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How do you think Marie will play?

Swinging your wheeled vacuum around like a ball & chain? Amazing.
Is this attack as big as it looks? That's like, a lot of space, lol.
My dreams are coming true, the demonic vacuum cleaner is getting some action.
Now, if only The Skeleton would make an appearance...
Ahh the only things I truly wanted from Rachel Alucard were spinning attacks and George equivalent and I think I'm going to be pleased <3<3

edit: baiken button
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Swinging your wheeled vacuum around like a ball & chain? Amazing.
Is this attack as big as it looks? That's like, a lot of space, lol.
Probably goes without saying but looks to be some sort of air special move? Could just be a normal attack as well but for some reason I'm more leaning towards it being a special move
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Probably goes without saying but looks to be some sort of air special move? Could just be a normal attack as well but for some reason I'm more leaning towards it being a special move

I considered this too, but after Black Dahlia's "Death Pendulum" (j.HK) turned out to be a Normal, I dunno what to believe anymore, lol.
I considered this too, but after Black Dahlia's "Death Pendulum" (j.HK) turned out to be a Normal, I dunno what to believe anymore, lol.
Tbh, you're probably right. If anything, this is probably Maries J.Hp or J.Hk similar to Black Dhalia and tbh, they're probably not that far yet
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Abit unrelated but any news on Marie lately? Been a while since we heard anything since that last animation gif they posted
they probably still working on her but maybe they might have something to show sometime down the line
Yesterday was quite a day!

In order to celebrate their TikTok reaching 200,000 followers, Skullgirls social media accounts have begun sharing early (in-progress) Marie footage!

We now see what will likely be her position on the Character Select screen, as well as an air normal and her standing throw (presumably).
The blue flame effect looks really cool! And I like how the body/tank of her vacuum seems to move as a separate element during her walk animation; it doesn't quite move at the same speed as her walk.

As pointed out in another thread, one of the mat variants from Marie's aerial attack bears her new sigil/icon. That is to say, playable Marie's sigil differs slightly from Boss Marie's sigil:
The heart on playable Marie's icon is broken.

The new icon on the Character Select screen:
Blood Marie New Sigil.png
The original Boss icon:

The first clip also seems to suggest that Marie will be getting a new action shot/portrait art for her playable incarnation!

Personally, I was a big fan of the original one, though...
Bloody Marie New Portrait.png

One interesting comment pointed out that this artwork seems to lack the iconic skull irises. Interesting...

Exciting stuff!
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That is to say, playable Marie's sigil differs slightly from Boss Marie's sigil:
I guess, it kind of further implies that they're going to differentiate playable Marie from boss Marie even more.
And I like that, I really hope that playable boss Marie will be kept where she is, without the newer version taking her place.

I think, the new art we're getting is backing up the information we got from the last year's Marie teaser. Both in terms of the story and gameplay. I really love that sort of integration.

Also, her moves look great. Can't wait to try it out myself.
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skeleton finally joins the crew!
I was thinking about a chance getting The Skeletons into her moveset at this exact moment.

I can't be happier.

Well, maybe only if Banana Fukua will become even more canon.
I guess, it kind of further implies that they're going to differentiate playable Marie from boss Marie even more.
And I like that, I really hope that playable boss Marie will be kept where she is, without the newer version taking her place.

I think, the new art we're getting is backing up the information we got from the last year's Marie teaser. Both in terms of the story and gameplay. I really love that sort of integration.

Also, her moves look great. Can't wait to try it out myself.

Might be wishful thinking on my part but I'd like to see them at least update her boss to be a bit more....engaging. I'm honestly not really sure what the right word to describe Maries current boss but as it stands, its not very fun to play against imo. I'm fine with the boss being different from how fights are normally played out but I feel like they need to spice it up some more if that make sense. As of right now, all the current Marie boss does is do her best Peacock cosplay and filling the screen with garbage (Amount of garbage varies on the difficulty level) while also taking forever to take down. Idk know though, this is just me giving my silly opinion so take it with a grain of salt
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So I'm not sure if anyone else noticed but on frame 1 on when she started to block, a skeleton appears to guard her
and right as she begins her attack on beo it seems like she's able to use that same skeleton to go for an overhead attack

Also, a reminder that we got this clip of some special move / normal attack about a month ago
I could just be over analyzing a cool animation detail but it seems like she'll be able to acquire or summon minions like the skeleton in the clip in various ways and be able to use them to attack with, similar to the move she used after the skeleton appeared to guard her. It also looks like these summons alters her normals/moves in various ways which is a pretty interesting mechanic. This is obviously subject to change within the next few months but so far looks very interesting and can't wait to see more. I'm hoping she'll play similar to Rachel Alucard (BB series) or Dizzy (GG series) where she has various amounts of summons and can use them to zone or as set-play tools
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you guys think that she will be a charge character or nah?
and right as she begins her attack on beo it seems like she's able to use that same skeleton to go for an overhead attack
Pretty sure the block skeleton is a separate skeleton from her overhead. She pulls the latter out of the ground.
The latest Marie gamecplay clip dropped and holy crap. She actually can summon her skeletal Stand in couple of her moves and looks like this is proof that in my opinion, she's gonna fight like Orie and she might actually get her Orie palette during development judging on her first combo video. But minus the Spirit Ball for her Lv. 3 super we saw because Orie never executes her Spirit Ball. But it is outrageous and amazing that Marie is getting it.

Holy crap, this last video was crazy, lol.

Looks like Marie's Normals yield plenty of mobility! This attack in particular caught my attention, as it seems to lurch her upwards:
Canister Toss.png

During the aerial sequence leading up to The Great Ball of Fire, it looks like Marie performs an air-dash or double-jump to continue her combo.
Can't help but wonder if she may get additional air-mobility options.

Speaking of:
The Super-Flash suggests it might be a Level 3, but Marie has an air-Super! And it's a projectile!
Fingers crossed that it can be reflected. :P

Giggling, kicking my feet right now.

Tenchi Tsuken.png
I know this might be abit of a silly question but since they just decided to throw everything out on the table, I'm assuming this means we won't be getting anything else until they release Maries Alpha right? Just curious since they never really said otherwise but I guess it would be common sense since they shouldn't have anything else to show off. Also, will the Alpha be sometime in the summer? Maybe after or during Evo perhaps?
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Also, will the Alpha be sometime in the summer? Maybe after or during Evo perhaps?
Well, last year Black Dahlia had her playable alpha premiered at Combo Breaker. I can't see why something similar can't be done with Marie's release.
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I'm assuming this means we won't be getting anything else until they release Maries Alpha right?

A comment from the Skullgirls Twitter stated that they intent to share gameplay clips daily.
For how long? We do not know.
Will they all be Marie-centric? Also uncertain.

This notion sounds pretty crazy, truthfully, so I'm curious to see how they go about it. Though we can't exactly know how far into development she is, either...

That said, yesterday's clip focused a bit more on the laser-firing-skeleton summon initially shown in that bombastic combo clip:
Looks like the distance and direction the laser sweeps can be determined by input! And the bow is cute.

edit: because i enjoy doing these:

If I may, could I ask you to share your updated spread in this thread too, pretty please?
If I may, could I ask you to share your updated spread in this thread too, pretty please?

i got you, buddy.

i'm wondering if she's also going to have dragonball dash/mobility. A lot of stuff looking dbfz to me.

edit: i'll try and keep this post and the over-analyse one updated.


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Sitting in a hammock and am blessed by dust bunnys. Looks like a solid move.

Setup bunnies like george xiii and get rewarded with a multihit. Reposition bunnies with (some or all?) vacuum moves. Shown crouching light has a wind effect on it. I'm doubting a wind effect for the bunnies like Rachel, given she has the repositioning with normals. Is Bunny a 46 charge input? (Dare I pray a 64 like vatista? Looks like she has a 6hp and lots of multi hit aerials.)
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Sitting in a hammock and am blessed by dust bunnys. Looks like a solid move.
Is that a Monty Python or Mortal Kombat reference?

Anyway, Marie's moveset is shaping up to be amazing. So many amazing elements (maybe, we'll finally get a flamethrower?).
Beowulf Lets Go.jpg

Is Bunny a 46 charge input?
All that crouching does make one wonder...
Looks like Marie's already got a few tools to endanger you at multiple distances. And the bunnies lock you down on-hit??? Her Assist game 'bout to be crazy.

Not quite gameplay, but:
It's cool to see that Marie has a "fidget animation" (wiping her apron) during her crouching idle! Or maybe her crouching idle animation is just long. Either way, neat to see.
No one else seems to have anything like this, right? Understandably.
It's really just a pun. Dust bunnies are random clumps of dust you find in your house, so it just fits with Marie's maid theme.
I know about that, I've seen that quite a lot, my house is a pigsty.
I felt that the dust bunny's attack looks quite similar to Kitana's Animality in "Mortal Kombat 3" (which itself might be a reference to a certain Monty Python movie).

I mean, there's already a couple of nods to MK in the game. One more wouldn't look that far off :PUN:
A new video got me intrigued.
Another assist? Nice.

Kind of makes sense, because Marie's minions usually don't wear any clothes anyway.
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A new video got me intrigued.
Another assist? Nice.

Kind of makes sense, because Marie's minions usually don't wear any clothes anyway.
fun fact the thing who does the punch is actually hilgard the skeleton with a bow it was confirmed on twiiter
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Isn't "Hilgard" a name we've heard/seen before???
A new video got me intrigued.
Another assist? Nice.

Kind of makes sense, because Marie's minions usually don't wear any clothes anyway.
Ain't no way right????
If this ends up being Marie's version of Parasite takeover I might actually pass out from all the hype. I know its still way too early to say for sure but from what I can tell it seems like it works very similar to it and it would make sense imo
not at all, it's a temporary animation that's been put in because it resembles what the final animation will be

it'll be replaced with a giant skeleton punch when it's done
Isn't "Hilgard" a name we've heard/seen before???
Yes, he was the guy who ran/owned Marie and Patricia's orphanage.

So it appears that Hilgard summons are gonna be a key part of the moveset, similarly to Parasoul Egret and Eliza servant summons.
Ah, that's where Marie gets her scythe from beyond just rule of cool.
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Yes, he was the guy who ran/owned Marie and Patricia's orphanage.

So it appears that Hilgard summons are gonna be a key part of the moveset, similarly to Parasoul Egret and Eliza servant summons.
Maybe there'll be a third attack that summons him, with each different attack corresponding to what "strength" of button is pressed during the command, sort of like those two characters' own "summon" moves.