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I hate diaries...


Hot headed
May 23, 2014
Reaction score
Squigly Double
...but I made one anyway. I keep forgetting what I must improve and losing my precious traning time practicing the same combos and resets just to remember (after closing the game) that I should had practiced that double snap combo. So, I guess this topic will help me remember things.

I have three teams: Squigly, Squigly/Double, Robo Fortune/Squigly/Double (wow so much variety). Right know, the 2 character team is the one I'm best with. But I pick solo squigs when I fell that Double isn't helping very much on the match. I'm currently learning trio.

What I need to do right now:

- Practice Squigly's double snap combo (I keep dropping it mid matches)
- Practice Double's cillia slide combo on big band (for me is the hardest character to perform that combo)
- Learn a double snap combo with Double (it's a shame that I don't know one already)
- Practice conversions off Double's ground grab (it's a shame that I keep dropping them)
- Practice conversions off R. Fortune throws (both air and ground)
- Learn a combo that works on double with robo fortune (this one posted by yomabuddy seem promising)

What I need to do in the future:

- Learn more resets with double (I know only a few)
- Practice Squigly's resets
- Learn more resets with R. Fortune (I only know one)

I'll edit this post as soon I remembers more things.

ft10 against important people

Random ft5 in lobbies:

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Wow, played a ft10 with sage last weekend. I was expecting to lose every match, but I managed to win once, I'll put it here so I can rewatch it to understand where I need to improve.

I just learned a double snap combo with Robo Fortune that allows me to summon 3 heads, but I need to practice a lot. I still don't have a double snap combo with Double (shaaaame).

I'm pretty consistent with that R. Fortune combo posted earlier on Double. Her air grab conversion is still a pain to do, though.

Speaking of the metal cat, I'm been improving with her, and I feel a bit more confident when using her on QM. But when I face someone that I know it's good I switch to my oirignal team (Squigs/Double).

Want to make a series of ft10 with other people, but I'm not having enough time to do it. And I still don't have the means to record them.
double doublesnap is c.lk s.hk uncombo fridge IIRC, i think it's universal with some timing variations
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- Learn a combo that works on double with robo fortune

The standard BnB works on Double, it just requires slightly different timing.
Since I'm having more free time, I can play this game more. I learned a new reset with robo fortune, just jump and grab after the last hit of j.HK if my opponent is still on the air. My offense with her is stronger now. Also, I'm using Squigly's c.HP as assist more to get more crossup/fake crossup high/low mixups with r fortune.

I still need to try that double snap Pickles suggested (goddamit I'm lazy).

I don't think I need to learn any new combos right now. The ones I know are fine, I'll just keep practicing them to not become rusty. Right now what I really need to improve is dealing with pressure, specially if I'm in the corner and my opponent haves a lockdown assist (maybe is the problem with my team?). Beowulf gives me nightmares and Eliza too. Not only they, but I also don't know how to handle Ms Fortune or Painwheel (mostly because very few people use them at quick matches, so I'm not used to fighting them). I need training partners, but the times I can use the PC doesn't help.
I also don't know how to handle Ms Fortune or Painwheel (mostly because very few people use them at quick matches, so I'm not used to fighting them)
fite me
fite me

Sure. I was planning on challenging you and everyone else from Brazil to a ft10, but I feel I must train a little more, or else our f10 will just be you sweeping the floor with my head for 10 rounds.

Fun fact: I use double's lvl 5 way more than her lvl 2 lol.
That's how you train though, make some notes on what you have to improve and work on these things. If you can record your matches, go over and analyse them (like this or this) to see what you're doing wrong and what you should be doing whenever things don't work out.

Also just hit me up if you wanna play.
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Back in black. I've been noticing some things in my gameplay recently:

- A lot of my matches ends with time out (thanks robo)
- I'm having many problems against painwheel. Firing lasers against her is very dangerous as she can fly above them and punish me. Going on offensive seems effective. The problem starts when she's assisted by Beowulf or other invincible reversal assist.
- My performance with robo is very inconsistent. Sometimes i feel I'm pressuring and zoning people well. Sometimes she's just a metal punchbag.

It's being rough to conciliate SFV and this game. Wish I had more people willing to play friendly sets with me.
It's being rough to conciliate SFV and this game. Wish I had more people willing to play friendly sets with me.
i'm always willing to plays set if you want to ^-^
I said more people Lugon. Also, aren't your controller broken or something?
I said more people Lugon. Also, aren't your controller broken or something?
He won Skullbats last night so it seems like it's working (or he's just that good)
Last time we played he said his HP button was working only 50% of the time. I got bodied nonethless.
It was my down button that was busted, and I have a new pad now so it's all good.
Ahh, sorry Lugon, but I coudn't upload that ft10 we made yesterday. It seems we must do another one.

And I started to make "ft5" lobbies whenever there's no people to play with me and I'll record the matches and upload on the first post (starting now). Anyone who is willing to help can watch them and give me tips, if possible.
Post the videos and i usually strim match analysis and port it youtube and drop it wherever

I'm posting every match on the first post.

Just uploaded a ft10 versus Charles Xavier Receita Federal.

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Thanks for the analysis, Cadenza. I have some points to explain regarding my gameplay. I'm not disagreeing with you, just explaining why I do those things:

1. I went agressive in those matches because my oponnent was also using robo, and I thougth that his team were more apt to play full screen than mine. Maybe if he used Beat Extend instead of Brass, I would play more defensive (mainly because I fear beat extend more than death itself). My team is somewhat built around R. Fortune, Cremation is for mixups and L Bomber is for defense, so I like switching between offense and defense, but I'm usually not that patient, so I end up playing offense way more. Other thing I like about this team is that I get safe DHCs at any point of the game that I have at least 2 bars.

2. I jump a lot and sometimes without a purpose. I agree with this 100% and it used to be waaaay worse. I'm trying to fix this. Also, like you said, I don't empty jump very often... almost never to say the truth. The only character I empty jump against is Peacock, and even versus her I think I seldom empty jump. I need to work on this.

3. The reason I reset too early is because I don't like giving meter to my opponent. In fact, I'm so obsessed with meter that I rather try to reset 2 times than spending 3 or 5 bars to kill someone (unless, of course, is my opponent's last character). Gonna check those tutorials about comboing into lvl 5 anyway.

4. I usually am against disagreeing with someone better than me, but I will not change my combos, for now. I know, I drop a lot of combos, specially with Double. My Robo's BnB is not bad, it's actually pretty consistent versus anyone not named Robo Fortune and Beowulf (and it doesn't work on Double, but I got a different combo for her) and even on them, is not that bad, it's my execution is that is garbage. I won't search for new combos because my time for playing is very limited nowadays, and I think is better to work on something I already have than getting new things.

5. I have some weird execution errors (like flash step instead of punish or sendind heads in the middle of a combo). I'm still working on them.

And that R. Fortune's ground grab conversion with Cremation works on everyone, except Valentine (for some reason that nurse flies too far), but I can use L bomber to convert in this case.
Yeah, after reading the patch notes, playing a little on Beta and crying a lot I decided to drop Robo for good. Unless the changes never come to the retail I'll not using this shit anymore.

Ok, now that I calmed myself down (and my sore throat finally stopped) I think I can rationally explain myself.

First of all:

She got a million buffs wtf

On the zoning department, yes. But, to anyone that already watched me playing Robo knows that I'm not a fan of pure zoning. Lasers, to me, was a tool to convince people to not stay away all the time and make my opponent's approach more predictably. I like going in with Robo, specially pairing Squigly's c.HP assist with j.MP and j.HK ambiguous crossup and I was developing resets for Robo (I made a video and posted on R. Fortune's resets and tricks thread).

Those changes leave a very clear message to me: "play like a zoner, only" and I don't like it. They not only buffed her "stay away" potential, but also nerfed her aggression. And after reading the patch discussion thread I see people wanting to nerf her rushdown even more (removing her DJC on block, for example, whyyyyyyyy?). People are even saying that is not worth resetting with Robo anymore (my resets video is pretty much useless by now). I understand that people are afraid of Robo becoming way too strong keeping her combo damage, but those changes are making the character way less fun for me.

Don't get me wrong, I respect zoning, and I'm aware that's one of the most difficult playstyle to master, but I don't like playing it (hence why Peacock never caught my interest). Sure, I can just ignore the changes and continue to play the way I was playing before, but I cannot ask for help regarding gameplay without receiving the same response "Stop approaching, this character is not suitable for rushdown anymore, just zone with your lasers". I was kinda developing a playstyle that mixed offense and defense in order to frustrate and confuse my opponents, but now I feel that all my efforts got wasted. I don't care if lasers can insta kill on block now, it was never about R. Fortune being better or worse than before.

That rampant was never meant to make into the patch discussion thread, but unfortunately @Liam quoted it. I would like to ask him to not make this anymore. I may become blind with rage sometimes, but I can identify those moments, and I choose to post my thoughts in this thread to not bother people (like Mike Z, that's already busy with all the work he must do and don't have time to waste with low level players like me spelling nonsense).

In the end I think I must be grateful that my favorite character of all time didn't get touched in this patch. Squigly/ Double is already a good team so I don't really need Robo anymore. I'm struggling managing study and play time, and I'm having way less time to play than I would like (plus UNIEL and SFV consuming a little of my play time) but I promise I will keep recording my sets and posting here.

For those that read this huge wall of text, thanks for the patience.
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I don't agree that only her zoning got buffed. Changes to s.HP, Magnet super, Beam super building the opponent less meter, Mine, changes for her level 3, L Danger and c.LP being more viable anti airs, etc are all buffs you can use as a rushdown Robo Fortune.
she got some of the damage back. and how exactly just the damage nerf alone is enough to kill her rushdown?
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I don't agree that only her zoning got buffed. Changes to s.HP, Magnet super, Beam super building the opponent less meter, Mine, changes for her level 3, L Danger and c.LP being more viable anti airs, etc are all buffs you can use as a rushdown Robo Fortune.

Most of what you posted are defensive tools. Better AA means zoning is safer. I can whiff a laser now and not be 300% screwed. Her level 3 now allows lasers (zoning tools) to apply knockdown making them way better. Mine is a defensive tool... kinda. Yes, you can still use it to trap fools in the corner, but why make this instead of retreating fullscreen to begin with the lasers again?

Beam super is something you will use regardless of how you are playing her. Nothing changes.

I mean, you can use some tools offensively, sure, but they are waaaaaayyyy better as a defensive tools. And none of her changes exclusively favor offensive play.

she got some of the damage back. and how exactly just the damage nerf alone is enough to kill her rushdown?

lol "some". And if the combo damage is nerfed what's the point in resetting instead s.HK > c.HK > zoning? Most of the good resets (the one's that are hard to react to) starts with j.MP and j.HK, wich means that the scaling will be ugly.
clk shk isnt easy to react and does a looooot of damage especially as a counterhit. i can still deal over 7k with my combo with assist, over 8k with a jhp starter and maybe 9k with hch so i dont feeel like i need more damage. if you cant do big damage with resets you should look for better ones.
Mine is a defensive tool... kinda. Yes, you can still use it to trap fools in the corner, but why make this instead of retreating fullscreen to begin with the lasers again?

Even if her damage is nerfed, she can still apply pressure pretty well with her mines/standing overhead/general tools that are good at keeping the opponent cornered if you have the right assist and be able to kill opponents.

I mean, my (old?) combo was/is absolute crap, but even with the robo damage nerfs I feel like my offense/pressure game is still okay. Is that the best way to play her? Arguably no, but it's still playable imo, at the very least it's working out for me.

Also fyi sHP is a greeaaaaaaat offensive tool now. It comes out very fast, armor to absorb errant midrange buttons or poor reversals, can call assists at any time cause its a normal, can special (and super) cancel at any time to almost guarantee it being safe. There's a lot of midrange options that other robos aren't using, but sHP for sure is super good with the new speed increase and easier comboility.

Requires crossunder. Or bakdash baiting, os some other shit that loses to correct pushblocking.


Requires corner. And I can't see frame data now, but that doesn't seem to be one of her fastest normals.

a looooot of damage especially as a counterhit.

If you are using 5 o's in that word, be sure it is for something like 11k or higher. Also "as a counter hit". Not everyone pushes buttons as a madman.

i can still deal over 7k with my combo with assist, over 8k with a jhp starter and maybe 9k with hch

Resetting with j.HP? Wat?

so i dont feeel like i need more damage.

Fine! Then don't drop Robo. This started with "why is Raging_Zoroark is dropping Robo" and not "why everyone should drop Robo". If you like the changes why are you even posting here?

if you cant do big damage with resets you should look for better ones.

You forgot to add "Scrub" ant the end of your sentence.

Also, thanks Fenster for the insightful stuff. I'll test it myself next weekend.
So, I just had an argument in my Discord group (and that resulted in a grudge ft10 that I'll soon upload) about who haves more resets, Squigly or Filia. Now I'm legitimately curious about this matter and I would like to ask help from you guys (not you Receita, I already know what you think about it). Note that I'm talking about SHEER NUMBERS and not who haves the best or the fastest resets (in this case I know that's Filia).

I think it's Squigly because she haves access to stancels, a standing overhead and a dive kick that was basically made for resets (L falling woman), but, if I'm wrong can you guys please explain to me why? Thanks in advance.
SHEER NUMBERS and not who haves the best or the fastest resets (in this case I know that's Filia).
Resets aren't set in stone.
The number of resets per character is far beyond countable because you can just make them up.
Anything that hits the opponent after dropping the combo can be a reset.

Squigy has high, low, throw, cross up, cross under, command grab.
Filia has high, low, throw, cross up, cross under.

If you want to count the number of ways you can hit someone without counting cross up high and cross up low seperately, I guess 6 vs 5?
Resets aren't set in stone.
The number of resets per character is far beyond countable because you can just make them up.
Anything that hits the opponent after dropping the combo can be a reset.

Squigy has high, low, throw, cross up, cross under, command grab.
Filia has high, low, throw, cross up, cross under.

If you want to count the number of ways you can hit someone without counting cross up high and cross up low seperately, I guess 6 vs 5?

I agree. It's been a long time since I last used Filia, but resetting with Squigly is so easy that I can't imagine a character with more reset opportunities than her. Maybe I'm wrong, but Squigly haves Stancel, crossup, crossunder, standing overhead, divekick and aerial multi-hit moves that can restand the opponent close to the ground. And even when I'm in the corner (when normally characters lose cossup/under) she gains new reset opportunities (like charged draugen, s.MP, stancel on the first hit to make the opponent fall behind her or j.HP close to the ground into overhead).

Whelp, I need to stop listening to Receita then. This guy is so annoying, he disagrees with me just for the sake of it. We even had arguments over a fucking fanart.

Also, Shadola trash talked me last night so I challenged him for a ft10. The results are seen below:

I think Filia has better and more confusing mixup.

If one of them has more tricky ways to open the opponent up and crazy layered mixup I'd go with Filia.

Objective ways to HIT the opponent Squigly wins because she has a command grab.

Dive kicks and stuff don't matter much because they still lead to the same thing, high low throw.

EDIT to not clog thread:

Filia also has easy restands which are very +, and from her restands she in able to cross up with IAD JHK which is something Squigly can't do quickly.

EX: SHP JHK ADC JLK JMP, Optional JHK after JMP to be even more +.
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My point is that Squigly have more ways to force a low/throw/overhead situation because restanding the opponent and being plus after a string is easier with her (at least is what I think) and she can still crossup/under even without a air dash. That's why I asked about number of possible resets instead of the quality of said resets.

Well, enough of this discussion. Thanks for the insight Liam.
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This weekend I challenged Jorge to a FT10 and he showed how I'm free to him:

Not tying to make an excuse, but I hate figting Beo and Band. I'm 100% free do them lol.
I think I won't play this game anymore until the Beta patch comes into retail.

I was trying to adjust to new Robo, implementing a bit of zoning to my playstyle, (and I felt that I was doing OK) but now I can't even convert ground grabs without spending meter? WTF? I'm OK with buffs and nerfs for the sake of balance, but changing entirely how a char should play is a big mistake in my opinion.

Welp, I think I should learn a new character if I want to play trio then, but until all the changes are over I'm not touching the game anymore. Who nows if the next patch will turn Squigly into a grappler or Double into a vortex heavy character?
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or Double into a vortex heavy character?
umm isnt that already true?
now, back to the robo point. this time i concur with you. killing all frame adv on normals and the grab nerf seems like a big ''play keepaway or you'll die'', and i don't think that was a great idea. i want to hear @noaa opinion about those changes, because he knew very well how to use robo's frame advantage on block, and like you, he also used l bomber to convert off grab
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