• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

alrighty, I'll be waiting here for that DM and all.

and if you ever need help with learning things or team builds, don't be afraid to ask.
Hi everyone
I got a ps4 for the new year and grabbed skullgirls 2nd encore at the $5 flash sale they were having
I played a bunch of sg on the xbox 360 when it first came out for close to a year.
my main was valentine, using a arcade stick.

i dont have intentions of getting a new fight stick for the ps4 so im currently in the lab getting used to the pad.
im not having as much trouble as i thought.

not many of my friends are fans of fighting games so it would be cool to gain some new ones to do some friendlies.

PSN: matttykid
(thats 3 t's)

see you soon
I've been playing skullgirls on and off for about 2 years now (about 170 hours whoops) but I've never really dabbed online or anything like that.
I haven't played for a while and I'd love to meet someone people who could help me get back into this game - feel free to add me!

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/naruni/
Hello everyone! I'm Hendrixson, and on some platforms I'm known as SethHendrixson. I enjoy long walks on the beach, deep conversation, beautiful music, reading literature by the fire... oh, and fighting games.

I'm brand new to not only Skullgirls, but anime fighters in general. My background consists of NRS games (mostly MKX) and SFV. I began playing SG just a few days ago and fell in love almost immediately. The characters, the art style, the combo system, everything about it is so new and interesting to me. It's been loads of fun just messing around these last few days but now it's time to buckle down and get serious, methinks.

I'm currently interested in Cerebella and am in the process of finding a character to pair her with. Big Band, Fukua, Parasoul and Robo Fortune all pique my interest and I'll be dedicating some lab time to all of them in the coming days. There seems to be an immense amount of data and knowledge here and I can't wait to dive right in. Moreso, I can't wait to interact with the community (you guys have a splendid reputation of being one of the best communities in the FGC) and grow as a player of this game.

I'm very much interested in that Discord server but I'm having some issues with my ISP and am planning a move soon, so Ninja, please expect a DM from me requesting an invite in the coming weeks when I get things straightened out. Can't wait to fight you all!

Hey man! I'm a MKX Expat too!
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Hey guys, KamikazeHighlander is the name (although charater limits removed the vowels), but on PSN my tag is Windude008. My FG history started when I was a wee chillun', I spent many days just fucking around with soul caliber II, played more than a lot of Smash at parties, but never took to any of it seriously. Two years ago MKX came out and I figured I'd give it a shot, little did I know that I would fall in love with one of their new characters (If anyone wants a lengthy discussion on Ferra/Torr PM me), I took to the pair instantly and became a character loyalist. I got good, and took my skills to tournaments, and got mopped. Many of the players here in AZ were above my skill level, but that only pushed me to get better, and I did, and beat many of my friends who dominated me in the beginning. Now two years on I still hold the same feelings for Cutie and the Beast, but the local scene has died, and overall I feel I've plateau'd, I know the meta and the mu's back to front, I could prolly get better if I played different characters, but after loving F/T so damn much no one else really appeals to me, and if they do they're just too damn difficult to play.

I can't remember the first time I saw skullgirls, but I knew I was interested the minute I saw it, but I was intimidated, not only did it look a lot faster paced than MK, but i knew something else, it was back-to-block (I know, I'm a scrub) which i don't necessarily hate as a mechanic, but it just doesn't seem to make sense in my head so I just don't do it. And it was a team fighter, something I always thought was just too complicated to keep track of. But still I was interested, and with my experience in MKX I felt a lot more comfortable diving in to a much deeper pool.

Thankfully I was smart and decided to hold out on buy SG, like a few others here I picked it up a few days ago in the flash sale. Right now I've just been labbing combos, I've got one solid BnB down for cerebella that I can end in a reset or cash out for damage, Beowulf was the first I tried, and I definitely plan on making him part of my first team. After getting some more hands on time with some other characters I plan on focusing on my defensive options, as that right now is the most daunting task for me.

I've got lots to learn and lots of help, you'll prolly see me pop up in lots of threads. Thanks!!
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Hello! I usually go by BulletToothTed or "Teddy" on the onlines. I'm a Street Fighter player, mainly focused in SFIII 3rd Strike, looking to finally sink my teeth into some Skullgirls. Any local players in the Portland, OR area?
Heyo, jumping finally jumping into Skullgirls after owning it for 3+ years. I bought it back in college to support Lab Zero but only just graduated and bought myself a stick. Am coming from SF4 and BlazBlue (played back when it was still CT) and dunno what this assist business is all about, but I'm looking forward to learning (as I try to learn Xrd at the same time)!

Tldr: PNW newbie who's never played a fighting game with assists is looking for a good time.
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Hello, i just recently decided to be more than a lurker on the forums. I have had skullgirls since PC release, unfortunately i had someone ruin it for me very quickly. I slowly started playing the game again with the addition of Big Band in the beta build, but i don't really get to play other people (no friends play it, and poor internet connection). Now i enjoy SG for Beowulf, and play when i have free time after classes.
What's up.
Finally picked up Skullgirls and really feel an affinity towards this game.
I currently only have SG on PS4, but thinking of also grabbing it on Steam because if I'm not mistaken I've heard the playerbase is a bit larger there.
If you are on PS4 though, feel free to add me. Generally around mornings 10am-1pm EST and evenings 8pm-1am EST
Howdy, the name's Lawlsomedude! I've always been a fan of fighting games since I grew up with SFII. Skullgirls is not only my favorite fighting game by far, it's also one of my favorite games, period. I've never considered myself to be a very worthy opponent though. In the past I've struggled with being extremely salty over losses. People often wouldn't play with me because of how I acted. But now I've got a better grip of things and changed my whole outlook. Now I feel like I've matured enough to get competitive, but I've got a long way to go.

Anyway! I have SG on Steam. If you want to add me, comment on my profile first please. I currently use keyboard, but I have my own pad. I currently run Beowulf/Squigly, and need people to play with. Partially for fun, since my friends don't play often enough because they say I go too hard on them with Beowulf. Partially for motivation, so I can keep improving my craft!

Other stuff about me . . . hm . . . I like making art. And memes. And I don't trust horses for a totally logical reason. So yeah. Hope to have a lot of fun here!
Greetings. I'm Aaron, otherwise known as AaronTooNerdy. I play any and all fighting games competitively. I've been playing Skullgirls since it's release, but just now decided to make an account on this website because why not. When it comes to Skullgirls, i'm just a fraud that does Peacock things.
Hello all!

Name's Stellar! I love any and all fighting games. I've been playing Skullgirls for what seems like forever and I had no idea this was a thing! So I decided to make an account here and see what I can learn since I'm always looking for ways to up my game.

I used to play with Fortune a lot but my heart has been set on my Valentine and Eliza team.
I'm down for any challenge! My steam is stellarmuffin so feel free to drop a line if you wanna play some rounds!
Hey! I'm LittlePrinceRex (which is what I go by most places online).

I picked up Skullgirls & 2nd encore a while ago during the Steam Holiday sale and I've been playing with a PS3 controller for the past 2 months or so. However, I just picked up a Qanba Q1 arcade stick because I wanted to take SG (and fighting games in general) a little more seriously, so it's back to basics until I get used to this.

I usually play Eliza, but I'm thinking of picking up Ms. Fortune more because I like her a lot as a character (the rushdown style is pretty great too).
Hi everyone! I'm Ryuko and I'm new on this forums but played the game since 2013. Was my second game on Steam lol.
But now I discovered this forum and I'm here.

My "mains" are Filia and Fukua but I can play any character except double(She is so boring to me)

And sorry if my english is bad,I'm not a native speaker.

Have fun!
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Hi everyone!! im Shana and i guess im new here?
knew this forum for a while but didnt make an account yet because i dont know why really... I barely play Skullgirls and i suck at this game (love the lore and characters though! )and mainly made an account because of Indivisible, which is much more my cup of tea? I'm really really hyped for this game

I apologize if my english is weird at times, im no native speaker (i'm french for the record 'w' )

I draw sometimes too and play quite a bunch of videogames : for the moment, i'm playing Megaman X Command Mission and Mario & Luigi Dream Team :p
hey it's cool. There are a sizable amount of people who are also here for news on Indivisible. I believe when the beta of the game comes out there will also be a side forum for everyone who wants to talk about lore and playstyles and speedruns.

It's nice to meet you Shana!
hey it's cool. There are a sizable amount of people who are also here for news on Indivisible. I believe when the beta of the game comes out there will also be a side forum for everyone who wants to talk about lore and playstyles and speedruns.

Yeah i remember finding out about this forum because of Indivisible actually 'w' eagerly hoping for the beta
And thanks for the welcome!! i was kinda anxious i posted this in the wrong thread somehow
oh no you're in the right place! I'm sure for the next few weeks we're going to be getting updates as LZ works on the game.

can't wait for it to come out so i can get my Roti Plushie.
Hey wassup. I got Skullgirls 4 days ago, and right as I got it I played the tutorial, and then I visited this forum and read through some of the Beginner's Resources links. Funny thing: I improved so much, today I beat my friend who's owned the game for 2 years. So I feel like I owe you guys an introduction.

I'm Tagg! Nice to meet you.
Grüessech mitenand. Restposten here. After playing something around 90 hours of skullgirls without having any clue how fighting games actually work, I finally decided to change something about it and create an account here. The thing that drew me to Skullgirls was the animation and the aesthetic. I have a knack for 2D-animation and love the weird blend between western cartoons and anime present in the game. Outside of SG I am playing mostly single player games (favourites o' mine are Mass Effect 2, Shadowrun Hong Kong, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and Okami), although I dabble occasionally in multiplayer games like overwatch and guns of icarus.

I would love to find other people to train with and learn from, although please be patient. I am an absolute caveman and WILL buttonmash despite knowing better.

Anyway: Nice to meet you.
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Reactions: Fumako
Sup, Name is Moore, 34 years and counting. I had a not so good foundation when it came to fighting games(played solo as a kid, on easy or normal, didn't know combos hit confirms and such). Now as an adult and a Dad, i've decided to start back up and play fighting games again. My goal, have fun and just understand the game better. Probably won't ever go to a major but maybe a netplay tournament here and there.
Er, ciao everyone!

Name's Chris! I'm a freshman at college, and I've been a huge fan of SG since it first debuted with Squigly as its first DLC character! I'm also a huge fan of Beowulf, and I'm hoping to be more of a better player now since I've the game on PC and Xbox 360! Though, I wouldn't really call myself an expert player by any means, I do love a good game here and there and still trying to get on the level with Steam's keyboard functions! I really hope to be a great member of the forums and hopefully spread some much needed love for the game and characters!
Hi. I've been playing SG since it's OG release in 2012. As soon as I got the game, I fell in love with it! It's probably my favorite fighting game besides the Tekken series. I've been knowing about this site for a couple of years but finally decided to join lol.

I would play SG now and then but at my local casuals (Baton Rouge,LA) a few years ago I found someone else who played the game. Now I play it alot more often now, mainly on PC cause my fellow SG player/Friend bought it for me lol. I do own the PS3 version as well for anyone that wants to play me on console.

My team is Bigbella! I run a pretty decent Bigband and an OK-ish cerebella. I've actually come to the SH forums to learn bella a bit more and learn things I didn't know about Bigband.

My minor hobbies outside of gaming are Photography & Pc building. But my biggest hobby is music! I inspire to be a music producer/rap artist (probably why I play big band lol).

Anyways, I hope to make a few friends on here that I might meet in some tourneys some day!
Hello, my name's Andrew, i'm a newbie Skullgirls player, i've recently bought a 4 pack for me and my friends and we are having a blast every night playing this amazing fighter. This is actually my first fighter ever not counting Smash Bros (which is a totally different kind of fighter) and Jojo ASB (it's is more of a fanservice game rather than a balanced fighter, you can basically win by mashing the same button over and over), i've also played a bit of Street Fighter during the steam free weekend. I've actually never been really interested in this genre, yet the visuals and characters of Skullgirls are so charming that they actually make me want to improve at the game, i've even bought a Mayflash F300 Fightstick just for this game (Well, also for arcade games!).

I mostly play a 2-team of Squigly and Eliza, i love their appearances and movesets, right now i'm training to be faster with Squigly's stances, cause i'm usually pretty slow and counterable, and overall i'm working on finding good combo patterns (Usually i try to discover them by myself in training or agaist friends before looking them online because it's very satisfying).

Speaking of which, if there's any EU beginner player that wants to play with us send me a friend request on Steam. (We usually play at 20 PM CET)

My hobbies outside of Skullgirls are working on Doom Mods, drawing, modelling (I'm a bit rusty since i've lost interest in doing TF2 weapons), watching cartoons, playing Nintendo games.

Nice to meet you all!
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Yello. I'm Silvie, I'm a complete newb to Skullgirls (literally just bought it today), and I'm love Peacock with all my heart.

I'm a very casual player and don't involve myself with tournaments- not yet, anyway. I'm mostly just here to draw, yell about this and my other fandoms, and generally see if I can have a good time. I ain't the best player yet, and tbh I'm not entirely sure just how often I'll actually be playing, but hey, might as well hang around while this game has staying power for me, haha.

My interests outside of Skullgirls include...well...whoof, a lot of stuff. My interests change and shift with the tides of time and when they hold for more than a week or so, I tend to thoroughly obsess about them. My current special interest is Rhythm Heaven. A few other things I'm into are Osomatsu-san, Papa Louie, Nintendo in general (especially Splatoon), Bendy and the Ink Machine, and so much other stuff I can't even list it here. If I've heard of it, chances are I probably like it at least a little. (And if I don't, I probably have a big bone to pick with it!)

Sorry if I disappear for days/weeks/months on end; I have a hard time settling into forum communities due to past trauma making it feel very awkward and alien to me.

Also, I edit my posts a lot because I tend to have Thoughts after posting them and figure I should put them in. So if my posts evolve a lot, now you know why. :p
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don't worry. many people here are very friendly. if you have any questions don't be afraid to poke me or anyone else here on the forums.
So, I'm not... 'new' in the technical sense because I made an account in November. But my computer blew up and I could do all of nothing for a good long while. So, barely was able to do anything here. Also, totally missed this thread.

Technology of the early 2000s! Yay!

So, I'm Saiku, also known as Sai, also known as Kazo, also known as Saikazo. I'm not very good at sticking with a name. I love fighting games, and well, games in general. I wanna make 'em, which I'm slowly working towards.

Anyways, I came here because Skullgirls and hoped that the knowledge of the game displayed here would rub off on me. And then I realized there was Indivisible news, so I had to see that.

Hope I can be a decent member of this forum.
Hi! I'm actually relatively new to fighting games in general, but I fell in love with Skullgirls the first time I saw it, and somehow won two local tournaments of it. Of course, those times were flukes... anyway, great game, even though I don't get to play it often. I'm also an artist, but that's another story.
Morning folks. I'm a neophyte to fighting games. I've always enjoyed them growing up, but I was the filthy casual who couldn't execute most of the time in arcades. I'm a reasonable Smash player (3DS), but I'm hoping to get into Skullgirls as my first real technical fighter.
Wow, that´s a lot of introductions to read

Greetings everyone, name is Quill and I bought SG a couple years ago; Yet somehow, I only have 62 hours invested into it That just tells you how much motivation I have right there. Recently, though, I´ve been slowly getting back into it and I have a newfound appreciation for the game and its wonderful animation, style, and character design, as an artist and hopefully animator later in the future. Truthfully, I´m not all too good at the game, but Big Band has been my main since I´ve had the game. Nowadays, I´m trying to focus on maining other characters as well so as not to be a one trick pony, and I´ve found a comfy home in Cerebella and Double; those guys don´t get enough attention online. Looking at you, Squigly and Eliza.

The fighting game genre I´ve been in for a long time now, though. I´ve been playing since I was about 5, and ever since it´s been my favorite genre of game. Really, though, just because of that, SG is now pretty much my favorite game of all time. I can´t really play it more than 3 hours at a time, but those are enjoyable hours nonetheless. I blame it on my forgetful nature and relatively pathetic attention span.

But that´s enough about me. I hope everyone is doing well, and that paragraph wasn´t too much of a gratuitous eye-full.

Also, I didn´t see a Discord or Skype link in the little boxes thingy in the profile information doodad, so I´m gonna put the whatchamacallits on this doohickey gadget.

Discord: Quillava
Skype: live:investigationteammember

Peace out.
Yo! Not all that new, but just returning after almost a year due to just general hype for SG and seeing Combo Breaker. Hopefully I'll be able to improve my skill beyond terribad!

Then again, I plan to solo Robo-Fortune, so...

Also catch me around on the Discord as Ruby Lancer.
Hey I'm Zen, I'm here to talk about Lab Zero, Skullgirls, Indivisible, and maybe make some friends in the process. I hope I can make a good first impression here.

(Or I should say, a better impression)
heyo i'm cassi or meth and i do not actually have bottles of meth!
i like fighting games a ton even if i absolutely suck at them. like i am just abysmal at em. but i still play them like the idiot i am. i mostly play skullgirls (duh), mortal kombat (mainly x), street fighter, sm4sh, and a few others. like i said i suck at them

i sing for a living and i have 6 animal children. i have a cat named daisy, a ball python named khaleesi, and 4 tarantulas named opal, tick (both pink toed tarantulas), gardenia (honduran curly hair) and santa muerte (brazilian salmon pink bird eater). i talk way too much about them. anyways, feel free to talk to me, i'm pretty chill i think
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Hey, I'm Karp or Ego if you prefer. I'm still in high school and enjoy drawing (even tho I'm not the best.) I play games pretty casually and my skill ranges anywhere from Average to shamefully low. I'm usually playing FFXIV, Skullgirls or Overwatch during my spare time when if not doing drawing.
Hello @methbottle and @EgotisticalKarp !

Welcome to the SkullGirls community. we have a bunch of forum hang outs, guides and what not. Everyone here is super friendly and are willing to help out!

we also have a large community discord were you can meet up and get matches on call! [link just in case: https://discord.gg/7fUaUs4 ]

If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Hi, i am Ranger. I started to play again short ago (so i forgot how to play XD) but now i am trying to learn everything again
Hey all, I'm Andro. Skullgirls is my first attempt at really playing fighting games and I'm still beyond awful, but working on improving. Hope to see ya'll online sometime!
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