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How much mass does stuff have?

Broseidon Rex

Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Will Drop For Diamonds
Broseidon Rex
Someone asked this, so let's open up a discussion. Stuff we need to measure/estimate:
Vice Versa (Cute version/fighting version)
Annie's Sword
All the crap Valentine lugs around (including the dead body)
Life Gem
The Diamond Cerebella punches
The Trichobezoar

I think the first thing you need are measurements. Find out exactly how tall they are, then use that to find out the dimensions of other things in the game.
Squigs' ass has the mass that make you wanna crash
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Reactions: Dagwood
filia's thighs have enough mass to crush my head and that's all that matters
Someone's gonna say this sooner or later, might as well get it out of the way.

Add Val's tits to the list.
Squigs' ass has the mass that make you wanna crash
This forum is getting stale.
maybe if we had more characters to fetishize this wouldn't be a problem
Vice Versa (Cute version/fighting version)

I think at one point Alex said that Vice can alter the amount of mass he is,
so varying.

Annie's Sword

Maybe a little more than a normal sword, does DDB know if there's anything special about it, I was under the impression it was just a sword.


I KNOW this one's just a normal-ass chair.

All the crap Valentine lugs around (including the dead body)

Doesn't matter, she uses the ninja magics obviously.

Life Gem

Well I mean at this point the Life Gem's just a part of Fortune's metabolism, so not much.


Probably fairly weightless, it kind of looks like it's made of some kind of ethereal energy more than anything else, even if it's not bones are pretty light.

The Diamond Cerebella punches

According to wikianswers,

The Trichobezoar

Considering it's a giant mass of hair and bone I can see it being kinda heavy, but not as heavy as the diamond.
Big Band's .........

I KNOW this one's just a normal-ass chair.
It's unbreakable, that's it's only special attribute.
The Diamond Cerebella punches
I was insane enough to actually calculate this.


[above units are pixels; Cerebella and the diamond measured in the same scale; remembered to pay attention to Vice Versa and Bella's boot's heel when measuring her]

Cerebella's height is 5'6" = 167.64 cm (source - Skullgirls.com)
Density of diamond = 3.5 g/cm^3 (source - Wikipedia.com)

Now, the in-game art or the diamond isn't perfect (not as symmetrical as a real diamond would be), but in the calculations I assumed it is symmetrical and went from there.
Also, for simplicity, calculated fragments of the diamond as if they were cones/cut cones rather than pyramids/cut pyramids with many walls (the error in calculations is negligible).
No one in his right mind is gonna check this, but I made these for myself so I might as well paste 'em here.

Cerebella heigth:
5'6" = 167,64 cm = 509 pixels

Diamond density:
3,5 g/cm^3

Diamond Mass = diamond volume * diamond density

Diamond volume:
Green part (cone) + blue part (cut cone)

1) Green (cone) volume = 1/3 * base area * height
base area = pi * r^2
base area = 3,1415 * ((388/2)^2) = 3,1415 * 37636 =
green volume = 1/3 * 118233,494 * 179 = 7054598,475333333

2) Blue (cut cone) volume = Full cone (green) - 'missing' small cone (yellow)

2.1) Small cone (yellow)
1/3 * base area * heigth
base area = pi * r^2
base area = 3,1415 * ((222/2)^2) = 3,1415 * 12321 = 38706,4215
yellow volume = 1/3 * 38706,4215 * (179 - 68) = 1432137,5955

2.2) Blue = green - yellow
Blue = 7054598,475333333 - 1432137,5955 = 5622460,879833333

Total volume = green + blue
Total volume = 7054598,475333333 + 5622460,879833333 =
12677059,35516667 [pixel^3]

At this point it was a good idea to finally translate pixels (and cubed pixels) into centimetres (and cubed centimetres)

167,64 cm = 509 pixels => 1 pixel = 0,3293516699410609 cm
1 pixel^3 = (0,3293516699410609 cm)^3
1 pixel^3 = 0,0357256064257775 cm^3

Total diamond volume = 12677059,35516667 [pixel^3]
Total diamond volume = 12677059,35516667 * 0,0357256064257775 = 452895,6331589052 cm^3 (= about 453 liters)

Diamond mass = diamond volume * diamond density
Diamond mass = 452895,6331589052 cm^3 * 3.5 g/cm^3 = 1585134,716056168 g = 1585,134716056168 kg = 1,585134716056168 t

Diamond mass = 1585 kg = 1,585 t = 3494,62 lb
End conclusion:
Diamond mass = 1585 kilograms = 1,585 tons = 3494,62 pounds
End conclusion:
Diamond mass = 1585 kilograms = 1,585 tons = 3494,62 pounds
Cerebella is the best. Wanna take a shot at measuring speed of travel and velocity for the amount of force Cerebella put into the punch?
Cerebella confirmed weak sauce, bring it on gurl.
Dmn it, the first thing I was gonna calculate was the Diamond mass. CURSE YOU @Muro !!!
End conclusion:
Diamond mass = 1585 kilograms = 1,585 tons = 3494,62 pounds

Anyway, I don't wanna discredit your results but I think that's actually the Master Emerald.
And also,

On a more serious note, why doesn't she just punch truckloads of rock chunks into diamonds and be filthy rich for the rest of her life?
(This reminds me of that fan art of Fortune running off with the diamond but I can't find it... T_T )

Also for science:
- Sekhmet
- Eliza (seems my liquid body theory might be true)
- Staff of Ra
- Aeon's porn collection
- Sekhmet

Once again,
According to google the average weight of a human skeleton is about 20 pounds, if you wanna compensate for any organs that Sekhmet might have like a brain or such, probably no more than 50.

- Aeon's porn collection

Infinite and beyond your comprehension.
Should we count Eliza's body without a skeleton?
On this subject:

-Double as a teacup
-Double as a refrigerator

According to google the average weight of a human skeleton is about 20 pounds, if you wanna compensate for any organs that Sekhmet might have like a brain or such, probably no more than 50.
Well, Sekhmet is no ordinary skeleton.
She has eyeballs and a blood reserve in the thorax but her frame does seem slimmer than the average skeleton.

Should we count Eliza's body without a skeleton?
I did suggest considering them separately. And again, I think Eliza's body is liquid. Even the dress might just be a extension of it, as some of her moves seem to suggest.

Taking a look at the Waifu Wars page, here's some potential science head scratchers:
- Hungern (including how much it can digest)
- Marie's vacuum cleaner that can suck up corpses and synthesize them as a energy source
- Dahlia's cybernetic enhancements
- The space in Annie's fanny pack
- Ileum *shivers*
- Venus (the ultimate mystery given her true form is beyond human comprehension)