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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

I'm deeply sorry for sounding like a dick but honestly the campaign is not looking very exciting <:T

The first Incarnation announcement was kind of disappointing, so it didn't help much.
I myself said that it does make sense because you had no time to make this whole campaign perfect, and you did the right thing giving most attention to the prototype than the concept art, but

You showed us the character that appears in a main scene of the trailer with no info at all. Not even his name or his ethnicity. Two words about the guy would have been nice.
This game looks like it has such a deep, interesting lore but we can't get a bit of it till the game is fully made?

I wasn't around when the Skullgirls campaign was made but probably some people hoped Incarnation reveals to be like the Skullgirls DLC? With art, name, inspiration and some written concepts of their fighting style.

I think some small pills about the characters, the universe and the inspirations (mythos, cultures) would be nice to keep the hype up. We already know the game is fun and pretty looking, but that's all your blogs say these days.
I agree, a little bit more information would be nice. Give backers something to stew over and could encourage more original artwork and discussions to help reach potential backers. Maybe even each 50,000 after a reveal we could get some bonus info.

I think someone also mentioned this before, but also having zebei, tungar and razmi's character bio's from the blog posts on the main indiegogo campaign page, instead of just their names and art, might be more engaging. For example, you can't really tell that Zebei is normally shy out of combat situations, or that Razmi's tiger pelt is called Bom and that she didn't kill him herself just from viewing the campaign and playing the prototype.

I think Mike addressed this in yesterdays Super Metroid stream already.
Oh really, what did he say?

Edit: also as a complete noob to paypal, does it charge you a fee if you make an international payment??(UK to US) Is paypal the only way to donate through Indiegogo? I'm planning on contributing sometime next week, but wondering if i need to set up a paypal account
This game looks like it has such a deep, interesting lore but we can't get a bit of it till the game is fully made?

I agree, a little bit more information would be nice. Give backers something to stew over and could encourage more original artwork and discussions to help reach potential backers.

(Link to Lab Zero's recent Super Metroid stream.) They mentioned yesterday having more streams Monday through Thursday. Specifically, Alex'll talk about lore on Monday. I didn't catch what time it's supposed to start, unfortunately.

Also, I heard something (off-stream) about the possibility of Steam Beta updated gameplay testing? Does anybody know any further details about this? I really enjoyed playing Skullgirls as it was being developed and seeing the system changes as they happened, and would love to do that again. If it does happen, is there a specific tier I'd need to pay to get in?

Also, I heard something (off-stream) about the possibility of Steam Beta updated gameplay testing? Does anybody know any further details about this? I really enjoyed playing Skullgirls as it was being developed and seeing the system changes as they happened, and would love to do that again. If it does happen, is there a specific tier I'd need to pay to get in?

I know that that's definitely the plan, and Steam would be the logical platform to do it on (and for those who care about DRM-free, a Steam beta wouldn't necessarily mean Steam DRM on the final game, especially when it doesn't need Steam's matchmaking like SG did). I can only assume that all people who back the game at a level that includes the full game ($30+) would be included in this, but of course clarification from Lab Zero on this point would be better.

(that said, if you can afford the higher tiers, you should totally get them!)
You showed us the character that appears in a main scene of the trailer with no info at all. Not even his name or his ethnicity. Two words about the guy would have been nice.
This game looks like it has such a deep, interesting lore but we can't get a bit of it till the game is fully made?

I wasn't around when the Skullgirls campaign was made but probably some people hoped Incarnation reveals to be like the Skullgirls DLC? With art, name, inspiration and some written concepts of their fighting style.

I think some small pills about the characters, the universe and the inspirations (mythos, cultures) would be nice to keep the hype up. We already know the game is fun and pretty looking, but that's all your blogs say these days.

We're aware of this and working on it! It'll be better going forward.


This one. We checked.
Alright, was finally able to toss in $60 in the form of two $30 donations, one for me and one for a friend. I should get paid again before the campaign ends so I'll probably upgrade both of those to at least the $60 tier.
I wish they were colored, honestly. It prevents people from doing much art. Her design is great, though.
I wonder whats the Mayan/Aztec guy is all about, he really interests me.
Man-oat? Ma-no-tay?

I'm deeply sorry for sounding like a dick but honestly the campaign is not looking very exciting <:T
I cannot decipher this face.

The first Incarnation announcement was kind of disappointing, so it didn't help much.
Oh, we hella know.

We already know the game is fun and pretty looking, but that's all your blogs say these days.
Am I allowed to be really fscking upset that "fun and pretty looking" isn't enough? Because 99% of crowdfunding campaigns don't even have "fun" when they're asking for money! You have to take that on faith!
I guess that's my biggest problem with this - people backed MN9 on reputation (and on "screw Capcom"), people backed Bloodstained on reputation, and we have something you can ACTUALLY PLAY and that people enjoy, and that's meh?
I cannot decipher this face.
I think she's wearing a party hat.

I wish they were colored, honestly. It prevents people from doing much art. Her design is great, though.
Look at it the other way - it's an opportunity to come up with your own palettes!
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Am I allowed to be really fscking upset that "fun and pretty looking" isn't enough? Because 99% of crowdfunding campaigns don't even have "fun" when they're asking for money! You have to take that on faith!
I guess that's my biggest problem with this - people backed MN9 on reputation (and on "screw Capcom"), people backed Bloodstained on reputation, and we have something you can ACTUALLY PLAY and that people enjoy, and that's meh?

To be fair, people who are gullible enough to give money to Inafune or IGA over a vague concept are not prone to have good taste, discerning or common sense.
Well also, that one meme oriented, cat oriented card game got 9 million. let's not forget about, silly randomness, which apparently sells the most.
Yep, silly randomness. Entirely unrelated to TheOatmeal being an uber popular page that everybody on the internet knows
"By 2010, the Oatmeal got more than four million unique visitors a month. In 2012, its annual revenue was around $500,000, 75% from merchandising and the rest from advertising"

Anyone could have done this "silly random cat oriented card game" and gotten this kind of money no problem
Am I allowed to be really fscking upset that "fun and pretty looking" isn't enough? Because 99% of crowdfunding campaigns don't even have "fun" when they're asking for money! You have to take that on faith!
I guess that's my biggest problem with this - people backed MN9 on reputation (and on "screw Capcom"), people backed Bloodstained on reputation, and we have something you can ACTUALLY PLAY and that people enjoy, and that's meh?
how dare you not offer free euphoria to every backer?
Am I allowed to be really fscking upset that "fun and pretty looking" isn't enough?

You have every right to be upset, Mike, but unlike Bloodstained and Mighty N9, who got easy success by simply being copies of famous titles, this is a completely new project.

I said that the wonderful prototype is the strongest point of this campaign, it was a fantastic choice, but the lore too seems like such a big deal, and rightfully so since it's a single player game...a great lore will also attire the casual crowd, like me. I never played Metroid or Valkirie, I am terrible at this game but gave it what I could anyway(for now) because I like how your artists at Lab0 make characters.

I cannot decipher this face.
I cannot decipher this face.

Single eyebrow high, the eyes, there's no nose, the T is a closed mouth with an inflated cheek.
Oh, so it resends the update when the typos get fixed. lol Glad you guys are fixing those!!
Yep, silly randomness. Entirely unrelated to TheOatmeal being an uber popular page that everybody on the internet knows
"By 2010, the Oatmeal got more than four million unique visitors a month. In 2012, its annual revenue was around $500,000, 75% from merchandising and the rest from advertising"

Anyone could have done this "silly random cat oriented card game" and gotten this kind of money no problem
If it was a massive deep involved project with the same demeanor as Indivisible would I be wrong again? Regardless of The Oatmeal's massive pushing, the product itself has to sell its own, and the most basic of tropes is what the majority will buy into.
If The Oatmeal wanted to fund a black operation to create a team of Ninja Mutant Arachnids people wouldn't be so forward on it.
(A corrupted / bastardization) of a Manote Thiha (lit. Man-Lion). The monster's form is constructed by an evil spirit that hijacked two Chinthe (guardian lions)

(Actual Manote Thihas are also guardians of temples, but this is a corrupted one)

A bit more unique compared to sphynxs and other lion-based legendary creatures, because this one has two hindquarters.

If I read my dad's reply correctly, the pronunciation: Man oat tee hah. the Manote part would just be Man-oat, but that's not the full name (it's like saying "were" instead of "werewolf")

It's signature kick pose is a reference to this type of depiction: http://www.allthingsburmese.com/images/manote thiha1.gif

( Sorry, couldn't wait till Monday for this one haha @3@; )
I really like her design, one of the one's I'd been waiting for. Cool name too, seems she based off of a Buddhist figure.
I can see her having some healing or party buffing moves or defensive supers.
Since Razmi has a move that's slows enemy turn refilling, I wonder if moves that speed up recovery time for party members are being considered.
(Actual Manote Thihas are also guardians of temples, but this is a corrupted one)
I'd come to the conclusion this was the case, after its name was revealed I hadn't been able to find any depictions of it with a bisected face.
To be fair, people who are gullible enough to give money to Inafune or IGA over a vague concept are not prone to have good taste, discerning or common sense.
There's no need to insult other crowdfunding campaigns or the people who supported them just because they were successful. I agree that Lab0 has handled the Indivisible campaign better than any other crowdfunding campaign I know of, but that doesn't mean we need to insult people.

Ontopic: I love Thorani's hair design, it is just such a good fit for her water abilities and grace.
I wonder if <obvious things> are being considered.
Yep, <obvious things> are being considered. :^)

There's no need to insult other crowdfunding campaigns or the people who supported them just because they were successful.
This. A success is a success, that's all that need be said.
I do find campaigns being disingenuous about things (like say, Bloodstained already having 90% of the money from investors before starting) to be in very poor taste, but you can't insult the people who backed things just because the thing itself was not something you approved of. And if Exploding Kittens made $8 million by asking people, as opposed to say by extortion, then that project "deserved" to make that much, by definition.
Hooray, a new reveal!
Thorani is probably my favourite so far, so I'm glad there's more info about her.
Was the name of the previous incarnation shown ever revealed? No, right?
Any one else getting a Latin vibe from the new incarnation? I saw her in the trailer and the first thing i thought of was goo girl cause she looked (not being dirty) wet. Also volume and bouncy...hair. ok. (now being dirty).
I think one of the coolest things about the incarnation reveals, is that we know all of these characters can make it into the finished game. No Waifu Wars. The world just expands along with the roster.

(Sorry, couldn't wait till Monday for this one haha @3@; )
Y'know, I hope you guys might consider posting information like this as an update to go along with the stream, especially since it involves stuff everyone's been seeing in the prototype so far. Some people still think the game's level of diversity stops at Ajna's skin color, not realizing how much culture they're being exposed to in the rest of the game. It's a reminder of how much people can potentially discover through games, the same way we discover things through literature.

Hopefully the lore discussion will also help newcomers appreciate how seriously you guys take these concepts, even while creating something that's crazy and fun! Looking forward to it.
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It might also be for other reasons...like he never told anyone his name, ever, in his whole life. Or something.
that sounds incredibly inconvenient for a warlord