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Indivisible PROTOTYPE Speedrunning & Secrets Discussion

It's also hard becasue camera move with you so its harder to get that cue right.
Well, did a new personal record, still can be improved, I'll search for shortcuts if I can.


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thats really good time! gratz. I was switching between Zen and CLearest this past few days. Ech so much to improve so much time.
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I realized I had the issue but didn't bother asking anyone, but is anyone else having odd fps drop while playing? It wasn't even noticeable until I looked back over my footage and compared to others, but it's really making my runs completely incapable of being competitive after all the time loss is added together.
Well, we need to know if more people are having the same problem, if not maybe is something about your PC ( if you are playing in Steam ), the problem is old or just is happening recently?

BTW, here's the video of the run:

That run... But yeah I'm playing on PC. I would be surprised if it was just my computer not being able to handle the game considering I have been able to play much more intensive games without any issue as far as I know. Although maybe it is now that I think about it, considering I didn't even notice there was an issue until I had to time myself lol.
I noticed that sometimes the "game" can be hmmm chopy ? Like when I look at Ajna and background, everything is fine, but then sometimes I can see that background isn't changing as smooth as it was previous.

Don't know for sure if it's because of looking on different things ( moving Ajna and then on moving background ) or its some game problems.
That run... But yeah I'm playing on PC. I would be surprised if it was just my computer not being able to handle the game considering I have been able to play much more intensive games without any issue as far as I know.
I sincerely doubt many of them are doing what Indivisible is doing - uploading a couple of MB of textures to the graphics card every frame. Most PCs have terrible CPU<->GPU bus speeds compared to consoles, and it really doesn't matter how buff your card is past that. Welcome to 2D. :^)

Capturing means also downloading a screen's worth of data, which can put it over the bus capacity even if you can play it fine without capturing.
Wow, that's incredible, well done.

Looks like tomorrow and Monday I'll try to do that sub 3.
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Nice, I see both Zen and Clearest got some really good time.
damn, I really can't figure out anything to go below 3 minutes, my fastest would probably be at about that time

edit: in the meantime, I'll post my best run, video coming soon

Run starts at 1:50

I messed up Rodney but still rolled with it, if you jump into him while he's attacking, after you flee, he immediately walks towards you and starts another fight while you're still "unencounterable". He spawns his minions but you still get to control Ajna and launch all 3 of them onto the ledge, all the while being allowed to flee without having to wait for them to restand like I did. Probably saves around 1-2 seconds.

I also did a few fancy things that don't really save time, but I realized too late. Doubt I will bother to improve it anymore though!
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Well you've definitely got me beat. You even did a few wall jumps I hadn't seen used but planned on using myself.

I can believe it's my computer seeing as I'm the only one having the issue, just figured I'd see if anyone else came across it, might even just be my recording software for all I know.

I would still consider grinding out a few more attempts if we were going purely on the in game clock because the times at the end screen are "accurate" for the run, but the footage is slow, but rules are rules. I am very excited to see that 3:02 run though, that one must be insane.

I lost 10 seconds on the ogres...
I got a near-perfect rodney (pretty sure you could still be 4 seconds faster with an actual perfect rodney), now my sum of best is 2:53 o.o
Nice time guys. I also was improving my Clearest run.

Got time pretty low, but still the top 4 clearest runners ( Me, mpgame, thelaffingman1, and probably havic9 ) are so close together to each others.
So the top time in both category will be really close to each others.
I must do that sub 3.


2:51 and I can still save 2 seconds... ;-;

might as well go for a safe route and get sub 3 now...
Well in this last day, everyone are very quiet about what final time on Clearest they got. I saw that thelaffingman1 did some runs, but for others havic and mpgame I don't know they final times. I only know their best.

Well I did 13:43.33 - For my time zone I still have time to improve it to tuesday 9:00 ( am ) but well I really do hope that this will be the best Clearest time.
Before that I had 2 offline runs, but well last one was on stream.

Well GL & HF to everyone who entered contest, lets the best win.

Also here is link and printscreen.

http://www.twitch.tv/senvy/b/684366654 - go to 6:10 there when my PB run start.


EDIT : Well I'm a moron. I though the contest end today, BUT i was wrong, and I still have chance to improve my time lol
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I still can improve it a little, I'm reaching my limits, the bad thing is that I don't know how to get below of 2:55, I'll upload the video later, first I need sleep, I think I have Razmi's eyes.


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I would still consider grinding out a few more attempts if we were going purely on the in game clock because the times at the end screen are "accurate" for the run, but the footage is slow, but rules are rules. I am very excited to see that 3:02 run though, that one must be insane.
End time is a PC timer, not frame-based, so it should be acceptable.

I also did a few fancy things
You certainly did!

go to 6:10 there
::points to his signature:: You can link to the time.
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Sorry if this wall of text is a bit difficult to read...

Probably too late to really be practiced or incorperated, but some info i think is worth pointing out nonetheless since i'm not interested in gunning for the tier reward: buffering attacks for a theoretical but timing-intensive ~8-13.5 second improvement on the opening 5 noodleghost fights @Senvy does on his recent route.

When unarmed only, you can chain a standing attack into a 2nd standing or crouching jab, even if whiffing against the air. Because of this, if you buffer the 2nd jab fast enough you can actually cause the 2nd attack (preferably a crouch jab for speed and range) to come out after smacking them with the first one. It's only a small timesave against the solo ghost, since by the time you go back you have your 2nd attack already, but it still saves about a second or so between the 2 sologhost fights (maybe slightly more) because you don't need to wait for your ATB to fill up to a full bar, just half of one, and you won't quite as far forwards towards the entrance.

The grouped pair of noodleghosts is where it really saves time. The extra hit on at least one of the noodleghosts will let you kill the group off in the first encounter without them fighting back! That alone seems to save around ~5 seconds, while you can shave another second doing much the same in the 2nd fight.

On top of that, there seems to be a sweetspot (pixel-perfect, maybe? Extremely tight for sure) where you can actually hit both ghosts twice with the two jabs without having your slight sliding momentum from dashing carry you into the first noodleghost before you actually hit it (which prevents the buffered 2nd jab from coming out and kills your fight-start ATB bonus). Landing it lets you sweep the entire group with a single Ajna up attack after the fight starts, turning that 5 second save into a 7.5s one, as well as maybe 2 seconds on the 2nd pair fight and another 1s on the third if you can somehow land the timing on all 3.


Not as useful for speedrunning purposes but still worth noting (I don't remember seeing it mentioned before or having done so myself), all attacks that land after combat starts will grant you iddhi, including ones started (or buffered as above) outside of combat! They can also peg monsters that spawn in from other monsters instead of hanging out in the overworld and won't be stopped if you collide with an enemy to start combat.

Basically, you have the option of trading the opening ATB speed bonus of landing the first hit outside of combat for potentially denting more monsters at once and starting combat with some iddhi on deck. Let jumping momentum (or the much shorter-distance dashing slide stop) carry you into the enemy as you start an attack, making sure it lands *after* you actually touch their sprite to start combat (and if jumping, before you hit the ground which cancels the attack).
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TheGamaniac - I know about that. Havic told me about that, and then later Mike Z told us that you found it first.

The problem is, either I can't smash fast enough of my pad or keyboard because I suck, or because of lack of practice, but yes it would be around 10 ~ 15 sec saves on first few fights.
But even if this save this saves 10 ~ 15 sec, still the most time I saved was during boss battles. So I could try and practice that one, but well not enough time.

Also I'm still waiting for havic and mpgame run. After my 13:43.33 , I still didn't saw what they can do. I know that havic was practicing a lot, but I think it was all what he was doing, so I don't know for sure if he can pull everything during run (to tell the the truth, I even want him to do it, but let his final time be slower then mine <- Evil Laugh )
Also I'm still waiting for havic and mpgame run. After my 13:43.33 , I still didn't saw what they can do. I know that havic was practicing a lot, but I think it was all what he was doing, so I don't know for sure if he can pull everything during run (to tell the the truth, I even want him to do it, but let his final time be slower then mine <- Evil Laugh )

The 14:16 run was the last one I did and I can't get close to it again, but I will be playing (and maybe streaming) when I get home at 6:00 est so I might catch up to you .
you killed the bosses too damn fast senvy

platforming was pretty good overall, lost ~1.2 second on the dash I missed on playground to get to the end but STILL lost 3 seconds to rodney rng at the very end...


This was actually a really good run...
Glad I managed to get this before I had to leave today, with some luck I'll still be able to get it 3 or 4 seconds faster when I get home tonight.
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The 14:16 run was the last one I did and I can't get close to it again, but I will be playing (and maybe streaming) when I get home at 6:00 est so I might catch up to you .

Well I don't want to sound bitchy, but I'm glad ( lol )

To tell truth mpgame, when you came day or 2 ago on Havic stream and said you got 14:16, I was really questioning myself, do I want to share with my 14:12. Back then I was really thinking of doing that bitch move and not saying. But then I just couldn't do that. It could maybe be a easier, but not better way of winning.

you killed the bosses too damn fast senvy

When I told you I had a 2:40 ~ 2:50 boss route, looks like I was lying both you and myself. I think back then I was thinking that 2:40 was the fastest I could do, but well after few tries I got even faster boss kill.



This was actually a really good run...
Glad I managed to get this before I had to leave today, with some luck I'll still be able to get it 3 or 4 seconds faster when I get home tonight.

Nice Sub 3 Zen. I know it was possible and here you go.

BUT STILL to be JUST sure, I will still stream some Clearest and maybe improve it even more, who knows.
Here's the video, nothing special but is one of my best attempts, sorry for the background sounds, I was watching a Ninja Gaiden 2 stream because after playing this for a lot of hours I wanted to see other things meanwhile I was trying to do this runs, and I forgot that the program can REC everything, not only the game.

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You certainly did!
Can we have a style contest once the game is out? I'd totally participate in that

edit: also, oh wow I actually tried that axe trick at the end but I didn't realize you could jump up again to get rodney down there, that's neat!
Glad I managed to get this before I had to leave today, with some luck I'll still be able to get it 3 or 4 seconds faster when I get home tonight.
No vid? No belief. :^P

Here's the video, nothing special but is one of my best attempts, sorry for the background sounds
There are worst things than NG2 sound. :^)
Though I think it's possible to set up OBS to capture the game even if you don't hear it....I'm a little sad so many of the runs are music-less. Hah.

That axe thing was NICE.

Can we have a style contest once the game is out? I'd totally participate in that
Eh, why not. I dunno what that would entail, though.
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I had few really nice runs today, but sadly none of them was better then 13:43.33

One of the run was 4 sec slower, and another was slower by only 1.30 sec hahahaha

Still I'm glad I had that 2 really close runs today. I had maybe 2-4 days period when while playing I didn't enjoyed the game at all, back then I did some break from the game, and when I came back I achived 14:12 and from that point, I only had again fun with the game.

So the 13:43.33 is the final time, did the highlight of the run - http://www.twitch.tv/senvy/c/7051654
See ya tomorrow.
Sorry, Senvy. The kitty was too nice to me.

Also, sorry there's no music or anything. I needed the fewest distractions possible for this.



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I swear that I just did a better run, but the game told me that I did exactly 3 minutes, you must be kidding.
I'm really angry. On you havic a little for getting better time, but the most on me for thinking that I won, and not wakeing up earlier to check and try to improve . . .


EDIT: Now I re watched the video. You were slow, in both bosses.
On the begining you get uper hand for double hit, but later you lost all that lead. Later you get that 10 sec better time and just had it to the end.
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yeah I made it up with what I did at 0:57, 2:29, 7:30, and 8:06

Edit: oh ya forgot 3:19
I will surely beat your time, but not today maybe, have little exam and have to study for it.

Will see after I get around 16 or later.

UNLESS . . . they extend the contest to the end of funding then who knows Kappa

It happend probably earlier but now I noticed. HYPE 102% funded!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry, Senvy. The kitty was too nice to me.
Congratulations, nice time!
But like...there are so many mistakes, I'm almost embarrassed it's that fast? :^)
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Same, like I said all boss battle fast slower. But he get better movement time then me.
Congratulations, nice time!
Thanks for sharing some of your congratulations you got for the successful campaign!

Here's some more

Congratulations on the successful campaign!
Goodbye to the horrible stress from the bumpy campaign and time for MORE of that familiar stress from developing a game!

But like...there are so many mistakes, I'm almost embarrassed it's that fast? :^)
Same, like I said all boss battle fast slower.
I was extremely nervous because it was the last day

The botched, ugly platforming stuff really is embarrassing because everyone can see it.

@3:34 Doing ajna's up simultaneously with the others was a dumb idea. I should've known by now that Razmi's up made stuff whiff.

The boss fights were were so bad because hours before the run, I tried getting those slow, high damaging attacks into my strategy like how Senvy amazingly did.
I failed and all that new stuff made me forget and get rusty on my usual strategy which gets me decent times
2:40 guardian
4:27 cat
These are mostly rng though I think.

I really needed to do the strategies the others weren't doing.
I know that havic was practicing a lot, but I think it was all what he was doing, so I don't know for sure if he can pull everything during run
This was so true. I practiced that double hit too much on those first food spirits that I barely did any full runs.
I also screwed around too much which some of you guys may have seen when I streamed.

The crumbling floor ahp+food spirit sister ahp skip was laffingman's thing that he found after hearing about mpgame's strategy. @ 0:57

@2:29 I saved some time doing all the aoe attacks closer together

@7:30 I practiced this risky superdash under the cat fight door alot. I hate that belu soo much. I can see why everyone else doesn't do this. He can really ruin a run.

I thought up the risky superdash thing @ 8:06 in my 13:33 run on the last day after seeing mpgame's superdash on that same platform the other way on his run which I also do now. was watching his run because I think Senvy adopted the use of the slow, high damaging attacks from it
I mean you got good time, and with that time you deserved to win, but
I'm just salty and angry for few thinks. That you beat me on last day, I didn't watched for that.

Also when you was doing mostly practice, I kinda feel hmmm "betrayed" - Was doing so many runs, I improved route so much with help with everyone. I just kinda hate the fact that you get the best time with I dunno how many but with little number of run probably, and I think thats the point.

If I would lost to someone who I know was doing runs like me for past 2 weeks, I would feel lest salty and bitchy then I feel now, because after time I spend on working for this game, AND for all this days it was paying off, until the last last last moment boom.
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