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Japan's views on the characters populairty (NOT GAMEPLAY)

Blowfish are fat. Poisonous blowfish is also a delicacy in Japan called 'Fugu'
Again with their figure...
At least her name sounds like the animal in question. Years of experience tells me that any pun possible when saying one's name can and will be made. I.E. Ms. Fortune.
Well I guess Filia and Fukua are considered obese by japanese standards even though they're not.

They just have chubby tummies and are thick in all the right places
Their lore thread is gigantic.
Fuckin スカルファン達
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Well I guess Filia and Fukua are considered obese by japanese standards even though they're not.
I wouldn't say they would be considered obese but BMI calculations do cap lower in Japan since the Asian bodytype has a higher chance of getting weight-related illnesses at a lower weight then other bodytypes.
Filia and Fukua have a BMI of 24.4 and in our BMI calculator that would still be considered ideal as the overweight cap is at 25. But I believe the cap in Japan would be 23, thus making them overweight. Though Filia and Fukua aren't Asian so that hardly matters (unless some of the people there forgot the calculations are different in America, natch).
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Filia and Fukua have a BMI of 24.4 and in our BMI calculator that would still be considered ideal as the overweight cap is at 25. But I believe the cap in Japan would be 23, thus making them overweight. Though Filia and Fukua aren't Asian so that hardly matters.
Say, does Filia's BMI not disclude Samson? Because I'm thinking that would be a *ahem* large factor in how much she weighs.

But really, what do they call the parasites over there? Do they have specific names or is it just straightforward?
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Is what I see. They mostly call them their names.
Also パラサイト
Blowfish are fat. Poisonous blowfish is also a delicacy in Japan called 'Fugu'
I figured they called her a blowfish because she has an emphasis on spikes.
Aw, I'm a little disappointed. That would've been some great opportunities for some names.

Like "Split ends-chan", or "Slinky dragon-chan", or "Offensive joke relating to women's menstrual cycle-chan"

I figured they called her a blowfish because she has an emphasis on spikes.
I thought her attacks were more drills than spikes?
some of you guys seem like you WANT the nicknames to be offensive in some cases...

I thought her attacks were more drills than spikes?
meh, same diff.
she has lots of pointy things around her.
some of you guys seem like you WANT the nicknames to be offensive in some cases...
No, no her name would literally be that. They'd have to say an arbitrarily long name every time they refer to Sekhmet/Eliza.
Are we seriously arguing about some made-up fan name obviously intended for humour on a fictional character? '-Chan' by definition is a suffix added to characters that are cute/endearing and Filia is one of the few characters to get this treatment. It's clearly in no way intended to be mean spirited and is obviously just an in-joke amongst the community. It would be like complaining every time someone made a thick Filia joke on the forums. Of course Filia can fit through the fricken' door or otherwise she still wouldn't have left that milkshake bar - it's just all in good fun. It's not like we are talking about a real person here anyway.
Besides, they are not calling her 'gross' with the name Pig-chan/Buta-chan it's just referring to the fact that she eats a lot and is literally heavy (BMI 24.4 is just below overweight). And to be fair she is both of those things since they are mentioned so in her bio.
I'm not sure if you read the whole discussion, but while the topic did indeed start with Filia it led into question how often similar things are done in real life. Many rude names are "made up". Many insults or hurtful things can be be made "humorous". Many friendly terms can be used negatively (D.U.F.F. -designated ugly fat friend) or sarcastically ("you'll never be one of us, girlfriend"), so is using "chan" any different? And while, again, yes, the topic started with a fictional character, most of the conversation focused on real people; so mean-spirited or not some words can be insulting or hurtful regardless of intention. And there's as much a difference between thick and fat as there is between lean and bony: gradients.

Honestly, people weren't defending Filia. They were questioning the type of standards people have when it comes to viewing people, fictional or not. I personally was raised to not be a dick so I'm a pretty polite person and I suppose it's a personal flaw that I don't like hearing rude things even if they're in jest. Maybe I was just raised to be too consistant, but when I see uncouth actions/words about people (fictional or not) I find it hard to believe(though not impossible) that it doesn't run deeper than it appears..

NOTE: BMI is generally panned since it usually requires extra explanations and isnt accurate; there are more accurate ways to measure physical health now.

Concerning Minette: Fish are friends, not food jokes. But these conversations have gone on a tadpole to long
I'm not sure if you read the whole discussion, but while the topic did indeed start with Filia it led into question how often similar things are done in real life. Many rude names are "made up". Many insults or hurtful things can be be made "humorous". Many friendly terms can be used negatively (D.U.F.F. -designated ugly fat friend) or sarcastically ("you'll never be one of us, girlfriend"), so is using "chan" any different? And while, again, yes, the topic started with a fictional character, most of the conversation focused on real people; so mean-spirited or not some words can be insulting or hurtful regardless of intention. And there's as much a difference between thick and fat as there is between lean and bony: gradients.

Honestly, people weren't defending Filia. They were questioning the type of standards people have when it comes to viewing people, fictional or not. I personally was raised to not be a dick so I'm a pretty polite person and I suppose it's a personal flaw that I don't like hearing rude things even if they're in jest. Maybe I was just raised to be too consistant, but when I see uncouth actions/words about people (fictional or not) I find it hard to believe(though not impossible) that it doesn't run deeper than it appears..
This isn't a thread on social politics though and it was derailing the thread. I totally get what you are saying and it is interesting for sure, but this still isn't the place for it.

NOTE: BMI is generally panned since it usually requires extra explanations and isnt accurate; there are more accurate ways to measure physical health now.
Y'all know that BMI is basically bullshit, right?
You are right in saying that BMI isn't the most accurate since it doesn't consider factors like muscle mass (which is heavier then fat), but it was just used as an example to explain that the weight expectancy is generally lower in Japan then it is over here.
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If Filia was a real human being that was being made fun of for being slightly chubbers I would totally say that calling her a pig is definitely unacceptable.

She isn't, shes frames of animation and code strewn together in a fighting game.
She has no real life feelings.
Now I haven't researched nippon culture or anything, but I highly doubt that by just looking at Filia that the majority of Japan think that she is undesirable.
I actually think she is more along the lines of being highly desirable, being an animated character who doesn't really exist in this reality (probably)

All in all, your waifu isn't real.
I actually think she is more along the lines of being highly desirable, being an animated character who doesn't really exist in this reality (probably)

All in all, your waifu isn't real.
Shhhhh. You're going to break Japan. lol
Yes, yes. Not all of Japan. But, the subsection that would likely be interested in Skullgirls to begin with...

Pfffft. We have finished frames now. Someone needs to remake this gif.
Japan DEFINITELY loves Annie.
I'm surprised they thought Leduc was a girl? I thought it would of been obvious, even with the language barrier. Given that Alex draws males and females VERY differently.

The most I can see is Peacock being mistaken as a boy, tbh.

they also need to re-poll once Robo Fortune's out.
Obviously you've never seen Leduc's massive butt and thick thighs.
If Filia was a real human being that was being made fun of for being slightly chubbers I would totally say that calling her a pig is definitely unacceptable.
Calling a girl a pig, fictional or not, sets a tone. A tone that says that if a girl is thicker than the "average" body type that she is automatically a pig. The argument isn't we shouldn't call Filia a pig because it'll hurt her feelings, because that's stupid. The argument is that calling Filia a pig because of her body may convince other girls, with somewhat similar body types, that they are pigs. And I don't think that should happen because it could make lots of girls unhappy or uncomfortable with their own bodies.

This is the most basic, simplest answer I can give.
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her body may convince other girls, with somewhat similar body types

I can believe same weight, but similar bodies? Damn... having a body like Filia's must be pretty dope actually.

For her age Filia's got a pretty good looking body so i don't think that other girl's with similar body build would have their self esteem dropped down because of that joke, and in the end, it's just a joke within their community so it's not much of a big deal, you'd be impressed how many fat jokes had i seen here in skullheart and how many i could also drop on her but i won't.

@evacino Do they have any names or comments about villains like Brain Drain or the Medicis?
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Honestly I'm afraid now the Japanese Skull-fanbase is going to think we are super serious and get offended by nothing.

Damn. Now I'm beginning to wonder what they think about us, but this is not the place nor it's a kind of thread I'd like.

Any mention about characters like D. Violet or Ottomo or Molly? Did they like Juju before she got... well... you know.
I know this is a stupid question but...

Do you like Filia's thick thighs and fat ass?

I don't like 'em, I love 'em! And yeah, to expand on the Filia/pig thing, Dr. Sanity + Covenant kinda summed up my stance on that. I've been called some not so nice things by my own family members. Pisses me off, of course. I'm not grossly overweight or morbidly obese or anything but I have a crazy appetite and will fight someone over a BLT if you get my gist.
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Calling a girl a pig, fictional or not, sets a tone. A tone that says that if a girl is thicker than the "average" body type that she is automatically a pig. The argument isn't we shouldn't call Filia a pig because it'll hurt her feelings, because that's stupid. The argument is that calling Filia a pig because of her body may convince other girls, with somewhat similar body types, that they are pigs. And I don't think that should happen because it could make lots of girls unhappy or uncomfortable with their own bodies.

This is the most basic, simplest answer I can give.
but this is from a culture that doesn't even speak the same language as we are right now.

for all we know, their use of the word pig could be more akin to
not like
Maybe we'd need to ask a Japanese player.

*TV documentary moment*
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but this is from a culture that doesn't even speak the same language as we are right now.

for all we know, their use of the word pig could be more akin to
not like
I'm pretty sure it's not the former. If it were, she would probably be called "cute pig" or something like that.

looked up "pigs in japan girls weight" and found these: http://thisjapaneselife.org/2011/07/13/on-being-the-fattest/ http://www.buzzfeed.com/tanyachen/j...ized-girl-group-and-theyre-calling#.jmXYK5zdk (warning: Buzzfeed)
also looked up "pig in japan" and this was the first result: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2011/10/28/food/pig-in-japan-the-nations-most-popular-meat/
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I assume that's why they use the word "chan"
otherwise they would probably just use "pig-san" or just "pig"
I assumed pig was a negative word in Japan because of Satsuki's trademark quote "PIGS IN HUMAN CLOTHING".

...Not really much to say beyond that. It sounded like an insult?