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Help Advertise Indivisible!

Okay, then I think we should start with those contacts of Max and Rooster's.
If you say so, but if the campaign doesn't start rising faster anytime soon, I have a feeling Pewdie will be brought back up again anyway. Now then, who wants to contact who?
For what it's worth, I asked Lythero (near 60k subs on youtube) about streaming the prototype and he said he'd have a video on it soon.
Yo i did that First. Lee is like a friend of a friend. Heck I even twisted his arm... I MEAN, encouraged him to play SG.

He's bad at the game but he loves Beowulf.

I beat up Lee on stream.... I think he was sad, but also happy at the same time.
I can't do much but I'll go ahead and fire a tweet to their twitter. Someone paw the main RT site (as I've never visited it on this laptop, it'd take an age to load with my shitty bandwidth) for that contact info
Well guess we'll just have to wait for that. what should we do in the mean time? My connection isn't to great right now either, so does anyone else have that RT contact info for Kit?
I beat up Lee on stream.... I think he was sad, but also happy at the same time.

Oh yeah, I remember that 0:
Alright so Max read it! He said he hasn't played the prototype yet, but he plans to get to it at some point. He's been retweeting things about it and hopes for the best for Lab Zero.
Hope he doesn't wait too long..

I fired a tweet off to RT's Twitter. Normally I wouldn't do this but I'll leave the tab open to see if I get any replies.
They give a little context when you write the email, might want to mention the IGG campaign, and how the gauge interest crowd funding model has had a negative effect on companies who actually need the money. Also keep in mind that they don't play the games during their shows, they talk about the games they've played recently, so if they talk about Indivisible it would be in post after they've played the prototype.
why I'm leaving that stuff to you guys XD Our biggest weapons so far is Nick and MikeZ's Videos, as they are VERY informative on both the campaign and the game itself
Alright, I'll see about writing the email to RT, but that probably won't happen until tomorrow, so if someone else wants it done faster/has any professional writing experience, feel free to help/write an email yourself.
Apperently I was right. I tripped across this on Facebook.. which lead me to the Twitter post:
if anyone is near where this "MCM Exo" is happening, maybe you can pitch the ideas at their booth
good idea. Remember, they probably won't take it seriously if it comes off as a desperate attempt to promote a game, instead mention Lab Zero's crowdfunding campaign in context/contrast to Shenmue's recent interest gauge campaign, and maybe stress the point that it harms smaller companies in need of crowdfunding revenue and we are already seeing an example of that with Lab Zero. Also Funhaus did a Dude Soup podcast episode on it a while ago and in that twitter post, the guy in the box appears to be Adam Kovic, one of the members of Funhaus, it looks like they're there as well.
People it might be a good Idea to poke SuperBunnyHop

The guy likes looking into things and reporting on it. So he might clear up/ tell people about Indivisible.
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I agree, but I'm going to be a bit busy for a while and I don't know how or where to reach him. Who's up to the task?
So what I'm getting here is first to contact Max Dood, then try Rooster Teeth (maybe after the weekend if they're at a convention now), then try Mark because subscriber base and connections to Game Grumps, and as a last last last resort, we REVISIT the Pewdiepie subject.
...why do you need a plan of what order to contact people? Why not just email them or whatever now instead of endlessly circling about who should be emailed first?

"I'm too busy to do it" doesn't hold a lot of water when everyone in here has a dozen posts in the last day or so.
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This is true. I get back home I'll start getting to it. the thing with RT is, I want to time it so that I can be more confident someone will get it/read it.
...why do you need a plan of what order to contact people? Why not just email them or whatever now instead of endlessly circling about who should be emailed first?

"I'm too busy to do it" doesn't hold a lot of water when everyone in here has a dozen posts in the last day or so.

Been trying to contact SA [Nearly 2.5 million subscribers now] about this since they done several videos in the past on SG especially during the campaign

but don't want to spam them at this point since that would be counter-productive and blacklist my email in the process. Might help out if more of us bug them about it. It helped that SG IGG was happening back when their Hard News segment wasn't cancelled yet. Now their content is more reaction video based with entertainment stuff.
jesus the old Hard News... Try em out. They might be willing to take at least half a look at this.
Could somebody please collate Mike's Battletoads footage from last night into a vid? Seems like it could be popular amidst the nostalgia crowds. Thanks!
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Could try to get LK to give a shoutout to Indivisible like he did with Skullgirls. He is friends with the SG VA and played matches with them.

Would probably require more people to ask him then just me since he can get flooded with discussions.

Honestly a good start would be literally look back at all those that gave SG IGG the time of day on social media and remind them L0 has another game happening. I doubt we covered a significant fraction of them yet.
I think now may be a decent time to ask TotalBiscuit to check out the game. I'm going to send him a short message.
I think now may be a decent time to ask TotalBiscuit to check out the game. I'm going to send him a short message.
Heads up- based on his history, and that "Here's how a game gets featured on my channel" vid, it looks like he isn't into Metroids or JRPG's... or games that aren't finished yet. However, he did like Strider and Guacamelee, and the prototype can be cleared pretty quickly (good for "Need to make a vid in a hurry"). You can also mention that Jim Sterling liked it, since I think they're friends or something.

For reference/redundancy, here's the vid:

And, of course, there's a good chance he's still busy taking care of his cancer treatment. Which, terrible as it sounds, could actually increase his likelihood in playing the prototype, since it can be cleared pretty quickly, giving him more time to take care of himself. Using his tragedy to push our cause seems really, really dirty, though, so be careful.
Using his tragedy to push our cause seems really, really dirty, though, so be careful.

We aren't doing that though?
He's free to ignore it completely if he thinks we do (just like he would be without his current health issues), but our intent is certainly not to use his personal matter as a means to achieve anything. In my opinion, if this is his work, he will know not to get too emotionally invested in the things people write/send/suggest to him, especially considering the enviroment he works in.

With the utmost respect, this may sound harsh and I understand and especially know the situation he's in, but if I were him I wouldn't draw any connection between us suggesting a game to him and him being sick - be it a positive or negative connection - the two are unrelated to each other.

That said, fuck cancer yo.
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connection between us suggesting a game to him and him being sick - be it a positive or negative connection - the two are unrelated to each other
Fair enough, and I'm probably over-thinking it and worried about nothing. "I know you're busy lately but this doesn't take very long" could come across as "busy with work and this will make your job easier" (good) or "busy with personal and you don't have much time" (bad), so it seems like something that could easily come across badly. Seems to me like a social minefield, at least; other people more familiar with his situation might not be as concerned.

I'm just saying, this seems like one of those cases that needs discretion and tact. Like, a lot of tact.
I don't know guys. In the first 4 minutes of the video Biscuit states that the most likely way to nab his attention is to have "Review Code" or something similar. Unfortunately Indivisible is just a prototype, a free one at that, He's not going to waste his time playing a game and then making a video out of it if everyone else can do that by themselves.

Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't try, all I'm saying is don't be surprised when he turns it down or flat out ignores it.
Please don't ask Total Biscuit. I've already reached out to their media contact; he's already declined because Indivisible is not a complete game.
Ah well there we go... Thanks!
Please don't ask Total Biscuit. I've already reached out to their media contact; he's already declined because Indivisible is not a complete game.
If you're allowed too, can you maybe share with us media outlets (Youtube people, news places) that was already contacted by the team and if it was successful or not? Would be some very helpful info and would prevent some over "zealous" looking pestering.
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Oh cool! I just noticed that the Timespinner campaign gave Indivisible a mention today on KS! That's a smaller group, but definitely full of people that would enjoy the prototype.

Did Joe Mad ever shoutout Indivisible on the BC page? I think after a couple more mentions from other campaigns, Indivisible should have a sizeable awareness from the KS crowd.

Speaking of which, I was happy to see on the Shantae page that some Backers were trying to ease people's concerns about using IGG. We should definitely do our best to kill that "Big Bad Wolf" mentality a lot of people still have about it.
If you're allowed too, can you maybe share with us media outlets (Youtube people, news places) that was already contacted by the team and if it was successful or not? Would be some very helpful info and would prevent some over "zealous" looking pestering.
I've received no other responses from others that I've contacted and have yet to cover us. Take that as you will.
I've received no other responses from others that I've contacted and have yet to cover us. Take that as you will.
That doesn't tell much... If you can't say who you've messaged, then that's ok. But if you can, please let us know if you do hear anything (They'll report/make video or they won't)? it'll help out our cause to help you ^_^

@jam1220 can you please spoiler the post.
So Tiyuri from Chucklefish tweeted he was interested in throwing money at cool indie games. I threw him a link to the fundraiser and said the prototype might be worth checking out.

No idea if it'll pan out but no hurt trying, right?
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