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[Jan 20, 2017] Destination: Fight! 3 (Skövde Kulturhus)


Jan 6, 2014
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United Kingdom
Beowulf Big Band
READ THIS: Neophos is the tournament organizer for Destination: Fight! 3. Due to a rocky start, this thread has been changed and I am now the original poster of the thread for reasons unknown. Thanks.

Smash.gg page for DF3 - register here and read general information - click me

Player list - currently 19 entered players - click me

extra FAQ - covers tournament format, stream situation and other things - click me


What's Destination: Fight!?

D:F! is a multigame tournament held in Skövde, Sweden. It features plenty of fighting games like GGXrd, SFV and UNIEL, but most important for this post is that it also features SkullGirls!

We got a lot of positive feedback after the last tournament, and we're hoping to get even more players this time around!

Feature list:
- Loads of space and 24/7 venue
- Sleep at the venue for free
- Close to lots of shops and restaurants
- ...Including a restaurant just a staircase up!
- Free, fresh fruit for all participants
- And water refills!
- Free open wifi for everyone
- And, of course, a great atmosphere and tons of fun!

Full information and register at http://smash.gg/df3

When is it?
20 - 22nd of January, right in the freezing winter.

Where is it?
The Cultural Centre in Skövde, Sweden ("Kulturhuset i Skövde").

What's the venue like?
Big! Here are some Google streetview pictures of it:

There's a dedicated sleeping venue that will be locked, there's a restaurant that will be handling dinners for people, and there's a lot of space to play smash in!

Want to come but has to travel internationally?
You have to travel to Gothenburg or Stockholm, and then take the train from there to Skövde.

Contact me and I'll help you sort it out if you need any help planning it! @ProperNeophos on Twitter, message me here or mail me at neophos at destinationfight.com

How do I get to the venue once I'm in Skövde?
Cross the street. No, seriously.

What tournaments will there be?
Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- 1v1
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late 1v1
Street Fighter V 1v1
Tekken 7 1v1
SkullGirls 1v1
BlazBlue CentralFiction 1v1
Super Smash Bros. Melee 1v1
Super Smash Bros. Melee teams
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 1v1
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U teams
Project: M 1v1

What's it cost?
Venue fee is 300 SEK (~31 euro). Every game entered (singles and teams in Melee counts as two games) costs 100 SEK. If you order your ticket before 27th of November, entry is only 200 SEK!

(my old post) - This tournament looks super amazing, the stage you play on, the open space for casuals, the fact you can sleep + shower at the venue, conveniently placed next to the train station... It looks like a lot of thought and care has gone into making the tournament as good as it possibly can be. I'll be going to this, after all the swedes trucked it to London I feel like I owe it to them to truck it to Sweden and hopefully not freeze my balls off.
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Double posting like a fucking goof: I'm signed up, ayy
I don't know how Skullheart works but maybe this was supposed to be posted as an event instead of just as a thread in Major Tournaments
Also I am signed up

Edit: Through some sequence of events my wish has come true
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- Can you sleep there on Thursday night and Sunday night?
- Can you register to tournaments later, after ordering entry ticket?
@Vadsamoht Could you make this an event on the front page please?

Also with some black magic I was (sort of) able to merge this mess of events but I can't make the info post the pinned/top post still. Sorry >.>

EDIT: My attempts to fix this thread are backfiring hard. I'm just gonna edit Alex's post with the info.
@Vadsamoht Could you make this an event on the front page please?
Skimmed the thread, but could you tell me what's the deal with this one? Main stage? Major-stream time?
Vadsamoht - In light of the fantastic showcase at Revo I want to help support the European scene. SG got main stage and it will have at least as much stream time as any other major title. I just want the game to keep its steam up, since the community seems to love it and work hard for it!

There's no precedent for it being a major, sadly, since this is the first time we feature SG.
Sweden!? I am assuming no one minds if a beginner registers just to get stomped and get bigbandpro69's autograph?

Edit: And is it possible to hook up my keyboard to a PS4 and play Skullgirls with it?
Sweden!? I am assuming no one minds if a beginner registers just to get stomped and get bigbandpro69's autograph?

Edit: And is it possible to hook up my keyboard to a PS4 and play Skullgirls with it?
I think keyboard isn't a viable option for PS4 tournaments... We have had two keyboard players (zeknife and Sanji) switch controllers specifically for playing in an offline tournament setting. As for getting stomped and bigbandpro69's autograph, I think he can give you BOTH. ;^)
Skimmed the thread, but could you tell me what's the deal with this one? Main stage? Major-stream time?

Vadsamoht - In light of the fantastic showcase at Revo I want to help support the European scene. SG got main stage and it will have at least as much stream time as any other major title. I just want the game to keep its steam up, since the community seems to love it and work hard for it!

There's no precedent for it being a major, sadly, since this is the first time we feature SG.

I checked with the guy managing the tournament and he said they might play on PC! If so I will try to be there.
I checked with the guy managing the tournament and he said they might play on PC! If so I will try to be there.
Playing this tournament on PC would be amazing, I feel like a lot of people would benefit from playing on PC as that is generally the platform we use in EU, it has less input lag compared to PS3 and PS4, but I don't know how that affects things like pools, top 8, streams... I assume PC means desktop and not a laptop, too. There is also the fact that nearly every tournament preceding this one has been on PS4 or PS3 (the one exception I can think of being the Eliza top 8 tournament in Evo 2014, where a keyboard player got to play on PC). I would still like this though, personally.
PC setups also have a much higher chance of going wrong or dropping frames (because the OS arbitrarily decides to do something that takes >1 frame or whatever) compared to console, and it means you can't practice on the exact same setup at home, with the exact same framerate and input delay and lack of skipped frames and so on. This also means that the community can't help out by bringing guaranteed high-quality tournament setups if we run it on PC, which is a big deal for grassroots FGC tournaments where most of the setups tend to be player-provided. And running an event on PC makes controller config take way longer, as well as potentially having problems with some players' controllers. And the fact that it lets people use keyboard is irrelevant unless you're making a special exception for exactly one keyboard player per tournament, because you can't play keyboard vs keyboard on the same PC.

SG on PS4 requires you to set up exactly one thing for tournaments: make sure the console resolution is set to 720p instead of Automatic so you don't get additional input lag from the PS4 upscaling the game to 1080p. And every single tournament fucks that up until an SG player inevitably checks all the setups at the last minute and fixes them. PC has so many other things that can go wrong: using the wrong graphics drivers, enabling Aero, playing in borderless window instead of exclusive fullscreen, accidentally keeping any program or OS service running that could pop up an update box and interrupt the game, not having drivers for everyone's controllers or having a motherboard that has trouble reading some controllers, not polling controllers often enough, having specs that don't run SG at a perfectly solid 60fps, and so on. I really can't see any tournament organizer managing to provide enough perfectly-configured PCs to run a full SG tournament without any technical difficulties.

TLDR: Lots and lots of things can (and probably will) go wrong technically, and button config takes longer (which slows down the tournament), and the community can't provide setups, and you can't play keyboard vs keyboard on PC anyway so you still can't let keyboard players enter the tournament, and PS4 is the tournament standard for every other SG tournament in the world.
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I would love to have the tournament on the hardware preferred by the community, but of course it's a question of availability. I am looking into how many PC setups we can secure, but I'm not sure I can guarantee enough good PCs for us to be able to run it on PS4. I would assume the tournament is on PS4 until further notice.
I might bring a Playstation for casuals, but if I do I won't be able to bring a monitor, would you provide some?
Here are the vods from the event:

Top 8:

Top 16:

I had a blast, hope everyone else did as well!
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Reactions: 4th and zeknife

1st: zeknife
2nd: ath
3rd: Sanji
4th: SillyOldDragon
5th: bigbandpro69, Mojo Jojo
7th: Myonmu, BuzzerZero
9th: Pombear, Mandarinen, Ravioli, Dr. Oddwin


this event was GREAT! the venue was immense, fresh free fruits everywhere, kitchen, cafeteria, sleeping room, individual showers!
was also very easy to get food or booze outside 10/10

arm-wrestling! trap or tomboy Xtreme! docteur's first consultation! bartender roleplaying! keijo on mainstage! siberia massacre! snore monster!
we had a lot of fun and the atmosphere was quite good. strangers would trust each other and share fridges, wow

thanks Neophos for organizing this thing. we'll be back next year for sure!
thanks Dakutau for taking care of our tournament. you did a good job


the things that felt a little disappointing:
-> some input lag on the screens top 16 / top 8
-> mainstage was super sick and had playercams but we only ended up playing on some other stage (mainstage seemed to be only used for smash tournaments and was deserted most of the time, felt like a shame?)


im getting better at this tournament thing, one step at a time. im gonna try my best so i can get the top spot at some point!
Every monitor in the building was either an BenQ RL2460 (BenQ's most top-end fighting game monitor) or an ASUS VE258Q, both of which clock in at 10ms at Displaylag. If there were any input lag on any screen, it would have to be faulty hardware somewhere, because all screens were top notch and there no passive connections anywhere.

The main stage was produced by Liva, and he was hired to take care of smash. He's an amazing stream producer, and I don't mind sharing stages. We might switch things up next time around (there's a cinema that houses up to 150 people that we can rent in the same building, should we have top 8s in there next time?)

Regarding player cams and such, we have the equipment for it, it was just that very little time went to producing the stream. I was busy with other stuff and there was no one else that worked on it. Maybe we'll get a person responsible for stream quality next time.
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