multiplayer. I hear wind they pulled in some old school halo pros to help and they got some head guy who worked on Starcraft 2 matchmaking, for the mp side. Ill be grabbing it regardless, but my ear is definitely to the ground on it.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

More info here: http://kotaku.com/the-halo-hd-collection-is-real-comes-with-halo-5-beta-1583465968/all


...And I mean that in a good way.^^

It's getting harder and harder not to want an Xbox One, and I'm not even excited for Halo 5 yet. :/
so apparently the collection has all maps ever of all time in it

i have no idea how the playlists will be set up to contain all that
I'll wait until it's out on PC when Microsoft needs to try and push their next sinking operating system.
Why haven't we talked about the greatest sport ever invented? (Besides Wrestling)

Why haven't we talked about the greatest sport ever invented? (Besides Wrestling)

technically, grifball is the greatest sport since itself


i never really got into standard multiplayer in halo, but i love playing grifball.
Well, if there is anything Halo 4 multiplayer did right. It was how you passed the ball in grifball.

This and Team Snipers. That mode should have been in the game since the beginning. If I don't see Team Snipers in a playlist on launch for both Master Chief Collection and Halo 5 I'm gonna be very sad. :(
This and Team Snipers. That mode should have been in the game since the beginning. If I don't see Team Snipers in a playlist on launch for both Master Chief Collection and Halo 5 I'm gonna be very sad. :(
We all know grifball has to be in halo 5.

They even coded in hammers into halo 4 for it even though the game has no brute enemies.
Well, if there is anything Halo 4 multiplayer did right. It was how you passed the ball in grifball.
That's a huge game changer and I'm sad that I'll never be able to experience it.
Rooster Teeth Expo had a panel a bit ago about Halo Master Chief Collection.

-Halo 2 Anniversary Maps actually seem to have their own sandbox(addition weapons, slight differences from Halo 2s) So its best to think of these new maps as whole new/updated Halo 2 experience. Old button combos(BXR etc) do not work on H2A maps. But they still work in Classic versions of those maps.
- COAGULATION Confirmed as a Remade Map

-Gungoose(Mongoose with a Gunturret on the front, teased a Gungoose CTF gametype, lol) added to the H2A sandbox. As well as the Assault Rifle, Silenced SMG, damage increase on pistol, movement speed increase, probably other stuff I am forgetting.
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Halo 2 Anniversary cinematic trailer:

And some footage from the Halo Nightfall episodic series (This is the Ridley Scott one happening alongside Halo 2 Anniversary, the Spielberg one is happening around Halo 5's launch):

Yeah, pretty hype time to be a Halo fan.
Don't worry! I'm coming with old Halo news from Gamescomm!
First. Videos.
^ FULL Presentation.
Key Stuff Below

Rek's most hype things: HALO 2 RANKING SYSTEM RETURNS FOR MCC's MULTIPLAYER!, HALO 5 GOING BACK TO ARENA SHOOTER ROOTS(notably with Fair Starts) BETA FOCUSING ON 4v4 GAMEPLAY, SANCTUARY IS BACK! AND AMAZING LOOKING!, H2A Sandbox tweaks look fun and interesting, Mother fucking Halo Channel, goddamn.
How am I able to survive this fall without Xbox one?
But at the same time, is it worth just for the Halo francise? Becous that's the only game I'm looking forward to Xbox one.
How am I able to survive this fall without Xbox one?
But at the same time, is it worth just for the Halo francise? Becous that's the only game I'm looking forward to Xbox one.
well it still is a re-release, so its not a big wait since the only "new" items in the game are the redone cutscenes.

maybe wait for more on Halo 5? its what i'm planning on doing.
did you see the new gravemind cutscene? holy crap they changed from the fly trap look to the snake-like concept art from the Halo 3 manual

and it looks HORRIFYING and i love it.
^ IGN's First Look Halo Channel. They've been covering the game all month long.

^ MoreConsole, youtuber recently been covering Destiny for quite a bit. MS Sent him a copy of Halo Master Chief Collection...This is the ENTIRE Gravemind level. Cutscenes and all.
Remaking the Legend – Halo 2: Anniversary Documentary

Hour-long documentary of the history and behind-the-scenes of Halo 2 Anniversary. It's an Xbox video so you'll need to install/enable Silverlight as well as sign in to a Microsoft account to view it. You can't preload or download the video either, it's stream-only and in hi-def so you'll need a fairly stable internet connection.

Someone will probably upload a youtube version later though so if it happens we can just post a link to it in this thread.
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Remaking the Legend – Halo 2: Anniversary Documentary

Hour-long documentary of the history and behind-the-scenes of Halo 2 Anniversary. It's an Xbox video so you'll need to install/enable Silverlight as well as sign in to a Microsoft account to view it. You can't preload or download the video either, it's stream-only and in hi-def so you'll need a fairly stable internet connection.

Someone will probably upload a youtube version later though so if it happens we can just post a link to it in this thread.

They did it for us.
Leaked Halo 5 Cutscene.
Arbiter is back :3


I think this is either the opening cutscene of one of the levels in the Masterchief Collection or it's one of the terminals. I don't think it's a terminal because those are supposed to be animated pieces of concept art, not full CGI animations like this. Also, when he hits the pause button (well, the menu button, since the cutscene still keeps playing), notice that the level he's playing on is The Heretic, with the broken Halo ring graphic. That's the first 'level' in Halo 2 and is just the opening cutscene for the game.

They said they would be showing Arbiter and Locke talking, so I think we'll be seeing these scenes in-between Halo 2 Anniversary levels on top of the original cutscenes. There will probably be a flashback in this scene where Arbiter shows Locke some history tapes then it cuts to Halo 2. This is all supposed to lead up to Halo 5.

Great find though. It's awesome to see Arby again.
Halo 5 is getting thruster packs back and they're gonna be super important

hopefully, with a quick dodge move as standard, Halo can finally have good boss fights

edit: apparently on winning a match, a spartan will do the Dark Souls "Well What is It?" pose.
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Halo 5 Videos.
Beta Dec. 29th. to Jan 16th, Need MCC to get in.

Movement Options look wild for Halo. Im glad EVERYONE has access ALL of them.

EDIT: Yes. Frank O Connor, at the end of the Dev video. just shit talked everybody.
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man, i was even thinking about getting an xb1 for master chief collection this xmas, but if even half of the reports i've read are accurate then i can only say one thing:

Got caught up in playing through all the campaigns. Friend and I trying to Complete them on legendary.

Our conflicting schedules make this difficult. We are on Halo 2, Sacred Icon.

The MP I've played has been good ol times, when it worked. I've yet to play with the new patch. Busy :/
man, i was even thinking about getting an xb1 for master chief collection this xmas, but if even half of the reports i've read are accurate then i can only say one thing:


It's a few days old (the patch is already out) but I thought it was pretty funny:

But yeah, online is still a mess for most people even with the patch.
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