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Indivisible PROTOTYPE Speedrunning & Secrets Discussion

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Well then let's just say that you not spilling the beans is the tenth type. :P
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Finally managed this! I think it might even be faster, too... if rather RNG. If there's not some other way of doing it, at least. Anyone else wanna try figuring this out?


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    Indivisible Boss Skipped.png
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Found the secret. Honestly since it requires something that felt for me more like a bug or exploit it seemed for me more unfair than satisfying. :P
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Someone PM me how to do the secret, please. Don't say what it unlocks, just how to do it.
Found the secret. Honestly since it requiers something that felt for me more like a bug or exploit it felt for me more unfair than satisfying. :P
Its... yeah, kinda. I like finding new ways to use existing mechanics, but this one was really hidden, almost too well. It was fun though, right?
Plz, someone pm me what the secret is. D=
Its... yeah, kinda. I like finding new ways to use existing mechanics, but this one was really hidden, almost too well. It was fun though, right?

The secret itself was fun but not the way to get there. :P

I'd also like to thank everyone brainstorming this thread. Putting things from 2 posts helped me figure out this thing.


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    Indivisible All Clear.jpg
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I know I won't beable to figure it out... No one's answered my question about if it's in Temple 1 or 2 x,x
I know I won't beable to figure it out... No one's answered my question about if it's in Temple 1 or 2 x,x
It doesn't matter which temple the secret is in, not until you figure out the trick to get in. Do that and finding the secret will be easy, like finding the first secret was easy after realizing you got the boost and getting out the pit.
this is how you do it
mash forward :^)
This was the first thing I tried, I guess I'm just bad at finding the actual location then.
Found it, feel like an idiot.
I'm still completely at a loss
.... that was pretty underwhelming.

I'm going back to Mario Marker now...

And next time, pick a stunt that is Frame Rate friendly. That was a bitch at fluctuating frame rates.

edit: Oh.. that's why it was underwhelming. Make sure you get the first secret.
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Found the secret. Honestly since it requires something that felt for me more like a bug or exploit it seemed for me more unfair than satisfying. :P
There are two ways to do it. Both are designed to feel like exploits, but neither is one (given that the placement requires you to find one of those two techniques). I had to fit into this prototype both the demonstration that we can make regular easy "secrets" like you expected, and the demonstration that we are willing to explore the boundaries of the engine and design things based on what we find. I think I did okay. One of the techniques involved also helps greatly with speedrunning the prototype.
When I was frantically looking around for anything "out of place" I kept focusing on the new enemies that spawn after the boss. I thought "they wouldn't put them in there if they didn't mean anything", and so while I thought about it, I started doing that. Then the same thought hit me "they wouldn't put it in if there was no reason for it", that's when it clicked.

So I thought it was pretty well done it struck me as pawsitive.
Finally found it. I'm curious what TheGamaniac did to find it considering the method I found had absolutely no way of me losing anything that would have prevented me from finding it.
Heh, yeah... I apparently found the Hard Way first. I think i'll still keep quiet to see who else can figure it out on their own.

And speaking of speedruns, i'm close to going sub-4 minutes on Any% NG+. Probably won't have a vid of it up soon for the same reasons. So far my best is 4:06.52.
The other way I found was to run away from battle next to the thing, you'll go devil trigger mode right away
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Who cares about NG+? That's just "dodge as many enemies as you can". :^P
Well, starting with the axe and all your characters/ATB is a pretty big timesaver when going for raw speed. Just figured out another improvement as well, one of those "i'm ashamed I didn't think of it before" ones. I can't help but wonder how low you or playtesters have gotten it... 3:30 looks maybe doable now.
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I think I did okay.
The trick and the method of getting the secrets were really nice, I don't think anyone thinks they aren't cool or that you did a bad job. I think the thing that made it so frustrating (for me, at least) was the message at the end if you found the first secret. Telling the player "Oh. You only MOSTLY cleared the game. Good job!" pretty much taunted us to push the boundaries of the game to find it, making it less of a secret and more of an obscure and frustrating objective the game expected the player to look for. It's completely different from the first secret which is just left there to find if you're creative.
and I don't even know "where" the game taught you how to do the move, as there's no place to really need it... unless... it's part of the "Climbing out of the pit" thing...?
I like some sort of indication that I haven't found stuff, not necessarily labeling areas with [Secrets found 2/4], but something that you can see that indicates there is something at all is nice.

And I actually like that screen because it just says clear time unless you get the first secret, it doesn't push you if you're not already looking, but since you clearly are, it lets you know that you're not done.
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I'm dashing so hard right now, am I warm?
You need to learn a certain technique with dashing to get into the area but it won't necessarily help you locate the area.
I like some sort of indication that I haven't found stuff, not necessarily labeling areas with [Secrets found 2/4], but something that you can see that indicates there is something at all is nice.

And I actually like that screen because it just says clear time unless you get the first secret, it doesn't push you if you're not already looking, but since you clearly are, it lets you know that you're not done.
well to be quite frank, there IS a visual cue and people pointed it out before
I even edited my post and deleted something because I accidentally guessed it while brainstorming random stuff so I don't think it was too far off. Just gotta prepare to explore the game mechanics to their fullest in order to find stuff like this, I wish people did this more with Skullgirls aswell.
I'm not saying there needs to be any indication, I'm just saying I like being able to find out if I did everything.

And I was defending the screen, because I thought it was a good way of handling it, did you beat the game and go? Congrats, you won. Did you beat the game and find something but miss something else? Hey, you're not done.
Eh. All I'm saying is that there are some players who walk to every nook and cranny and bang their weapons against everything, and then players who try everything they can think of to exploit the game's mechanics. I'm the former, and the game taunted me/made it very obvious I wasn't done because I wasn't the latter. Which was frustrating.
Telling the player "Oh. You only MOSTLY cleared the game. Good job!" pretty much taunted us to push the boundaries of the game to find it, making it less of a secret and more of an obscure and frustrating objective the game expected the player to look for.
Er? I think that's your own hangup.
You only even get that message if you went and looked for the first one, you just get Clear Time otherwise. And if you went to go look for secrets already, why not tell you you didn't find 'em all? At the point at which you're looking, I think you made it fair game to be told that.

Eh. All I'm saying is that there are some players who walk to every nook and cranny and bang their weapons against everything, and then players who try everything they can think of to exploit the game's mechanics. I'm the former, and the game taunted me because I wasn't the latter. Which was frustrating.
Technically, if you didn't bother to figure out a way to bang the appropriate weapon against the appropriate wall, you didn't fulfill your initial goal either, did you?

You just want to do the easy stuff and find everything? Yes, banging your weapon against all the parts of the map is easy, just time-consuming.
This is like saying, "Why can't I get Parasoul's achievement by playing Cerebella?" I mean come on, you MUST realize that.

and I don't even know "where" the game taught you how to do the move, as there's no place to really need it... unless... it's part of the "Climbing out of the pit" thing...?
Does everything need to be taught, including how to find hidden stuff? I don't think so - why make it hidden, then, why not just have big signs or have the game play itself?
Where did this (incredibly frustrating) mentality come from, anyway? I agree with teaching players basic mechanics so they are impossible to miss, but I refuse to assume people are idiots and need to be spoon-fed everything. And I refuse to EXPLAIN how to find secrets, that's why they're SECRET.
whoa, I ment that "super short super dash" thing, not "hey check it, this is what a secret looks like"
I, for one, adore hidden bulls*** like this. I might not have the brain capacity or creativity to figure it out on my own, but I love when friends and such find out about stuff like this in a game and tease me hints about it until I get it.

On top of that, I really wanted a challenge after I could kinda face roll over the first boss.
whoa, I ment that "super short super dash" thing, not "hey check it, this is what a secret looks like"
Yes, that was my point. It's not a necessary basic tool, so the prototype doesn't teach it to you. If you would like to find a secret, you can figure out how to find it.
Also, that is not necessary to find the secret, either.
I ment that "super short super dash" thing
I think the idea is this isn't a necessary mechanic in any way, it's supposed to feel like finding an exploit, the difference here being he put a room for us to find with it instead of it being used for sequence breaking because it's not an actual exploit.