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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

Right, so far Belu's attacks have always made the whole team flash. You're better off holding Group Block when it's more than one character targeted anyway.

Yeah that's what i always did in the prototype myself. :^)
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You're better off holding Group Block when it's more than one character targeted anyway.
Definitely true for pad. I found I could get away with more controlled blocking on keyboard or stick, but it didn't feel like it was a big deal if the block wasn't held for long.
The ATB circles seem a little harder to read compared to a bar. Maybe if they were a little bigger?
I think I like the stationary hud over the new moving one. Things start to look crowded when they start converging on the enemy.
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Yes but on the other side you would also like to see how much damage you're doing to the enemy and if your attacks are landing.
The prototype already had damage numbers popping up over enemies on hit. And visual and audio feedback.
My shitty laptop is ready for dis

And so is mine, lol

Also yeah, i realized we got a peak at a new song in that small video... I hope we get to hear it fully soon because it sounded cool !
you know Lab Zero isn't gonna do that.

don't worry it's going to be a backer beta so it's not like it's going to go anywhere.
So, Dhar has some command over stone? That's really interesting, considering I thought he was just going to be the non-elemental sword-swinging starter guy (Hey, it works for Tungar). I'm curious about his mechanics now, and if the other Three Generals will wield corresponding elements. And the Carmine reference is awesome too, I don't think SG really got many UNIB references. (also kinda need to play that game soon)
aye. Don't worry others will cover for you.

i just hope there still Scribble Cat hidden away in the beta.
Funny thing about numbers: shitload of small numbers is virtually useless since you can't possibly tell how much damage you deal with this attack overall. That complicates the judgement when your trying to tell which attack does more damage.
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Funny thing about numbers: shitload of small numbers is virtually useless since you can't possibly tell how much damage you deal with this attack overall. That complicates the judgement when your trying to tell which attack does more damage.

Frigging this, I watched so many people spam Tungar's and Axeja's Up because "more individual numbers=more damage" At least give us a total at the end of the attack in a different text color.
Not knowing the exact number is a feature in some rpgs. All those numbers just feel good to see. That may be the case here.
At least give us a total at the end of the attack in a different text color.
Personally I think that would just be a lot of clutter?
I think it would both look cleaner and *feel* better if it was just one number that updated per hit.
And it would, like, do a little shake (not enough to be detrimental to readability) and maybe change colour in time with screen shake/freeze. I just think that that would feel great.
Kind of like what tf2 does when you enable the damage you do to show up on screen: instead of seeing a bunch of -2s when using the minigun you see a number rising as you keep hitting an enemy.
Frigging this, I watched so many people spam Tungar's and Axeja's Up because "more individual numbers=more damage" At least give us a total at the end of the attack in a different text color.

Lol, I counted and those attacks DO deal most single target damage for both of these characters.
Lol, I counted and those attacks DO deal most single target damage for both of these characters.
Damage dealt vs Damage over 1 Minute? It maybe better current damage but also remember using those made the action bar charge slower. It's possible the lower damaging skills could deal more damage over the course of 1 minute instead.
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But what he said had nothing to do with the acfion bar. It's far harder to calculate that, the up attacks do deal more damage.

Since Ajna's other axe attacks were a group hit and a launcher, I'm pretty sure up was the most effective single-target.
Well at least now enemies have lifebar so we can judge damage by that. I would like to see move description with exact numbers though.

Edit: Oh, wait, lifebars were always there. Silly me.
some rpgs. All those numbers just feel good to see. That may be the case here.

Can confirm, there's nothing like a string of 9999's from Final Fantasy. I've also been playing a ton of Darksiders 2, a kind of hack 'n' slash RPG that shows damage numbers, and the numbers upon hit really help me appreciate the time and effort I spend upgrading my equipment.
I didn't think the damage values were hard to follow in the Prototype, since the numbers were always consistent. I guess displaying a Damage Total wouldn't hurt though, but functionally I think it would make more sense to tie it to a Combo Counter that displays when your team is going in with a bunch of attacks at once.
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Some body get the new Ren in here now. If you thought concept Ren was sexy omg wait till you see new Ren.

best picture i got
he took his shirt off and got man bun now
I crapply added ren to the height chart

just a guesstomation though
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Here's the screencap from when I tuned in, leveled up a bit.

I'm glad his weapon is the same. Looking forward to seeing what his final color scheme is.
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but the ponytail D:

Those talons tho.... I love. His feet remind me of MGR Raiden now
Also the bun is cool. I admit i was a fan of the braid but hey, animation and all that stuff.

Well i do hope we see more of him now

Oh yeah, also.

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Aw dang it he's less of a trap now.

Oh well, at least we know he's playable, and the new design doesn't look bad.
Not like it's a bad thing or something but I'm looking at new Ren and can't help but yell