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Indivisible Unofficial bug report thread


Active Member
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Painwheel Ms. Fortune
Bugs happen even after release so if you see any post it here and be sure to add the platform you are playing so Lab Zero can fix them. You can also post it on Twitter with the hashtag #bugreport @LabZero
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In case anything’s platform/hardware specific, I’m on Manjaro Linux 18.1, 5.2.11 kernel, Intel i7-8750H @ 2.2-4.1 GHz, GeForce GTX 1050 w/ NVIDIA 430.40, 16GB RAM
I guess I'll also put here that I'm drafting a bigger feedback doc with all my thoughts, bugs and other things.
Playing on PS4.

  • The game really doesn't like it when I dash through the major loading areas (the ones between major areas, like between the desert and the desert ruins, or between the Ashwot Gate and Tai Krung). Serious hitches are one thing, but one time the game crashed on me while I was dashing around exploring the desert area. Dunno if it had anything to do with it, but I was also trying to explore using the ceiling spear move, so I dunno if that has anything to do with it. Maybe too many inputs while the game was trying to load the area? Wish I could supply more details, but that's what I've got
  • Similarly, there was a part in the Iron City that seemed to be a loading zone where I was wall jumping, and suddenly a part of the wall just didn't load, and I was standing on partially loaded terrain with a blank void outside of the parts that did load. I doubled back, and upon returning it was back to normal. Freaked me out
FYI On the topic of feedback, I also found out about this form, which we can use to submit bugs and comments to 505 and the team:

Hopefully they're taking a good look at all of the types of feedback, because I think with even a little bit more polish the game can be elevated to a whole other level.
I'll repost my issue here just in case:

Just downloaded it on steam, start it up, get a black screen with sound playing for the amazing animated intro I'm now missing out on, then get to the start adventure screen, followed by another black screen with very dramatic music, then dropped into a battle with characters who aren't ajna, but I can see it.

So I guess I'm having issues with video/cutscene playback as it's just a black screen whenever there's a video or an event with special art, but the dialogue names and text were still visible.

so when i played the game, i got to that very early scene with ajna's dad and dhar and saw nothing but words on the screen and looking at a youtube video indicates its pretty important to see what's happening, so i'm kinda stuck not playing until i figure it out or it gets patched.

i think its related to old nvidia cards, but that's just a guess.
I'll not play the game for fear of missing a vital scene in the middle and wait for a patch for the time being.