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I'm McPeanuts I made a thread


Anchor Peacock is the future
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Double Big Band Peacock
I was bored, so I went through my matches from TSB last Saturday and made notes on all the stuff I did wrong. And then I kinda figured, well, I have all this text I wrote, I may as well put it in one of these threads. Not sure how often I'm going to update this thread if at all but I at least wanted to get all these notes somewhere.

Here's the video:
My notes:
Game 1 vs Shade
9:43 - I'm reacting to Shade's name being wrong on the stream, if you were wondering.
9:58 - Shade attempts to tiger knee a Bypass here (presumably, I can't imagine he wanted the ground version). I didn't notice this at the time and should have taken it as a sign that he was looking for a pattern that he could Bypass through. If I knew he was looking for Bypass I would have adjusted my patterns. This becomes relevant later.
10:18 - I should have let the item go here. As soon as the airplane whiffed I should have realized that H item was about to become irrelevant. I don't, and Shade gets close to me while I'm charging the wrong strength of item. This could have ended really bad for me.
10:21 - Again charging the wrong strength of item drop. Should have been M. Could have done my standard trick of charge M and then fake teleport to either punish an over aggressive approach or to get some space. Instead I just get hit.
10:34 - Missed a hit confirm into Argus.
10:55 - I think it's worth sacrificing a little health on Big Band here to eliminate the threat of level 3, it was Shade's only real way to get back in the game at this point.
11:07 - I mysteriously decide not to kill Parasoul and win the game. No clue what I was thinking. This is also the wrong spacing for this burst bait, it doesn't work in the corner.

Game 2 vs Shade
11:41 - The idea behind this opener is that j.HK will cover air approaches and Brass will cover ground approaches, but Big Band gets stuffed by Hairball assist. Maybe this isn't a good opener against this team. Feels like there should be a read here that could get me a happy birthday on Val and Filia but I can't think of one, and I'm not sure how much I want to lab it considering Val with Hairball assist isn't that common.
11:44 - Greedy as fuck teleport to get out of the corner. I should have gotten blown up for this. I might have been trying to make it safe with Big Band assist but of course he was on cooldown from being hit 3 seconds ago. Bad situational awareness on my part.
11:50 - I screw up throwing an M bomb, probably because it was still on cooldown. Wouldn't have worked anyways, the pattern I was going for loses to the Bypass that Shade does here. Item drop wasn't on cooldown, I should have done that instead. Would have stuffed Bypass.
12:02 - Really good Hairball call by Shade. I can't make my fake teleport safe with item drop because Filia takes the hit for him. I probably couldn't have beaten it with Brass either, it would have lost like it did earlier. Thinking about it more I should probably learn how to beat this assist, it's a real problem.
12:12 - How come no one can block this? Warped even says "same side" before I do it.
12:32 - I should have grabbed here. I know Shade likes to downback and call Pillar when he feels pressure. I wasn't thinking about that, I was thinking about the hit confirm off Brass I had just missed. Probably also getting inpatient because Shade was low on life, I might have thought I could do a blockstring into a special and chip him.
12:42 - lol why does anyone even get excited, of course I don't have these. I tried to make one up on the spot but H divekick doesn't side switch on assists. I haven't practiced these with any of my characters. I guess Squigly's is just [s.HK j.MP]xN according to Sage so I'll try that later.
13:08 - This setup is probably fine, Shade just guesses right (and I guess I'm wrong, he doesn't always downback, heh). But I point it out because there was no real reason not to call Peacock assist here for a better setup. Not used to having the team in this order.
13:11 - Should have cancelled into super here to kill. I don't think it would have killed on the last one but this one it would have for sure. Actually I don't think I even hit confirmed the Cymbal Clash, this looks like L Brass, which I do as a frame trap when Cymbals is blocked.
13:23 - I'm notoriously bad at reversals so I'm glad I was able to get one here when I really needed it. Getting an accidental jab and getting counter hit would have really sucked. Dropped the combo after though, oops.
13:44 - Everyone goes nuts here but I actually screwed this up. It's not a mixup, you can just combo into that jab. I just didn't get the link.

Game 3 vs Shade
14:25 - You can bait Bypass xx Scalpels like this but I didn't time it right. Annoying because that's the whole reason I did the fake teleport.
14:37 - Again not paying attention to my assists being on cooldown. Squigly was supposed to show up here but the red light was on. Need to pay more attention.
14:57 - I beat Bypass with item drop here so at least I made the adjustment even if I missed this earlier.
15:07 - Didn't DHC here because I wasn't confident that Big Band was really available to DHC into and also because I was worried about George screwing up the combo. The Argus xx Opera xx SSJ thing is cool but it's a bit inconsistent.
15:15 - Here I definitely could have done it and I think it's a mistake that I didn't.
15:27 - Can't help but be a little amused at Sage saying I'm too conservative with meter as I spend 4 bars in 9 in game seconds. He's right though.

Game 1 vs Killjoy
24:01 - I make a hard read on fireball super (a common Fukua opener vs Peacock) and j.LK to beat it. This was a bad idea for two reasons. One, Killjoy had tried this when I played him earlier and it didn't pan out, so naturally he would be hesitant to try it again. Two, the risk reward isn't there. If I'm right about the fireball I can just block and pushblock, which is what I did earlier; it's a safe option that leaves me up a bar and if I'm wrong it's not that risky. What I did instead was super risky and I get blown up for it. Killjoy lets me off the hook here but it could have gone much worse.
24:10 - Really good read by Killjoy that he oddly never attempts at any point for the rest of the set. I could have used s.HP instead of bombs here and left myself able to teleport if he went for BFF, but I wasn't thinking about that option.
24:19 - I thought I blocked this. I asked Killjoy if he made it hit same side. He didn't answer but he did smile. I think it hit same side.
24:24 - Worst possible decision here. The assist call was bad but not even thinking about the inevitable counter call Pillar I just j.HP without thinking. I'm lucky he wasn't in position to get both characters.
24:37 - lol i suck
24:43 - Yaya showed me how to get the confirm off this move midscreen, but I haven't practiced it enough. I don't even attempt it because I have no confidence I'll get it.

Game 2 vs Killjoy
25:45 - Not sure about this Argus. I had no way to do another super to kill Fukua. It worked out but I don't know if it's the right decision.
26:05 - Trying not to point out every drop but this one was really bad. This is such a common thing where the way someone gets in on me is I drop a combo. I was in control of this game and I lose it right here.
26:17 - Got real lucky to not lose Big Band. Not sure if the assist call was bad or not. It would have been great if I was blocking crossup overhead when I did it.
26:34 - I'm as surprised as anyone that this worked.
27:00 - This was the cool reset Warped has mentioned a couple times. I start by faking the cross under I always do then crossing back over. Then, the item drop hits one way and the jab hits on the other side. Warped and Sage don't even notice cause they're talking about Double. What's the point of playing on stream if people don't acknowledge your cool shit >:[

Game 3 vs Killjoy
Not a lot to say about this one actually, I think I played this about perfect. A few execution mistakes but that's about it. No mistakes in decision making that I can see.

Game 4 vs Killjoy
29:23 - I thought he was gonna open j.HP + call Pillar. Maybe I'm too used to fighting Keninblack. My read here doesn't work out but at least I don't get punished for it. A hard read here is a little more defensible than against Fukua because if Double does open j.HP + call assist there's not a ton of openers that beat it which aren't hard reads.
29:38 - I try to bait a car here. Killjoy doesn't take the bait. Fine by me, I'm in a good position either way. Apparently I would have gotten Sage with this.
29:55 - Starting from here I'm trying to zone without using Brass for a little bit so Big Band's health can recover. I'm not very confident in my solo Peacock zoning but I feel like I did a good job with it here.
30:37 - You know, I noticed during the Argus that Fukua hit the ground and I wasn't going to be able to do L George xx Argus, then by the time the Road Roller ends I forget it. Short term memory of a goldfish. At least I realize after throwing the bomb that Argus won't hit and I don't waste the meter.
Things to work on based on my notes here:
-Work on the situational combos more:
  • Big Band air grab
  • Tympani Drive
  • SSJ xx Lenny
  • Midscreen assist kills (with everyone)
  • Cymbal Clash (midscreen)
-Figure out what I can do against Hairball assist
-Pay more attention to when my assists aren't available
-Always spend the meter to kill (I'm good about this with Squigly and Big Band, not so much with Peacock)
-Use s.HP to bait BFF when Fukua is in range for it, cancel into teleport if she does it
-React to Inevitable Snuggle (someday...)
Last edited:
-Figure out what I can do against Hairball assist

In neutral for your team have you tried finding air normals/chains that will let you get more hang-time in conjunction with double jumps so that it goes underneath you? It's something I've noticed Duck do a lot with Val and Double (jMK specifically) so that all kinds of horizontal approach/lockdown assists just don't do anything at all before getting counter-called. It's probably the number one neutral lesson I'm trying to take away from his matches.

  • Pea jMK (hopefully even hitting Filia out of hairball) and covering yourself from any point followup with jHP or item release might be nice.
  • Squigly jMP at least, and maybe jMP > doublejump if it works? Might put you in a weird spot where they can run around underneath you but falling on them with jLK, jMK, jHP, or Dive may not be awful?
  • BB, I dunno mash cymbals? :^)

On defense, you know I'm gonna say use it for the AG or PBGC opportunities. It won't work forever, but I feel Hairball exposes itself to this more than anything else in the game (except maybe Cerecopter).
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In neutral for your team have you tried finding air normals/chains that will let you get more hang-time in conjunction with double jumps so that it goes underneath you? It's something I've noticed Duck do a lot with Val and Double (jMK specifically) so that all kinds of horizontal approach/lockdown assists just don't do anything at all before getting counter-called. It's probably the number one neutral lesson I'm trying to take away from his matches.

  • Pea jMK (hopefully even hitting Filia out of hairball) and covering yourself from any point followup with jHP or item release might be nice.
  • Squigly jMP at least, and maybe jMP > doublejump if it works? Might put you in a weird spot where they can run around underneath you but falling on them with jLK, jMK, jHP, or Dive may not be awful?
  • BB, I dunno mash cymbals? :^)

On defense, you know I'm gonna say use it for the AG or PBGC opportunities. It won't work forever, but I feel Hairball exposes itself to this more than anything else in the game (except maybe Cerecopter).
Ohhhhhhhhhh mannnnnnnn these are all RLY good ideas. Gonna give it all a shot next time I have a chance to training mode it up.

Also I think the thing in the game that's most vulnerable to PBGC is actually Opera, but I'm biased
you missed a bunch of times that you could convert from cymbals there
you missed a bunch of times that you could convert from cymbals there
What do you use to convert off Cymbals?
What do you use to convert off Cymbals?
just dash up c.lp, you can even get it without using the otg sometimes.
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just dash up c.lp, you can even get it without using the otg sometimes.
Thanks. I should add that to the list. I never attempt midscreen conversions off Cymbals so I don't have a great sense of when I'm in range for it. Not going for it when I'm in range, though, means I'm giving up on a lot of damage.
Thanks. I should add that to the list. I never attempt midscreen conversions off Cymbals so I don't have a great sense of when I'm in range for it. Not going for it when I'm in range, though, means I'm giving up on a lot of damage.
Scaling is pretty bad tho, it's hard to get past 5.5k which is not a lot more than you get with cymbals>brass>ssj, I like it for the momentum and resets that follow.
Nuts... at 13.44 don't kid yourself, if it didn't combo-ed then it would have been a mixup "ShadeMoney", it's just too wonky looking for anyone to expect that. all in all, it nice and it would have been even cooler to see you combo off of that and have Shade land on the Lazy Lenny at the end.
Scaling is pretty bad tho, it's hard to get past 5.5k which is not a lot more than you get with cymbals>brass>ssj, I like it for the momentum and resets that follow.

Depending on what types of moves you did before hand you use this as a 2 hit burst bait. the spacing would be tricky but if done correctly you can do two safe hits cr lk and cr mk triggering IPS. Just look at Black Coffee. Excerebella isn't needed for this, I just did it for a tiny bit more swag.
Scaling is pretty bad tho, it's hard to get past 5.5k which is not a lot more than you get with cymbals>brass>ssj, I like it for the momentum and resets that follow.
Yeah when I have a choice I prefer resets over going for mixups off sliding knockdowns. Getting the c.LP combo after Cymbals gives you that option.
Nuts... at 13.44 don't kid yourself, if it didn't combo-ed then it would have been a mixup "ShadeMoney", it's just too wonky looking for anyone to expect that. all in all, it nice and it would have been even cooler to see you combo off of that and have Shade land on the Lazy Lenny at the end.
I mean I will admit it's one of those drops that leads to a hard to block reset, but it's still a drop. I point it out as something I need to work on.
To do said burst bait just do: cr lk, st mk, air lp, air lk, air mp, cr lk, cr mk, st hp, TK lk cymbal crash, Train Brake cancel to count for a dash, cr lk (IPS hit 1), cr mk (IPS Hit 2); [At this point if you opponent doesn't burst you can cancel into mk a train to squeeze in that last little bit of damage cause at that point they will burst.]
  • Midscreen assist kills (with everyone)
Not sure if you know this, but BB can do c.MK > s.HP over and over and it works on any weight type.
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12:42 - lol why does anyone even get excited, of course I don't have these. I tried to make one up on the spot but H divekick doesn't side switch on assists. I haven't practiced these with any of my characters. I guess Squigly's is just [s.HK j.MP]xN according to Sage so I'll try that later.

I can't get this to work ;_; Either I do the j.MP before Squigly changes sides and it pushes the assist too far away, or I do it after the side change and the j.MP whiffs cause it's going the wrong way. What am I doing wrong here? Was practicing it on Fukua if that's relevant.
can't you just do s.hk into stancle over and over with squigly
yeah that's what I do
well it depends. Like in the match at tsb you could have done that, but if you did it vs an assist like fukua that comes from behind and doesn't end in front of you its kinda weird to set up.
here's what you can do if you land a kill that had both the point and assist launched. At tsb you could have just gone from launch straight into the loop mpgame mentioned, or do the airchain I did if you don't think it'll cross up at some point.

is the other one I found but its weird and idk if its the one current squiglies go for.

This is all off of sbo starter
I should also mention that the second video only works because you move vals body while doing it so it doesn't cross you up. But for it to work the point has to be on the floor so you can actually move forward with them which is why its weird
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Thanks @dekillsage. For some reason I thought you meant j.MP, and not the one hit of s.MP to pull them in. I kinda like this because now my Squigly and Big Band assist kills are almost the same thing.
That's weird, because I was going through your matches from TSB, and noting all the things you did right. I have a couple of your matches saved in a playlist just to steal tech from. And for that, I thank you.
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Slow day at work again. I haven't played SG since my last post (although I think I got to everything in training mode that I said I would), so I don't have new match videos. I do have an old one though. All the matches I played at Evo got corrupted or something so the footage recorded by Guard Break was lost, but I do have terrible cell phone quality footage of me vs Duckator (thanks to whoever was holding Duckator's phone for recording this).

My notes:
Game 1
0:13 - Just blocking at the start of the round vs Peacock? I wonder what he thought I would do. I think he made some kind of read on an option I didn't know I had. I should figure out what it is and then do it (but not against Duck because he was baiting it).
0:19 - Brass hit Val while she was airborne so I couldn't have comboed off this. Might have wanted to Argus anyways, I'm not sure.
0:30 - Ok w/e I guess I just did it off this one. Also I just want to note I didn't know anyone was rooting for me at the time because I had my headphones on, it's only viewing this video now that I found this out. That sort of thing actually distracts me anyways so it's just as well. But thank you for whoever was saying "let's go Peanuts" and such :)
0:32 - I go for charged H item a lot after Argus hits. You can just Bypass to beat that, apparently. Good to know. I usually cover this with Brass, and maybe I tried to do so here, but the red light was on. I honestly would have thought Argus would waste all the assist cooldown time, but since I started the combo with it maybe the timer doesn't even start going down until the Argus fully ends. I should double check this.
0:43 - The idea behind this Argus was to snipe the assist and make the Argus safe with item drop, but I let go of the item drop too late. I should work on the timing of this.
0:47 - Not sure why I got hit here. Might have been trying to wake up with M gun but messed up the timing on it.

The rest of this whole game seems to just be me guessing wrong on everything. Not sure what to take away from that. I'll just list everything in order for posterity if nothing else:
-Guessed throw on incoming, got counter hit by Val j.HK
-Guessed low reset, got low reset! Then jumped into an Updo.
-Thought I would end up on the other side after the ground tech, crossed myself up
-Guessed throw, got reset low
-Crossed myself up with a ground tech again
-Guessed something that wasn't crossup overhead, got hit crossup overhead

Game 2
1:49 - It's a policy of mine to go back to character select if I get OCV'd. Probably doesn't help, but if momentum is a real concept then it helps and if it's not it probably doesn't hurt. I wasn't really thinking about anything in particular when I did this.
2:34 - Was doing reasonably well up until this point, but this isn't the right spacing to throw two bombs against Val. If I had done j.HK when I jumped back a second ago I think I would have been fine here. I'm not sure why I did j.MP instead. Input error? Nerves?
2:40 - Again Duck gets me with Bypass xx Scalpels when I'm trying to set up an item drop. I think I was expecting Brass to lock him down and give me a second to set something up, but he got above it. I think what I should do in the future in this scenario is wait to block confirm the Brass assist before charging the item.
3:11 - Need a better setup than this for midscreen incoming as Squigly. This is the only one I ever go for. I also didn't set it up right and the Brass goes the wrong way.
3:14 thru 2:27 - Good lord this is a lot of jumping around. I'm lucky I didn't get hit by Updo. All I'm really doing during this whole sequence is trying to fish with j.LK, as soon as he blocked one of them I should have recognized he was just trying to air block + call assist and done an air grab to beat it.
3:32 and 3:36 - Tried to Opera both of these resets but didn't get it. Sage gave me a piece of advice at TSB that I could have used here which was not trying to reversal while you're falling in the air, which was the case for both of these resets.
3:55 - I thought this would work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Honestly I should have done the Tympani combo here, but I don't think I knew it at the time.
4:04 - Wow I really just never caught on to the fact that he was air blocking while calling assist, huh.
A few tidbits to take away from all this
-Do grabs, like, ever (they're good) I think I only attempted one grab this set, but it was a tick grab. Should have just done straight up jump forward grab or run up grab.
-Need to make sure I'm protected against Bypass xx Scalpels at all times. Wasn't really thinking about it and left a lot of holes in my zoning that Val could Bypass through.
-Come up with some better midscreen incoming setups for Squigly (probably for Big Band too)
-Using item drop to make Argus safe (this should be a quick one but I just want to double check the timing on this)
-Practice reversaling out of resets: figure out when it's practical to try for it and when it's not. Gonna set up the dummy to do some common mixups and see how hard it is to reversal them.
Huh. You know unless I set something up wrong it doesn't seem like you actually can make Argus safe with an item drop. No matter where you drop the item they can always PBGC on the 5th hit. Hm. That's good to know I guess.
I'm kind of just posting this because I'm bored. You don't have to read this. (This could probably be said of anything I post, but this one's particularly long so I felt the need to have the disclaimer.)

Trying to figure out if I want to keep playing the same characters, or the same order, or the same assists. I'm having some doubts about what I've got going over here. The main thing I like about the team I have now is that all 3 characters have pretty good synergy with each other. Peacock builds a lot of meter for Squigly, Squigly and Peacock can both use Brass assist (the only characters for whom this assist is worthwhile, in my opinion), good DHC options from any character to any other character. I remember back when I played Peacock/Filia/Double that it really bugged me Filia couldn't get much off H Hornet Bomber. I also tried to make Peacock and Painwheel work together on the same team for a while and I honestly don't think it can be done (or it would take a better player than me to do it). And with this team everything kind of fits together neatly which is really refreshing.


There's some aspects of this team I don't really like. I don't think Peacock is getting enough off Drag n Bite assist. Which is interesting because that assist is actually what sold me on the team when Sage first suggested it back in whatever thread it was. You do get some pretty cool mixups off it as Peacock, but the more I play Peacock the less I really want to go for cool mixups. I kind of just want to do a full combo and go back to zoning. Reversals are really strong in this game, and I like having a character that can just ignore that whole aspect of the metagame and just throw shit at you from full screen. So that's what I'm more inclined to do rather than be like "yo check out this cool left/right I can do".

Also the whole "building meter for Squigly" thing is sort of a uh, man the turn of phrase is escaping me at the moment. But it's not as good as it sounds. A lot of the time to get Squigly in safely I need to DHC since her tag sucks so bad, so I end up just spending all that bar anyways. When I do get her in with bar, a lot of the time I can't make good use of all that meter. Opera xx SSJ is not actually safe regardless of which Opera you use contrary to common belief, and because you DHC into SSJ it has no hitstop and can be counter supered. Alpha counter into Big Band into SSJ DHC to Opera is kind of amazing but it's 3 bars and you do have to block at least 1 thing to do it, which is sometimes easier said than done.

The team is also really, really dependent on Big Band staying alive. My other two characters have pretty weak reversals and are counting on Big Band assist as a reversal option. If he dies as an assist or gets doublesnapped or gets snapped in and killed, it becomes pretty miserable to try to fight it out as my other characters.

So, these are some options I'm thinking about instead, along with reasons why I don't like them either:

1. Peacock/Big Band/Squigly
The DHCs in this order might be a little better. SSJ DHC Opera is better than Opera DHC SSJ, in my opinion, because the SSJ gets actual hitstop and the DHC makes it safe on block. Also gives you the option of Tympani DHC Opera on incoming, which might be fun. Problems with this team are, I'm kind of giving up on the idea of getting Squigly in without meter. I also don't have a safe DHC to get Peacock out. Also doesn't address the problem where Squigly's assist is not great for Peacock.

2. Peacock/Big Band
I already use this team for other Peacocks. This sort of addresses the issue of my 3rd character's assist not being useful for both other characters, albeit in the laziest way possible. It also makes Peacock have more life and do more damage which might be good since she's the character I like playing the most. I just kind of don't like playing duo in general since if you get double snapped the game is basically over. But then like I said earlier that's kind of already true with my current team if the character getting snapped is Big Band. I also don't really like not having DHCs that make my invincible 2 frame reversal safe on block and comboable on hit... but maybe instead of relying on things like that I should learn how to actually play the game??? idk

3. Peacock/Big Band/Eliza
Warped suggested this to me at the last TSB. The idea being Peacock builds a million bars so that you can go crazy with Sekhmet. I would have to play it in this order since Eliza doesn't have a super that you can DHC to from Argus. Problems here are like, I don't find Eliza interesting at all (which is kinda funny since I did vote for her), that's one. Eliza can't really convert off Brass midscreen which would bother me for the same reason running Filia with H Hornet Bomber did. I could use Beat Extend instead of Brass and run bed as my Eliza assist, but I find when I don't have Brass I really miss it. Brass is kind of bad for certain matchups though, like Valentine. I dunno. Also is Sekhmet even that good? She has no mixup and you can just grab her for free.

4. Peacock/Big Band/someone else or Peacock/someone else/Big Band
Only other characters I'd consider running would be like Filia/Parasoul/Fortune for a DP assist, or Double/Bella for a horizontal zoning assist (letting me use Beat Extend as my Big Band assist). The DP assist characters I instantly hate because of the whole Brass thing so lemmie take those off the table.

Double is interesting since I get SSJ xx Cat Heads which is a waaaaaay better version of SSJ xx Opera. Only really works with your back to the corner though since midscreen you can't convert off it on hit, but that's where I'd be primarily using it anyways, so whatever. M bomber is probably a pretty good assist for Big Band. Again I would really miss Brass with this team though, like against Doubles who try to shoot you/Bellas who try to reflect/Fukua in general/etc. Also it would feel weird to go back to Double after saying "fuck Double I'm playing Big Band now" so many times after Big Band came out. I mean I realize now they're not mutually exclusive but I did say that repeatedly.

Lock n Load is like the only assist that I consider comparable to Brass, like I would still miss having Brass but I would get over it. It's nice that it doesn't knock them down so they can't ground tech forward to get in. And Big Band and Bella have some cool synergy, you can Dynamo midscreen and then get a combo off it using Beat Extend assist. No safe DHCs anywhere though, that's kind of boners.

So... yeah I dunno! I think I may just try out all of these teams and figure out which one I hate the least. It may turn out that Peacock/Squigly/Big Band was the best option all along and then I cry like the dude at the end of Ping Pong The Animation where he's all like the thing I wanted was right there all along! Or maybe it turns out that like the Eliza team is the best one and I'm like oh cool Eliza roolz. The important thing is that writing all this took me about half an hour, which is great because I was REALLY bored!
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Peacock/LNL/Beat Extend sounds godlike. You'll lose safe dhcs in exchange for way better damage output. But now you have a team that can deal with Valentine and Filia, match ups that your current team struggles with I feel. Are you still at work? We can lab this team up later if you're down.
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Peacock/LNL/Beat Extend sounds godlike. You'll lose safe dhcs in exchange for way better damage output. But now you have a team that can deal with Valentine and Filia, match ups that your current team struggles with I feel. Are you still at work? We can lab this team up later if you're down.
I am at work unfortunately (that's why I was bored; if I was at home I'd just play video games). I have agreements to play non-fight games with Coolcab tonight, then Friday of course is GU, but Saturday night I should be able to play fight games. I appreciate the offer btw :)
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I don't think Peacock is getting enough off Drag n Bite assist. Which is interesting because that assist is actually what sold me on the team when Sage first suggested it back in whatever thread it was. You do get some pretty cool mixups off it as Peacock, but the more I play Peacock the less I really want to go for cool mixups. I kind of just want to do a full combo and go back to zoning. Reversals are really strong in this game, and I like having a character that can just ignore that whole aspect of the metagame and just throw shit at you from full screen. So that's what I'm more inclined to do rather than be like "yo check out this cool left/right I can do".

would you like a really long theory post from someone that fights Skarmand constantly?
would you like a really long theory post from someone that fights Skarmand constantly?
Eliza defense options are:
- An MP.Bang that's punishable on block
- Airdash

I wouldn't run that as anchor
Is qcf+PP not invincible on startup?
I'm in a similar boat of juggling team members/assists and I'm confused as hell. I would like to request we run a set (after your lab with dekillseinen up there, when you're up to it) and see what some of our theory teams we're speculating on do to each other. Already have you on steam (finally) so I'll hit you up (or you can hit me up) if you're up for it. (Up, up, and away.)

Also, Sekhmet, IMO, does have neutral uses, but it really is still too early to say that definitively and the current common idea is 'she's just a combo extender you're gonna get thrown give it up man.' Let's see how things play out, I dunno. I think she's cool against zoning. Her overhead is also fucking fast as hell, no lie. Seriously. I think her best uses in neutral come not from running around as Sekhmet trying to do things, but running around as Eliza trying to do things and taking a risky chance in calling out Sekhmet (in the air being better, IMO) to counter your opponents dumb actions before they have time to go 'Oh, it's Sekhmet, time to block and throw.' Also, for the meter cost, MAN can you whomp on an assist with her. Ground bounce some Dubble erryday.

Eliza's Sekhmet meter is best spent in optimal ass combos on lights so you can get 9.2k~ for 1 1/2 meters and an assist call from cLK. At least until more nerfs happen to how Sekhmet spends meter and how much damage Eliza's normals do or how they function. Alpha counter into Sekhmet is risky but I totally got it to work once or twice from alpha counter-burst situations in the air, but that was with Axe, not Butcher. (Butcher = stabby time)

Eliza might could convert off Brass midscreen with Sekhmet maybe? I'll check it out in lab sometime. I'm not a Brass user though.

@mcpeanuts QCF+PP is not invin on startup, it's not a reversal at point blank or even slightly outside that, from a distance it can quickly catch your opponent doing something stupid though and you can DHC out of it on block into something else like Lenny which is kinda dumb. QCB+PP might be. But that is 3 meters. Sekhmet moves have stuffable startup too (I mean, cancel to sekhmet moves, not actual sekhmet moves themselves.)

Isa get out of this thread Eliza's defense is equivalent to Valentine's (almost) it's based in use of spacing and ridiculous hitbox sizes, Val's DP is sHKx3 (aka Domo's waifu) The whole point is Eliza getting rushed down = fuck. fuck my life. Which is why you don't let that happen to begin with or you've 'already lost.'

I'm in a similar boat of juggling team members/assists and I'm confused as hell. I would like to request we run a set (after your lab with dekillseinen up there, when you're up to it) and see what some of our theory teams we're speculating on do to each other. Already have you on steam (finally) so I'll hit you up (or you can hit me up) if you're up for it. (Up, up, and away.)
Sounds good. It would be less intimidating to try to learn a new team against someone who's doing the same thing.

Also, Sekhmet, IMO, does have neutral uses, but it really is still too early to say that definitively and the current common idea is 'she's just a combo extender you're gonna get thrown give it up man.' Let's see how things play out, I dunno. I think she's cool against zoning. Her overhead is also fucking fast as hell, no lie. Seriously. I think her best uses in neutral come not from running around as Sekhmet trying to do things, but running around as Eliza trying to do things and taking a risky chance in calling out Sekhmet (in the air being better, IMO) to counter your opponents dumb actions before they have time to go 'Oh, it's Sekhmet, time to block and throw.' Also, for the meter cost, MAN can you whomp on an assist with her. Ground bounce some Dubble erryday.

Eliza's Sekhmet meter is best spent in optimal ass combos on lights so you can get 9.2k~ for 1 1/2 meters and an assist call from cLK. At least until more nerfs happen to how Sekhmet spends meter and how much damage Eliza's normals do or how they function. Alpha counter into Sekhmet is risky but I totally got it to work once or twice from alpha counter-burst situations in the air, but that was with Axe, not Butcher. (Butcher = stabby time)

Eliza might could convert off Brass midscreen with Sekhmet maybe? I'll check it out in lab sometime. I'm not a Brass user though.

@mcpeanuts QCF+PP is not invin on startup, it's not a reversal at point blank or even slightly outside that, from a distance it can quickly catch your opponent doing something stupid though and you can DHC out of it on block into something else like Lenny which is kinda dumb. QCB+PP might be. But that is 3 meters. Sekhmet moves have stuffable startup too (I mean, cancel to sekhmet moves, not actual sekhmet moves themselves.)

Isa get out of this thread Eliza's defense is equivalent to Valentine's (almost) it's based in use of spacing and ridiculous hitbox sizes, Val's DP is sHKx3 (aka Domo's waifu) The whole point is Eliza getting rushed down = fuck. fuck my life. Which is why you don't let that happen to begin with or you've 'already lost.'

Hmmmmmmmmmm ok. I will admit I don't know all that much about Eliza. I should probably learn her if only to know how all her shit works.
I mean it's not awful or anything. I'm just wondering if I could do better. Maybe I can't, but I'd like to try out these other ideas I have and see how they work.
Oh for the record, in the corner Slaughter (entire super! even the last hit) DHC Lenny > YEAH BOY

Oh, and Eliza's tag combos off anything. Peacock sMK tag to Eliza otg cMKx2 full Eliza combo. Enjoy your safe entry from a basic confirm. Should work with BB sHP, etc.

Oh, and Eliza cHPx2 Divekick > Tag to BB probably works and in the corner that works with Peacock. YEEEAAAAH TAGS.

Another edit but ELIZA cHK ASSIST AYYYYYYYY Try it.
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Isn't Lenny a safe DHC if the opponent's already in blockstun?
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Isn't Lenny a safe DHC if the opponent's already in blockstun?
It depends on how much blockstun the previous super caused. Death Crawl DHC Lenny is punishable. SSJ DHC Lenny is safe. Dynamo DHC Lenny is plus (!!!). So yeah I guess that team does have safe DHCs if I get Peacock out before she dies.
Peacock/LNL/Beat Extend sounds godlike. You'll lose safe dhcs in exchange for way better damage output. But now you have a team that can deal with Valentine and Filia, match ups that your current team struggles with I feel. Are you still at work? We can lab this team up later if you're down.
For what it's worth mcpeanuts I've just spent weeks trying to find a fun team that fits my playstyle so I know how you feel! My current thinking is that I'm going to drop the game until Beowulf is in the beta and hope that I enjoy using him, but if I didn't hate Big Band I'd use Peacock/LnL/Beat Extend for sure. As well as dealing insane damage it feels like it can handle anything in the game, and you get a bunch of cool extras like letting Cerebella combo from midscreen dynamo. My only problem is that I prefer brass to lnl in the Peacock mirror but it's not a huge deal at all.
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okay here is my really long theory post about why I think teleport + assist is really good for resetting midscreen positions. These are also my thoughts on preserving positional advantages through prophylaxis due to the assists' blockstun and how strong teleport's ability to protect an assist call by determining which way the opponent gets to face really is, and why that's infinitely more important than just going for left/right mixups via teleports.

man u thought it wasn't wasps
