• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Is there a way to submit an option for the game to developers?

For gameplay-related feature requests, you can put them in the existing thread which is https://skullheart.com/threads/feature-suggestions.11590/

This is the official forum and the devs do read suggestions made here regardless of where you post (as long as you are posting in the relevant section). Please try to consolidate your suggestions into one place though to not clog up the forum.
Is a suggestion of a voice option considered a gameplay-related?
I have a suggestion for a settings option, is this link a thread for posting such?
Isn't that the same request as your other thread in the Hardware and Software section?

Making your own thread for suggestions is fine. You should edit the title of your thread so that it is something more descriptive to your suggestion(s), and consolidate your suggestions in that thread. It's a matter of being considerate to the devs so they easily see from the thread title what you are suggesting.
Yes, it's the same request.

So it's an appropriate section (Hardware and Software)? I can change the name of the theme.
I think for an option that has nothing to do with gameplay like turning off story mode voice acting, the Hardware and Software section is probably fine. If you have more gameplay-related suggestions then they could go in the Gameplay section.

There is no specific section for feature requests so you can put them in the section that feels most appropriate to the discussion.