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How do you think Umbrella will play?


Savage Bypass
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Cerebella Robo Fortune
Reposting this!

"According to the old notes she draws inspiration from Holy Order Sol, May and Shuma-Gorath. But we don't know if these inspirations are still being considered. Someone who was watching one of Umbrella's streams said that she may be inspired by Venom (MvC) too?"
Ah looking over the animation streams I can confirm she has Vemon Bite, now is this a charge move idk, but it's pretty likely. The range and attack power of that move is likely to increase as Hungren starves.

There is an item toss like move as well and i think it will go in an upwards ark much like Fukua's Heavy Fireball.

Over all, she's going to most likely be charge based and a food meter that slowly drains over time or when moves hit, a special that has Hungren bite down on the opponent to feed to help replenish the meter and moves changing and buffing specials depending on how hungry or full the meter is.

So not quite Order Sol but in that same ball park.
Regarding Venom, it's just the one move which seems to be inspired aesthetically by Venom Fang from MvC2. Not really sure how much the actual move will function like its inspiration though, or if her kit would even have other specials that are similar to Venom's apart from that one.

Ah looking over the animation streams I can confirm she has Vemon Bite, now is this a charge move idk, but it's pretty likely. The range and attack power of that move is likely to increase as Hungren starves.
Someone was eagle-eyed enough to spot that there was a note on the move that it would either be a QCF move or a charge-back forward move.
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Someone was eagle-eyed enough to spot that there was a note on the move that it would either be a QCF move or a charge-back forward move.
aye I was betting on the move being charge just because she's the little sister of Parasoul so thematically it only makes sense.
My hope is that she’s practically the opposite of her sister. Just like… Absolute unga bunga caveman compared to Parasoul’s more conserved and elegant movements.
Oh, I wanna repost here too!

Post on Steam discussing Umbrella's inclusion and planned gameplay:


I'm so excited to see how Umbrella will evolve throughout development once she enters the beta!

The Steam post states that she's meant to be a character with limited mobility but great range. Umbrella joining the cast is all I've ever wanted, but as a Filia main, I fear she may be far beyond my comfort zone, lol.

The team's begun running animation streams again! In one such stream, the Senior Animator worked on a special attack that looks very similar to Venom Fang (MvC). It even seems to travel in an arc. Shown in this tweet:

During another animation stream (the one held on 6/9), the Lead Animator worked on one of Umbrella's Blockbusters. It straight-up looks like Mystic Stare (MvC):
The text at the top reads "FULL SCREEN ATTACK".
Umbrella Blockbuster.png

On another note, I think it'd be cool if they give Hungern a manner of consuming/negating projectiles.
a food meter that slowly drains over time or when moves hit
I'm not sure about this because this would make her the first SG character with a UI-based mechanic, which is something the character designs have stayed away from even though some characters had stuff that would qualify for those. I don't think they would have implemented the different Hungern idle animations if they wanted to use a meter to display hunger level.
I'm not sure about this because this would make her the first SG character with a UI-based mechanic, which is something the character designs have stayed away from even though some characters had stuff that would qualify for those. I don't think they would have implemented the different Hungern idle animations if they wanted to use a meter to display hunger level.
I don't think having a "hunger meter" mechanic necessarily mean having a UI display to show the meter. Beowulf also has a hype "meter" mechanic and that's not shown on the UI either. From what I understand, the UI engine doesn't support adding new UI elements to show character-specific meters right now, so yeah, I doubt we would get one for Umbrella unfortunately.
oh yeah I wasn't saying there should be a meter shown for Umbrella, but you could use EFX to show where Hungern is at food wise. Like a colour flash or something when they do a special move.

overall I think Umbrella is going to be great just like Annie.
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Yeah, from what we've seen, her idle stance indicates which hunger level Hungern is at, but I wonder how well that would do in a frantic game like SG. Everyone is moving around at such a pace that I'm not sure how long or often we'd see her in idle stance lol.

The other day when they were showing off Umbrella's colour map, it looks like Hungern has a palette feature for blood vessels around his eyes, so maybe something like how bloodshot his eyes are will help to indicate hunger?
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There's been some talk going around about possibly adding UI for resource characters. Maybe they are planning on doing it for Umbrella, and once that groundwork is there it could be backported to previous characters.
The other day when they were showing off Umbrella's colour map, it looks like Hungern has a palette feature for blood vessels around his eyes, so maybe something like how bloodshot his eyes are will help to indicate hunger?
It seems likes Hungern's eyes will constantly be visible, so I agree that they could totally be used to indicate Hunger Level. However, Hungern is shown with half-closed eyelids while STARVING, so that might need a little more than color map work.
If not a meter, than maybe just an on-screen symbol could help indicate Hunger Level?

Someone was eagle-eyed enough to spot that there was a note on the move that it would either be a QCF move or a charge-back forward move.
I forgot to add this before! Here's the concept sketch for the "Venom Fang" attack, seen during that animation stream (I apologize for the small size and poor quality):
The text at the top reads "Proposed input: QCF HP or charge B, F HP"
I cannot read the handwriting beneath the sketches.
Umbrella Fang concept.png
from what i understand implementation on UI elements indicating resources are being worked on and i wouldnt be surprised if she got one just because. tbh i wouldnt mind assuming its worked in nicely which im pretty sure wont be a problem. Not big on charge motions but id maybe consider it with her if she's fun enough. Hungern looks amazingggg.
On that note, it is interesting that "Hungern Fang" is a proposed to be a move on either QCF/F + HP, which implies that that there should be other similar moves on LP and MP as well, that use different animations? Sounds like she's gonna have a lot of specials.
Here's a normal I'm really looking forward to seeing in action: Umbrella's jumping Heavy Kick.
It was seen during the first animation stream, animated by the team's Lead Animator.
The text reads:

- Multiple hit twirl in front and behind.
- Overhead (first hit only)
- Easy restand?
- Might muck with momentum, might not, need to play with it. No art requirements to facilitate that!
Umbrella jHk.png

It think it'd be neat if it works similarly to Robo-Fortune's j.HK (Aerial Screw), with the ability to alter Umbrella's aerial trajectory/momentum. But with this attack's (likely) relatively low hitboxes, it could be good for jump-ins. Combine this with the attack hitting on both sides of her with an initial Overhead hit, and this attack alone might give Umbrella some pretty gnarly mix-up and cross-up potential.

(Of course, all attack properties are totally subject to change.)
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seems she's a technical (Hunger meter) & moreso opportunistic/punisher type (big heavy moves/etc) im guessing so id bet it'll mess w/momentum since most punisher/opportunistic players have some sort of aerial normal to throw off timing.

I wonder what the fastfall implications would be or how far she can fly? get the feeling it'll be floaty & fairly 'tight' in movement tho big movement would be nice. Can only imagine her walk/dash jump-speed/arcs hmmm...
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So Persona-sama streamed animating of a big water blob falling and hitting the floor into a puddle.


Not really clear what the animation is for and I didn't stay for the whole stream so not sure if any clue was dropped. But it looks like the drop starts as a a big floating liquid sphere. My guess would be either:

- Umbrella's equivalent of Parasoul's Napalm Tears. Some kind of projectile that persists on the screen and acts as a trap (Bonus points if they call it Hungersnot)
- Something similar to (Mortal Kombat) Rain's water orb, which she could envelope the enemy and hold them in place, or some other properties
New stream from Kinuko animating an Umbrella special.


I can't be bothered to make a gif of it but you can skip to around the end of the stream to see the animation loop lol.

From the look of it, probably a command grab. It animates from her standing idle but interestingly she does a hop when doing the actual move, so could be air-OK? Hungern chews up whatever he eats and spits it out afterwards.
probably missed a good few things, but here's my guesses atm.

didn't include the presumed super from old sketches where hungern shoots a shower of projectiles, because i didnt see anything of it in teasers. It does match an existing "spin the umbrella" bit tho.

hard to guess her moves with those short limbs, and hungern there.


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I love all the little sketches they include in each stream announcement image, lol.

The potential tantrum attack and apparent puddle mechanic (?) immediately make me think of B.B. Hood's Beautiful Memory (Darkstalkers).
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some slick moves in the tease this week.

j.dive - maybe spinning ala morrigan?
frog tongue - pull umbrella or target?

With the addition of frog tongue, i have to say umbrella is absolutely in my HEAD, and I love her more every time i see news.


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That is some eye candy.
The projectile's barrier-like appearance might suggest that it has a higher priority than opposing projectiles. Maybe it could even have reflective properties?
I'm surprised to see an electric (?) visual effect from her moveset. It looks really cool.
(edited bc i didnt notice someone already posted about it) That's straight up Aegis Reflector, could be a powerful funblockable all-around tool for pressure, combos and neutral/space control.

Earlier today in a discord someone mentioned the "Overstuffed" thing from the steam announcement which, got me to thinking "What if the full food meter mode gives her a super beefed up projectile and she turned into a secret zoner?" Maybe it'd be like the hungry and ravenous modes would push Umbrella more towards an aggressive, up-close style, but when Hungern is full she's totally chill to hang back and play more defensively.

I also got to thinking about what Umbrella's assist options will end up looking like, and I thought of different ways moves relating to the hunger mechanic would end up playing out in a match. With these I'm assuming that the hunger meter will be at mostly full but not overstuffed (maybe 60-70ish%) at round start:
  1. I assume will be most of her assists would be the moves that get stronger the hungrier they get. They'd be decent at round start, then get stronger as they're used more until you reach starving when they get much slower, limiting how often you can call them when you're closing in on the limit.
  2. Moves with bonuses when overstuffed, meaning you'd need Umbrella on point to feed Hungern until the meter is full before tagging out to get the most use out of this type of assist. I'm imagining this one would be the one that's strong for space control and zoning, but that role would probably go to Venom Fang instead.
  3. A move that feeds Hungern and fill up the food meter. If there's a grab or hitgrab move where Hungern munches on the opponent, I imagine as an assist it'd be like the inverse of the previous type where you'd want Umbrella on point to starve Hungern in order to get the stronger version of the move, after which his chomps get weaker since he's less hungry.
I'm hoping that the way Umbrella's moveset is balanced encourages lots of variety from the different hunger levels, both for on point and as an assist!
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I'm surprised to see an electric (?) visual effect from her moveset. It looks really cool.
Yeah, the electric/energy effect is a bit surprising to me. Although I was also surprised that Hungern could literally shoot out his eyes so I guess Umbrella just keeps surprising me lol.

Earlier today in a discord someone mentioned the "Overstuffed" thing from the steam announcement which, got me to thinking "What if the full food meter mode gives her a super beefed up projectile and she turned into a secret zoner?" Maybe it'd be like the hungry and ravenous modes would push Umbrella more towards an aggressive, up-close style, but when Hungern is full she's totally chill to hang back and play more defensively.
While I think it makes sense that Umbrella would gain access to some zoning tools in certain hunger stages, I'm not sure how viable she would be as a "full" zoner. The hunger stages seem pretty ephemeral at best and I think she could lose it quickly after getting out a few projectile moves which probably consume fullness / increase hunger.

That is some eye candy.
The projectile's barrier-like appearance might suggest that it has a higher priority than opposing projectiles. Maybe it could even have reflective properties?
I'm surprised to see an electric (?) visual effect from her moveset. It looks really cool.
It has to be named Eye Contact!... Maybe not, but it seems like a cool move
Also, the gif might be deceptive, because we see the projectile stay at the same distance as umbrella, but in actuality there's a good chance it will travel farther away and is more offensive than a deflector.
Read someone on Twitter call it "Iris Reflector", lol.

Y'know, considering the projectile's electric visual effects, I now can't help but wonder if it might have any specific interaction with the aforementioned water balls/bubbles and puddles...
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I'm not sure how viable she would be as a "full" zoner. The hunger stages seem pretty ephemeral at best and I think she could lose it quickly after getting out a few projectile moves which probably consume fullness / increase hunger.

Yeah, it most likely wouldn't be viable as her main game-plan unless you're specifically building a zoning team around her to give her room to eat ice cream, otherwise she'd probably be more of a mid-range character
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I don't see her being a zoner in any state. But there's enough large (likely slow) projectiles, you can see her as space controller like squigly.

Maybe she has a fast projectile once by expending her overstuffed state.
edit: removed weird link stuff

Even more moves from the animation teases! This girl is loaded.

- shallow dive kick?
- whirligig special/command normal?


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Even more moves from the animation teases! This girl is loaded.

- shallow dive kick?
- whirligig special/command normal?
Oh my, they are at the clean-up stage! That's fantastic.
I really love the Future Club streams. Such a nice insight into the process. Now I want to see Umbrella in action even more.
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It's likely those background sketches are move teasers, but they could also be cutting room floor move ideas. I'm thinking back to when Maj talked about his idea for Eliza's 2MK that didn't make the cut.
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It's likely those background sketches are move teasers, but they could also be cutting room floor move ideas. I'm thinking back to when Maj talked about his idea for Eliza's 2MK that didn't make the cut.
I agree but I feel like we are at the stage where all her basic moves should be finalised already, although it's entirely possible that they are padding out the banner backgrounds with old sketches lol.
it sure feels like a few too many to fit in a single moveset unless they're added as command normals
They were showing an animation for her f.LP last Wednesday so it seems like she might end up with a few command normals.
thanks for pointing that out! i thought it was a timeout or something so tuned out. Looks like a very arcsys 6p/a.

looking like she'll have as many command normals as her sister
thanks for pointing that out! i thought it was a timeout or something so tuned out. Looks like a very arcsys 6p/a.

looking like she'll have as many command normals as her sister
Lol yeah. I remember seeing her timeout already (the one where she is throwing a tantrum). I thought the range look like a s.LP at first but it it looks too "big" to be a jab but too short to be a strong/fierce. Thankfully we could see the file name and I saw it was named "6LP" :P
Given everything that's been shown so far, I guess any and all Bite attacks will be left to specials? As opposed to any normals? I always just kinda assumed that even Umbrella's normals would be affected by the Hunger Mechanic to some degree, but maybe not. That might be for the best, lol.