Doesn't that mean the center of the earth is somebody's crotch?
Why do you think the center is full of magma >V>
He has a world-wide glandular problem
How many days/hours or whatever do we have again?
Oh, I thought we had to break %60 sometime before it ends for it to be extended
Considering they were very religious, the idea of being sacrificed to the gods was more or less a honor. Still, researchers and archaeologists still debate to this day if the losers were the ones who died as sacrifices, or it was actually them who were spared, but I suppose they lived in in shame afterwards. The ball game was played by commoners and kings alike, apparently, but it was also used to settle up land conflicts. The gold clothes were just legends told by European conquerors and explorers. Also, the ball looked kind of plain, actually, but some of them were used as offerings, depending on the material they used to make the ball. There is a variant where the players use something similar to paddles, but the most popular version was ball-hips.Yo kinda late but I'm a fan of Tenoch. I was kinda hoping that he would be not-aztec for the sake of being different, which is not to say the Aztec aren't super metal and rad because they are.
Gonna corroborate w/ the other people talking about the ball game stuff and they probably did not kill the dudes that won, because why would you do that. They would however, take important captured people, and instead of just killing or sacrificing them like the regular dudes, they would have them play in the game and then kill them afterwards.
I'm not an expert on this stuff so if someone could step in when I say something stupid that'd be super. To my knowledge they didn't really wear gold in mesoamerica, either that or it wasn't super present like in other places. Also it kinda bothers me that the ball looks straight up like a Recess kickball/dodgeball but I realize this is a videogame and it makes more sense for people in that case. People who played the ball game in some places had these "axe" things that I think functioned as kinda paddles for hitting the ball and that would be kinda cool to see.
they need 60 % to get it extended 20 more days they are at 59% i don't think anyone will need to take out a loanSo the campaign is drawing closer to a close...if we're a little short of the goal, is lab zero gonna collectively take out a loan to cover the rest so it happens...? I've read about people doing that and things working out.
But anyways, I've a bunch of projects, but I plan on making a vid or at least doing some advertising myself soon!! I'll reach out to everyone I can!!! I really want this to happen!
So I dont need to donate more blood?