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Intermediate combo being pushed back?


New Member
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hey, I have been playing for a few days and I have decided to keep rolling with Filia as I like her play style and alot of the tutorials were based around her so there is already some familiarity.
I have been getting to grips with some of her combos that are posted in the other thread.

I can get this intermediate one down all the way through but when I get to the j.MP it pushes me back because of course I have it on escape infinite combos. I'm not missing a punch or kick anywhere? Is this because the game has been updated since or am I doing something wrong? The combo is thisss..

Intermediate Filia Corner Combo

Try to find the various places you can reset during this!
If that combo was made before Encore, it's possibly hitting Undizzy. This would mean the dummy/opponent did a Green burst when you hit them. If they did pink, you're doing the combo wrong or it's invalid.
Seems like you are hitting the undizzy limit. If you notice the green bar accumulate under the opponent's life bar, that fills up to prevent excessively long combos. Once it fills, your next chain will trigger a burst.


c.LK, MK, HP,
j.HP, J.HK, airdash, j.LK, J.HP, j.HK,
(otg) c.LK, HP
j.LP, j.MP, j.MK, HK hairball, dash cancel
LP, MP, c.MK, HK, HK hairball, super
Ahhhh Yeah its green. I wondered why it was green instead of red. So that combo kind of renders useless?
I'll give that a try when I get back on :)