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USA Indiana Thread (new)


Stop Bugging me about Avatars ;_;
Mar 7, 2014
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Indianapolis, Indiana
Making a new thread for this area since a lot has changed for the area and the old topic creator left a while ago so I figured this would be okay.

This Thread is for general Indiana players to know what's what and who's where and to keep things updated if anyone wanted to stop by.

In terms of local/weeklies, the old weeklies in Indianapolis died and we can't use the church anymore, though there was low turnout for SG anyways. Instead, I've been going to a Friday weekly local for Marvel 3 players that's also held a little north of downtown where I've been teaching a handful of players stuff about SG and trying to start an SG thing there. If you are a newer player, this is a great thing to come to since I usually spend most of the time showing people how to play. The time is basically from 6 pm to whenever, though I myself usually leave around 11 or 12. It's a private place that needs invites to get in so I don't think I should just put out the address willy nilly, but if anyone in the area wants in just post and I'll share information with you. I live on the northside as well, close to Carmel, so if anyone in general on the north needed a ride I'm more than happy to pick up people for SG. Since none of the other players really post here, I probably won't keep things updated for each week, but unless I post otherwise it's safe to assume that there will be a local that week. Please show up if you can!

For monthlies, we have events run by Net Battles. They run Godlike Saturdays held at the Circle Center Mall once a month and usually we try to show up. For SG, the turnout is usually very low, sometimes only myself, but I still try to show up anyways and play SG (be it training mode or random people going by). For people from other states, it's usually not worth going since there won't be many people aside from me, but if anyone instate wants to come and play me and chill out and have a good time, definitely try and show up! I'll make a post as each one is announced or for any other event announced that I see on the Indiana facebook page (which not a lot of people pay attention too).

If there's anyone else who lives in the state but can't get to Indianapolis, post and maybe we can work something out!
You played Skullgirls in a Church? How we're you not smited on the spot? :O
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So there's a Godlike Today, but I actually didn't post about it cause it was hard for me to know just how many people were going, turns out its probably going to be a small turnout this month. I'm still gonna show up and probably steal a setup for SG, but most importantly I'm going to try and ask around about the upcoming Naptown Clutch. Naptown clutch is the one time a year our monthly tries to promote itself and invite a bunch of people (last year it was Cloud805, this year we have Clockwork, yipes and arturo). Last year I put up info about the info last minute and didn't expect anyone but we surprisingly had enough for an 8 man tournament, but this year since most of the local Indiana guys who played SG stopped turning out (thanks Xrd for killing anime) the TO didn't put SG on the list. I'll try talking to him and see if I can change his mind, since I can just run the tournament myself.

If anyone from the Chicago or KC/STL are thinking of coming again, while I can't say the venue is great (it IS the mall), I would certainly try to be there early and try to keep everyone playing and having a great time. For the stream, I think the best bet would be if I tried to get Top 4 (which I'm okay with) since stream time might be tight esp. if they end up running a Marvel Teams tournament. So if anyone wants to come, try asking around to fellow SG players if they'd like to come too. I'll make a followup post when I can get a clear response cause I do think SG deserves a little more love.
So there's a Godlike Today, but I actually didn't post about it cause it was hard for me to know just how many people were going, turns out its probably going to be a small turnout this month. I'm still gonna show up and probably steal a setup for SG, but most importantly I'm going to try and ask around about the upcoming Naptown Clutch. Naptown clutch is the one time a year our monthly tries to promote itself and invite a bunch of people (last year it was Cloud805, this year we have Clockwork, yipes and arturo). Last year I put up info about the info last minute and didn't expect anyone but we surprisingly had enough for an 8 man tournament, but this year since most of the local Indiana guys who played SG stopped turning out (thanks Xrd for killing anime) the TO didn't put SG on the list. I'll try talking to him and see if I can change his mind, since I can just run the tournament myself.

If anyone from the Chicago or KC/STL are thinking of coming again, while I can't say the venue is great (it IS the mall), I would certainly try to be there early and try to keep everyone playing and having a great time. For the stream, I think the best bet would be if I tried to get Top 4 (which I'm okay with) since stream time might be tight esp. if they end up running a Marvel Teams tournament. So if anyone wants to come, try asking around to fellow SG players if they'd like to come too. I'll make a followup post when I can get a clear response cause I do think SG deserves a little more love.

Myself and the other KC dudes used to drive out to STL all the time back when they did tournaments. However, 7 and a half (closer to 8 probably) hours is a long drive for us, so if you have an event we'd probably have to leave Friday and find a place to stay for the weekend, driving back on Sunday. (Dhoppler has a grown ass man job and doesn't get off until 5 on Friday so it might be tough).

I realize it is one of those catch 22s of "its a long drive so we're only going to go if there is Skullgirls" "we need people to actually show up if we want to run Skullgirls"

I realize it's just as long the opposite direction, but we fill a big bracket for SG every month at Maxout (16 entrants two months in a row now) so if you ever wanted to come down here you could probably crash at my place.
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Hey I live in Castleton and just started getting into this game. Playing on the PS4 would you be able to teach me a few things either sometime locally or online?
Online, I don't believe so since the other players are more locals guys and I only play on PC.

However, in terms of locals, you being in Castleton actually seems close to the ebash events that apparently happen on Sundays. I was actually trying to do some research into going to that location since I heard some people there were trying to get SG going.

If that works for you, we can meetup there on Sunday. There's also a Friday Local that's fairly downtown (I dunno where you live in Castleton, but from Castleton Square Mall if you take 69 down it's ~20 min, about as long as I take from the north side). There's also I believe some anime guys who do a Saturday local who I believe have SG that we could go to that's closer to Castleton, but I don't remember where exactly right now. Just tell me what day you think works best for you and I'll try to go to whichever event.

Was gonna update about Naptown clutch soon~
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Yeah I might want to go to that. Is that in early November?
Yup, November 7th for Naptown Clutch. And remember to tell me which day/event you'd want to go to any week for the locals cause usually I'm only able to go to 1 of the 3 with the way me scheduling stuff works.
Dropping in to say I won't be able to go to Godlike this weekend but Naptown Clutch is looking really possible for me.
So yeah a lot of things happened, unfortunately the Convention center upped the cost of using the venue in the last month, so naptown clutch is going to be at the same old boring Circle Center Mall, booooo.

That said, Naptown Clutch! Going to be a lot bigger than the normal monthlies and we'll be setting up SG there as well. The limited space might make it more shaky, but I did get the approval beforehand and there should still be some space for us in the Party Room (that's actually what the Side Game room is, nice). I'll be there all day and we'll have a couple of other players heading down here too, but anyone is still free to come down.

Good parking tips are listed here because there's a ton of stuff going down this weekend downtown.
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Godlike Saturday tomorrow! I actually didn't know about this cause was focusing on Combo Breaker. Hopefully Gelato can show up this month :D

Trying to look into the new local that's going on, ebash, but I can't get a good page about it, so I'll probably ask people at Godlike about it. All I know is that it's on wednesdays.
If you're ever in West Lafayette during the Purdue school year, check out the Purdue Fighting Game Club. There's weeklies (usually) every Wednesday at 6 in Nelson Hall's room 1195. These weeklies are open to everyone, even non-students. It's mostly an Xrd and Melee group, but there are always people willing to try new stuff like Skullgirls.

There's also the monthly BOPME tournaments run by the PFGC from the Stewart Center. Skullgirls currently isn't on the game list, but that might change if enough people are interested.