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I Feel like i wasted my money


New Member
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
So let me start this off by saying that i have played VERY few fighting games in the past and skull girls is the only one i have owned, and right now its looking like the one i will ever own.
i feel like i have wasted my money on this game, i even bought an Xbox 360 controller along with the game as i knew that the keyboard controls are never really spectacular on fighting games.

i really want to like this game, but without any real feedback here i doubt i will be launching skullgirls again any time soon.

i havent actually played much of the game, but usually i bail as soon as i see something wrong which is what i did see.
it was in the tutorial of all things where i saw that instead of reffering to actual buttons it was "LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK" ok cool, understand that, after a bit of experimenting i found the controls and memorised them (i am using the default control settings) in the next tutorial it was about dashing double jumping and the like, easy. but its the 5th and 6th tutorial lessons i have a problem with.

on the 5th tutorial it was trying to teach me about special attacks, but it failed it told me to do the combo "Left,Downleft,Down + K" now... wtf is K? it wasnt covered in any of the other tutorials, after trying the 5th tutorial with both the controller and without i cant find the "K" button, infact no buttons seems to do anything other than crouch, its not even listed in the controlls, is K kick? because #1: that should be clearer and #2 no its not kick, because none of the kick buttons work. there didnt seem to be any resources or anything online related to my problem, even on these forums. its like i was the only one having the problem

so after being stuck on that tutorial for about 20-30 mins, i admitted defeat, resigning myself to figure it out on my own. Ok, 6th tutorial lesson was about tagging in team members, simple enough right? nope.

it told me to tag them in using "MP+HK" or "HP+HK" wtf? why not just one of the many buttons that isnt being used? i realise that people on fight sticks dont have any more buttons, but atleast allow us to rebind it if we're using a controller or a keyboard. furthermore IT DIDNT EVEN WORK! MY CHARACTER JUST SAT THERE SWINGING HE WEAPON AT THE AIR! after some furious button mashing i finally achieved it, but thats not what should happen.

it is then that i quit the game and started posting here, not only to post feedback to the devs but to get help so i might actually play this game again. if the tutorial of all things shuns a player away, then thats BAD design; i had read in various reviews and steam curator reviews that it was a good game to get if you're looking to get started on fighting games. apparently not if the tutorial alienates atleast someone.
- K is indeed "Any Kick" (LK/MK/HK), and it does work
- "P" means "Any P", "K" means "Any K", "PP" means "Any two Ps", "KK" means "Any two Ks"
- MP+HK is MP+HK, and it does work

You can bind MP+HK etc to extra buttons, but it's not done this way usually, because there are various other -more important- button combinations (Assistcalls via eg LP+MK), and at some point even a Pad runs out of buttons.

It can't refer to "actual Buttons", because people have different Buttons depending on the Controller.
"Press LK" is okay as long as you know where your LK is; "Press Triangle" doesn't really make sense on a Keyboard.

Keyboards are most probably better than X360 Pads for Fighting Games, btw

I recommend the following:
- Go into Options
- Button Configuration
- Write down which Button does what (eg X=LK)
Then go back into the Training Mode and try again.

E: "Buttons don't do anything other than crouch" because in the Tutorial Mode, stuff that isn't "part of the lesson" is forbidden.
So if the game tells you to do QCF-K, and you input QCB-P instead, just nothing will happen. That doesn't mean your P-Buttons don't do anything, just that it's not allowed at this very moment.
Because fighting games are played across hundreds of different controllers across several consoles, and it's far more universal to say "HK" than "Right bumper". My keyboard doesn't have a right bumper. Hitbox fight sticks don't have a right bumper. Arcade cabinets don't have a right bumper.

You can see what every button is bound to in the options menu, which is what most people who didn't quit at the tutorial did.
K means kick. And your buttons not working means you need to learn how to remap them. But honestly if these small problems are already getting to you... I wont say this game isnt for you but... Yeah fighting games have things in them that make seasoned vets rage... And you are raging at key binds and stuff...

Sounds like competitive gaming might not be for you. Like maybe you should buy a yoga mat and just you know meditate and chill and not worry about these crazy fighting games.

Also, magicman and gfarmer, two of the best skullgirls players are both keyboard players... Sg is a game with easy enough execution that keyboard isnt so bad at all.
You read tutorial 5 wrong. It's supposed to be Down, Down-Back, Back + Kick. Yes, it is any of the kick buttons, you just did the control input wrong.

As for tagging, it sounds like you're just having trouble pressing the buttons simultaneously. It is possible to set the tag input to another button, those are what macros are for, though you can only get two of them.

I really don't want to sound condescending here (honestly!), but it seems your problems are more regarding your own execution rather than the game. Did you set up the button configuration for your conroller or did you just let the game do it for you?
Pretty much all fighting games use motion inputs and pressing multiple buttons at once for different effects, and there's not going to be a perfect tutorial that'll allow you to perfectly get it on the first try.
You're just having execution problems, man, keep practicing, you'll get it.
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Hello, fellow pad user. Please don't drop the game because of some misunderstandings about button configurations. It'd break my heart.

Firstly, you can assign assist to one of your shoulder buttons. I have mine as L1/L2 or LB/LT. I'm not 100% it's on Steam, but there's also "right stick assists" which lets you flick the right stick up or down to call your assist. The last method of calling assists easily is to hit one of your face buttons and one of your shoulder buttons, effectively using both of your fingers to hit both buttons at the same time. It's usually lp+hk for me, or as Default, Square+R2/X+RT.

Secondly, things are assigned "LK" instead of "X/A" because you are allowed to set up the controls however you want. And people who played on older systems like the SNES, their default control scheme, one they're used to, is different. How I remember which buttons are which is by giving the controller two columns; Square-Triangle-R1/X-Y-RB and X-Circle-R2/A-B-RT. The first Column is punches, the second is kicks, and they ascend in strength starting from the bottom (so I guess they descend in strength).

Lastly, the tutorial wasn't telling you to do back, downback, down. There are no such motions in this game, it was telling you down, downback, back (known as Quarter Circle Back). And I think the situation with your assist not coming out, you weren't hitting the two buttons at the same time. You have to hit them both simultaneously.
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"Left,Downleft,Down + K"
I think you got the directions mixed up, the command you're asked to do in the tutorial is "down, downleft, left" (in most fighting games, quarter-circle motions go from down to either forward or backward)

About tag in and button usage, there aren't any buttons that aren't used on a 360 controller. Face buttons and right trigger / bumper are for kicks and punches, and left trigger / bumper are for macros. Macros are two buttons that can "press several keys simultaneously". For example, the default behaviour of macros 1 and 2 are respectively to input LK+MP and MP+HK (which call another character on your team to perform one attack). If you want, you can change that and configure the macros to do MP+MK and HP+HK (to tag in another character on your team)
- K is indeed "Any Kick" (LK/MK/HK), and it does work
- "P" means "Any P", "K" means "Any K", "PP" means "Any two Ps", "KK" means "Any two Ks"
- MP+HK is MP+HK, and it does work

You can bind MP+HK etc to extra buttons, but it's not done this way usually, because there are various other -more important- button combinations (Assistcalls via eg LP+MK), and at some point even a Pad runs out of buttons.

It can't refer to "actual Buttons", because people have different Buttons depending on the Controller.
"Press LK" is okay as long as you know where your LK is; "Press Triangle" doesn't really make sense on a Keyboard.

Keyboards are most probably better than X360 Pads for Fighting Games, btw

I recommend the following:
- Go into Options
- Button Configuration
- Write down which Button does what (eg X=LK)
Then go back into the Training Mode and try again.

E: "Buttons don't do anything other than crouch" because in the Tutorial Mode, stuff that isn't "part of the lesson" is forbidden.
So if the game tells you to do QCF-K, and you input QCB-P instead, just nothing will happen. That doesn't mean your P-Buttons don't do anything, just that it's not allowed at this very moment.
Wow Vulpes you are such a good person, I was getting ready to troll the shit outta this guy but your post stopped me dead in my tracks, I wish I had as much patience as you.
You deserve a medal.
So let me start this off by saying that i have played VERY few fighting games in the past and skull girls is the only one i have owned, and right now its looking like the one i will ever own.
i feel like i have wasted my money on this game, i even bought an Xbox 360 controller along with the game as i knew that the keyboard controls are never really spectacular on fighting games.

i really want to like this game, but without any real feedback here i doubt i will be launching skullgirls again any time soon.

i havent actually played much of the game, but usually i bail as soon as i see something wrong which is what i did see.
it was in the tutorial of all things where i saw that instead of reffering to actual buttons it was "LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK" ok cool, understand that, after a bit of experimenting i found the controls and memorised them (i am using the default control settings) in the next tutorial it was about dashing double jumping and the like, easy. but its the 5th and 6th tutorial lessons i have a problem with.

on the 5th tutorial it was trying to teach me about special attacks, but it failed it told me to do the combo "Left,Downleft,Down + K" now... wtf is K? it wasnt covered in any of the other tutorials, after trying the 5th tutorial with both the controller and without i cant find the "K" button, infact no buttons seems to do anything other than crouch, its not even listed in the controlls, is K kick? because #1: that should be clearer and #2 no its not kick, because none of the kick buttons work. there didnt seem to be any resources or anything online related to my problem, even on these forums. its like i was the only one having the problem

so after being stuck on that tutorial for about 20-30 mins, i admitted defeat, resigning myself to figure it out on my own. Ok, 6th tutorial lesson was about tagging in team members, simple enough right? nope.

it told me to tag them in using "MP+HK" or "HP+HK" wtf? why not just one of the many buttons that isnt being used? i realise that people on fight sticks dont have any more buttons, but atleast allow us to rebind it if we're using a controller or a keyboard. furthermore IT DIDNT EVEN WORK! MY CHARACTER JUST SAT THERE SWINGING HE WEAPON AT THE AIR! after some furious button mashing i finally achieved it, but thats not what should happen.

it is then that i quit the game and started posting here, not only to post feedback to the devs but to get help so i might actually play this game again. if the tutorial of all things shuns a player away, then thats BAD design; i had read in various reviews and steam curator reviews that it was a good game to get if you're looking to get started on fighting games. apparently not if the tutorial alienates atleast someone.

Well, Other Fighting games don't have any tutorial at all. This one is pretty much well done if I can give you my peace of mind. And you're right, button mashing isn't a method ^^ you should be sure you're pressing them at the same time, I do that on keyboard and arcade stick and I never had any problem at all
OP when you say you wasted your money I am curious what you paid for this computer game. I only ask because the game was recently on sale for $5 which is not that much money to waste really. I have paid comparable prices in other games for DLC characters that I didn't end up using because they were low tier after receiving nerfs (RIP in peace IGaU Scorpion you will be missed)
OP when you say you wasted your money I am curious what you paid for this computer game. I only ask because the game was recently on sale for $5 which is not that much money to waste really. I have paid comparable prices in other games for DLC characters that I didn't end up using because they were low tier after receiving nerfs (RIP in peace IGaU Scorpion you will be missed)
Loool pre patch scorpion was broke as fuck
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on the 5th tutorial it was trying to teach me about special attacks, but it failed it told me to do the combo "Left,Downleft,Down + K" now... wtf is K? it wasnt covered in any of the other tutorials, after trying the 5th tutorial with both the controller and without i cant find the "K" button, infact no buttons seems to do anything other than crouch, its not even listed in the controlls, is K kick? because #1: that should be clearer and #2 no its not kick, because none of the kick buttons work. there didnt seem to be any resources or anything online related to my problem, even on these forums. its like i was the only one having the problem

so after being stuck on that tutorial for about 20-30 mins, i admitted defeat, resigning myself to figure it out on my own. Ok, 6th tutorial lesson was about tagging in team members, simple enough right? nope.

it told me to tag them in using "MP+HK" or "HP+HK" wtf? why not just one of the many buttons that isnt being used? i realise that people on fight sticks dont have any more buttons, but atleast allow us to rebind it if we're using a controller or a keyboard. furthermore IT DIDNT EVEN WORK! MY CHARACTER JUST SAT THERE SWINGING HE WEAPON AT THE AIR! after some furious button mashing i finally achieved it, but thats not what should happen.
I'm gonna sound so mean, so I apologize in advance.
But WOW did this entire post hurt to read. I cringed so hard. A lot of this was logic. I have quite a bit of friends that play little to no fighting games, but figured out Skullgirls easily. The tutorial is SO detailed, SO in depth, that it's very difficult to be lost for very long, if at all. Considering "LK/MK/HK" all end in "K", you'd think "K" would mean any of them, right....? On top of that, the reason you got Filia swung her hair instead of doing a tag out, is that you were doing a QCF without even noticing. Maybe if you took your left hand off the left stick, or just the controller in general, and just pressed the buttons necessary with your right hand, you'd get the desired outcome. Quarter Circles I can understand to be difficult to explain through text, but the game has a diagram to show you. Shouldn't be that difficult. I could go on and on about this post. Again, sorry for being harsh, but this is just ridiculous.
Because fighting games are played across hundreds of different controllers across several consoles, and it's far more universal to say "HK" than "Right bumper". My keyboard doesn't have a right bumper. Hitbox fight sticks don't have a right bumper. Arcade cabinets don't have a right bumper.

You can see what every button is bound to in the options menu, which is what most people who didn't quit at the tutorial did.

many games, including other fighting games have given something like this ALONG SIDE an example such as "by default, on a keyboard its this key, on a controller its this key" i realise that this wouldnt help people using a fightstick, but if you went out and bought a fightstick then you shoulnt be having problems like that as you actually know what you're doing, i do not know what im doing thus why i even posted here in the first place.

also, ive looked in the control menu multiple times, a lot of the buttons, or i assume so wernt even there. the tutorial failed to mention that "K" mean any kick, so i was looking specifically for a "K" in the options menu, did not find one. google searches also yielded no results, thus why i said i feel like i was the only one with that problem.

You could have simply made a Google research about what those button acronysms mean
That's what I did
And now here I am

i did not need a google search for things like "LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK" as the tutorial clearly told me what they were, "K" however was not covered in the tutorial, is not listed in the controls menu and google searches yielded nothing to elucidate what "K" meant, thus why im posting here.

Pretty much all fighting games use motion inputs and pressing multiple buttons at once for different effects, and there's not going to be a perfect tutorial that'll allow you to perfectly get it on the first try.
You're just having execution problems, man, keep practicing, you'll get it.

thats the thing, you would think that after about an hour on a tutorial i would finally get the execution down right? nope. because the game did not tell me what "K" is as mentioned, it was not until i posted on here that i actually found out what it meant.

OP when you say you wasted your money I am curious what you paid for this computer game. I only ask because the game was recently on sale for $5 which is not that much money to waste really. I have paid comparable prices in other games for DLC characters that I didn't end up using because they were low tier after receiving nerfs (RIP in peace IGaU Scorpion you will be missed)

...right? money is still money, that i earned. i could care less about what you've wasted your money on, but i myself am not in to paying £4 for nothing but frustration and HAVING to post on said games forums to actually try to get going and play it. im not a masochist so i like to enjoy my games, not get frustrated from THE TUTORIAL.

Sounds like competitive gaming might not be for you.

i play RTS games competitively, some of them anyway. and while i realise that RTS games is entirely different deal from fighting games; whoever said i wanted to play skullgirls competitively? i just want to PLAY it for Christ sake.

Considering "LK/MK/HK" all end in "K", you'd think "K" would mean any of them, right....? On top of that, the reason you got Filia swung her hair instead of doing a tag out, is that you were doing a QCF without even noticing. Maybe if you took your left hand off the left stick, or just the controller in general, and just pressed the buttons necessary with your right hand, you'd get the desired outcome. Quarter Circles I can understand to be difficult to explain through text, but the game has a diagram to show you. Shouldn't be that difficult. I could go on and on about this post. Again, sorry for being harsh, but this is just ridiculous.

well the "K" displayed was an icon and not text, which lead me to believe that it was its own seperate action and not part of "HK,MK,LK" i assumed that they were icons as they were linked to a psycical button, but as "K" was also just an icon, it made me think it was a separate button. maybe if it just said "Kick" or "Any kick" i would have never made this post.

What is a QCF?

well yes after launching the game after posting i found the move set pages, and said disagrams buuuutt... why isnt that in the tutorial? is it because it was patched in after release? couldnt they change the tutorial? couldnt they of explained a "Quarter Circle" in a previous lesson BEFORE telling me to execute a moving using one? i dont know, i still feel its quite sloppy to the point of me having to create this post in the first place and ask for help.

- K is indeed "Any Kick" (LK/MK/HK), and it does work
- "P" means "Any P", "K" means "Any K", "PP" means "Any two Ps", "KK" means "Any two Ks"
- MP+HK is MP+HK, and it does work

You can bind MP+HK etc to extra buttons, but it's not done this way usually, because there are various other -more important- button combinations (Assistcalls via eg LP+MK), and at some point even a Pad runs out of buttons.

It can't refer to "actual Buttons", because people have different Buttons depending on the Controller.
"Press LK" is okay as long as you know where your LK is; "Press Triangle" doesn't really make sense on a Keyboard.

Keyboards are most probably better than X360 Pads for Fighting Games, btw

I recommend the following:
- Go into Options
- Button Configuration
- Write down which Button does what (eg X=LK)
Then go back into the Training Mode and try again.

E: "Buttons don't do anything other than crouch" because in the Tutorial Mode, stuff that isn't "part of the lesson" is forbidden.
So if the game tells you to do QCF-K, and you input QCB-P instead, just nothing will happen. That doesn't mean your P-Buttons don't do anything, just that it's not allowed at this very moment.

I think you got the directions mixed up, the command you're asked to do in the tutorial is "down, downleft, left" (in most fighting games, quarter-circle motions go from down to either forward or backward)

About tag in and button usage, there aren't any buttons that aren't used on a 360 controller. Face buttons and right trigger / bumper are for kicks and punches, and left trigger / bumper are for macros. Macros are two buttons that can "press several keys simultaneously". For example, the default behaviour of macros 1 and 2 are respectively to input LK+MP and MP+HK (which call another character on your team to perform one attack). If you want, you can change that and configure the macros to do MP+MK and HP+HK (to tag in another character on your team)

FINALLY thank you, some answers that is actually helpful, in line with the discussion and not trolling me, tbh after reading some of these posts ive considered dropping the game even if my original problem is rectified. i will try these thanks.
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lly helpful, in line with the discussion and not trolling me, tbh after reading some of these posts ive considered dropping the game even if my original problem is rectified. i will try these thanks.
I just re-read the thread. You were barely trolled. The posts weren't even condescending. Like... TWO people said relatively mean things to you.

That would make you quit?

The community her is far more helpful than you give it credit. Stay a while.

This doesn't mention K, his initial complaint.

His complaint was because his motion was backward, so seeing K, hitting a kick and having nothing happened confused him. He was right about his button choice, not his input.
thats the thing, you would think that after about an hour on a tutorial i would finally get the execution down right? nope. because the game did not tell me what "K" is as mentioned, it was not until i posted on here that i actually found out what it meant.

You just don't get execution right away, when i started playing fighters i was around 10 i believe, i remember playing marvel and soul calibur 2 a lot.

It took me around a year and half to do a proper dragon punch motion which is forward, down, down and forward. I used to do the cheap way which was just two quarter circle forwards which would backfire on me.

I literally spend up until i was 10 to 16 i believe just mastering ivy's calamity symphony move on a pad which luckily enough that move didn't change when soul calibur 3 was released because of this move it ended up helping me learn more difficult games like King of fighters.

keep grinding until your brain just realizes what it's doing or it becomes muscle memory, if you still would like to get into fighters and find this too difficult also, may i suggest dead or alive/soul calibur/tekken which have simpler movements.
"QCF" means "Quartercircle Forward". Down, Downforward, Forward; see how your stick moves in a quartercircle motion.

And yes the tutorial is by no means optimal, it's just that the dev team is very small, got a severe lack of money, and has to set priorities somewhere.
Finding out what K means generally works even if it's not explicitly mentioned in the game - finding out how Hitboxes of certain moves look like doesn't really work without an option for that in training mode.

If you're not a masochist, Fighting Games are probably not a good choice of genre, I'm afraid. They're complex multiplayer games where your opponents tend to have a clue what they're doing, so online play comes with a lot of pain before you're able to properly do things.
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thats the thing, you would think that after about an hour on a tutorial i would finally get the execution down right? nope. because the game did not tell me what "K" is as mentioned, it was not until i posted on here that i actually found out what it meant.

Nah mate,
the first fighting game I ever played, it took me like a couple days minimum to be able to constantly and consistently pull of special moves.
Of course, I didn't have any tutorial to begin with. And this was only a couple years ago, I'm not much of an fg veteran.
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So uh, did anyone else actually have trouble finding out K = Kick?
This is the first post I've seen about this.

Also yeah you better be a Masochist if you want to play fighting games seriously.
If you're going to quit because of something like that or because two people said some passive agressive comments on a forum, you're not going to last long at all.

Gotta go hard and push through or else you'll be one of the many to drop a fighting game before reaching the 100 hours played mark.
Gotta go hard and push through or else you'll be one of the many to drop a fighting game before reaching the 100 hours played mark.
Honestly, I only think it's only a waste of money if you quit. You could play nothing but arcade and story mode, as long as you're enjoying the game.
@Ven - If you haven't already check it out, http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/beginner-resources-thread.242/ has tons and tons and tons of beginner information, not only for SG but fighting games in general

otherwise, there should be 0 smart ass/troll/discouraging comments, do people not want our community to grow? wtf? even though it was minimal and from our point of view not discouraging at all, OP found it discouraging and he's the one that matters, cut the guy some slack - you gotta start somewhere
many games, including other fighting games have given something like this ALONG SIDE an example such as "by default, on a keyboard its this key, on a controller its this key"
I think this is one of those things that is intuitive to playing the game. If you take even a moment to play the game the game and slap the buttons, it becomes obvious what the game means by punches, kicks, and light, medium, heavy. 3 of your buttons throw out an attack with your hands, the other three with your legs. And if you press each one, you'll notice (and even feel) that certain attacks are naturally stronger and hit harder than the others. I learned that playing SFA on PS2 before I knew people gathered to play video games, just hit buttons and you naturally learn the strengths, and that game didn't even have a tutorial. There's a limit to how much the game should baby you when showing you how to play.

the tutorial failed to mention that "K" mean any kick, so i was looking specifically for a "K" in the options menu, did not find one. google searches also yielded no results, thus why i said i feel like i was the only one with that problem.

i did not need a google search for things like "LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK" as the tutorial clearly told me what they were, "K" however was not covered in the tutorial.

because the game did not tell me what "K" is as mentioned, it was not until i posted on here that i actually found out what it meant.

the "K" displayed was an icon and not text, which lead me to believe that it was its own seperate action and not part of "HK,MK,LK" i assumed that they were icons as they were linked to a psycical button, but as "K" was also just an icon, it made me think it was a separate button. maybe if it just said "Kick" or "Any kick" i would have never made this post.
You kinda were the only person to ever have this problem, I think. Again, it's natural to assume that, when given six buttons, lp/mp/hp/lk/mk/hk, that p refers to the first three and k refers to the back half. In tutorial 4 it tells you to hit "PP (any 2 P's)" to dash. Of course, you may have double tapped forward instead, but the game does introduce in the tutorial the idea of "p", and if you get introduced to "p", and subsequently "k", and you know there are two "p" buttons that can be pressed, and the only abbreviations you've learned are lp/mp/hp/lk/mk/hk, you really should naturally come to the understanding that p is punch and k is kick. You misread the instruction on what motion to input, and that made things MUCH harder than they needed to be, but still.

thats the thing, you would think that after about an hour on a tutorial i would finally get the execution down right? nope.
It doesn't matter how many hours you spend practicing a move if you've misunderstood how to do the move. That's not the games fault, it clearly told you the input.

i play RTS games competitively, some of them anyway. and while i realise that RTS games is entirely different deal from fighting games; whoever said i wanted to play skullgirls competitively? i just want to PLAY it for Christ sake.
There's nothing stopping you from skipping the tutorials and playing Story mode on easy. That's what most people do when they first pick up a fighting game.

well yes after launching the game after posting i found the move set pages, and said disagrams buuuutt... why isnt that in the tutorial? is it because it was patched in after release? couldnt they change the tutorial? couldnt they of explained a "Quarter Circle" in a previous lesson BEFORE telling me to execute a moving using one? i dont know, i still feel its quite sloppy to the point of me having to create this post in the first place and ask for help.
The tutorial doesn't say "QCF", does it? It tells you the input, or shows the input. It never requires you to know the phrase. And you stopped at the lesson that was trying to teach you the motion.
This title was a lot people's first experience with fighters and a lot have said it helped them learning others. It is probably the best tutorial readily available at the moment in a fighting game too.
The tutorial doesn't say "QCF", does it? It tells you the input, or shows the input. It never requires you to know the phrase. And you stopped at the lesson that was trying to teach you the motion.

This is what is shown

so thats obviously not showing me a motion to make a quartercircle, it looks like a cheat code for an old SNES game. this is the screen that had me stumped for so long.

oddly enough, after doing that special attack, later on in the lesson this shows up.


it clearly shows a diagram of a quartercircle... so why wasnt this on the previous steps of the tutorial? why does it wait until AFTER you've already done it to show you a proper diagram? i might have done it a lot sooner if it did as i would of done the motion correctly.
If you know how to use IRC you might want to add the Skullgirls irc channel(#Skullgirls at irc.mizuumi.net). That way when you need help figuring something out you can hop in there and ask. Sometimes folks don't respond but if that's the case just try again later.
That first input picture is leftover from older versions of the game. The tutorial didn't have character specific sections until Squigly came out and that was when they had made a graphic for the quarter-circle motion to put in. Though I don't think it's supposed to be that way, that does seem like a legitimate thing to fix.
It is probably something fixable but it is probably not a great priority at the moment given the dlc characters that still need to be made.
It is probably something fixable but it is probably not a great priority at the moment given the dlc characters that still need to be made.
It's probably not too hard to change it to a picture of a quarter circle, so it wouldn't take a lot of time away from making the DLC characters or other important changes.
That seems fair enough, I was trying to make a point that is something that probably has less priority in fixing even though it would probably be easy to fix.
Or that this might be the first visible complaint.

Actually, I was waiting for someone like Ven to post here or somewhere else I frequent because I was curious how clear this is to someone with absolutely no experience to fighting games and its language and other things I take for granted. I want like all his opinions as he goes if he's persistent.
thats the thing, you would think that after about an hour on a tutorial i would finally get the execution down right? nope. because the game did not tell me what "K" is as mentioned, it was not until i posted on here that i actually found out what it meant.
I would be SHOCKED if you got your execution down that quickly. Fighting games aren't like most other games, they require serious time, effort, and patience to learn how to do even simple things. Like I mean months to years of effort. No one here on these forums got to whatever level they happen to be at without a lot of time invested. Most people who play fighting games well don't really play anything else but them, and that's how they get good.

Skullgirls objectively the best tutorial in fighting games (along with the new Killer Instinct) due to the fact that other fighting games don't even HAVE a tutorial. That's why people say it's more beginner friendly and easier to learn.

There's been helpful advice thrown around here directed at you and the questions you've asked, and more people are willing to give advice if you're willing to learn.
So uh, did anyone else actually have trouble finding out K = Kick?
I did for a moment, yeah. I figured it out by experimenting, possibly the same for KK being two Ks rather than double-tapping the same K (if memory serves, it wasn't yet explained as "any two K simultaneously" when beta launched). Skullgirls was my first Marvel-like fighter (and my first fighter with a tutorial for that matter), and while I figured things out, I had a feeling of "guess the game expects I knew this from my previous games already" a few times.

Actually, I was waiting for someone like Ven to post here or somewhere else I frequent because I was curious how clear this is to someone with absolutely no experience to fighting games and its language and other things I take for granted.
I had zero knowledge of fighting game vocabulary and no serious experience when I picked up SG last year. I was looking for a reason to redo the tutorials one of these days, I can take notes of "stuff I know now but didn't necessarily know in July 2013" while at it if you'd like.
SG is the first fighter I've ever played. It didn't confuse me. I think this is the easiest fighter in existence and if you can't understand how do things in this game I don't see you playing others.

Wait 'til you play BB (ABCD) KOF(ABCD or lp hp lk hk) SF4 (this one goes by name and stupid colored buttons in the trials mode and training mode) Also no fighters display the actual face buttons ever. This is because of notation reasons you might have your controller configured one way and some one else will have a different config.

Imagine doing notation based on your buttons.

x a 2y 623 rb could very well not even do the same thing because that's just how your buttons are configured layouts vary even on sticks and some people are more comfortable with buttons in different ways.

lk mk 2hp 623hp is universal to everyone despite their layout.

That said, rather than be negative about the situation you should just come here and ask for help we're friendly promise.
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I dunno, I feel like if you can play RTS games competitively you can probably handle Skullgirls' tutorial, no offense. RTS games require such obtuse extrapolation and out-of-game knowledge and their tutorials are easily ten times as confusing as SG's. Look things up, find videos if you can't understand text explanations, and just keep doing research.
This is what is shown, so thats obviously not showing me a motion to make a quartercircle, it looks like a cheat code for an old SNES game. this is the screen that had me stumped for so long.

oddly enough, after doing that special attack, later on in the lesson this shows up.

it clearly shows a diagram of a quartercircle... so why wasnt this on the previous steps of the tutorial? why does it wait until AFTER you've already done it to show you a proper diagram? i might have done it a lot sooner if it did as i would of done the motion correctly.
My point was that the game never used the phrase. But you're right, the notion of doing a quarter circle is strange to outsiders, and the game probably could do a better job of introducing the concept to someone who's completely fighter illiterate (maybe "Input :D::DB::B: quickly, making a smooth :QCB: motion").
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i'd love to take the time to skype you and explain the controls and stuff, shouldn't take more than a half hour- one hour and it would do a world of help for you to understand how the game is played.

i do agree that tutorials could be more open to players who have never played a fighting game before but as far as 2d fighters go, this game has the best tutorial system and probably is one of the easiest games to get into.

just for refrence it took me about 10-12 hours to learn my first combo and about 50 to get into resets and really master a character
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