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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

he can voice Okuyasu too.
the guy has range.
and Okuyasu and Polnareff aren't in the same parts, so it's fine.
Jordio confirmed canon in the Slam lore.
and Iggy still isn't Air Bud :(

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By far, my favorite character is everyone, yes, i love every single character in this weird or should i say bizarre manga, even the weakest of the enemies are charmy, like the zombies from Part.1 whose names are Page, Bonham, Plant and Jones. Love that "subtle" reference to a rock band.

If i have to say the strongest character of all the jojo's, well, even though he is a little young, unquestionably Giorno Giovanna, but not with Gold Experience, controlling unanimated things it's really a cool thing, you can do a good job against your enemies with that stand, but i'm not talking exactly about GE as a whole, i'm talking about the superior form of GE, which is called: "Gold Experience REQUIEM", oh my god, Made in Heaven and Tusk (Act 4) suck dicks compared to this Stand, is easily the strongest of all the stands, since you can't do nothing to attack him, he can negate the effect of every single attack that you launch him, and if that wasn't bad enough, he has his own mind, and in theory, he has (NONE) in every stats because he surpass every single A stat for every stand, with that power, he is the strongest character in fiction, he could defeat about 99.99% not including him, in a death match, so, it's pretty neat.
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yeah, but can his stand make you do a sick flip with a motorcycle?
yeah, but can his stand make you do a sick flip with a motorcycle?
So, you're putting style over substance?, well, we're talking about Jojo, so, cooler things are always amusing and funny valentine to watch (intended pun), either way, i hope that Soft & Wet has a requiem form, could you imagine that?, the basic form allows you to "steal" any characteristic of anything in general, so, his Requiem should be stealing the whole thing in a flash, that would be interesting to watch.
GER gives Giorno the most OP power in exchange for making him the most boring basic piece of poopoo in all of fiction too
I just like Josuke because he's one of the few characters who doesn't kill but instead gives people fates worse than death.
the true hero JoJo's deserves.
also because I love how much of a blank slate Crazy Diamond's power is and how versatile it can be.

but mostly that flip, yo.
Could you imagine jojo characters in skullgirls, and i mean not references, but actual characters that you can fight, kinda like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for the PS1 and Dreamcast, you know, the arcade fighter, against the main cast of Skullgirl, Jotaro or Johnny would be a fine addition to those games, pretty hilarious to see too.
And OP too, only stands can hurt stands so i don't see how would anyone in the roster deal with them.
I unno
Samson is close enough to Love Deluxe to put up a fight tbh
part 2 joseph could hurt stands in heritage for the future, just use that logic here problem solved
Ah right, and Jonathan could out-punch Star Platinum in All Star Battle.
and Jonathan could out-punch Star Platinum in All Star Battle
I feel like that should bother me, but it's too cool.
By videogame fighting logic, you can defeat anyone with Mt.Satan in DBZ BT3, including Gogeta in SSJ4, so, i don't see the reason why Jojo characters shouldn't be included (Outside of Copyright and shit), but as all of you said, even if by miracle you add those characters in this game, they would be way too OP, i don't imagine a single character landing a hit with a well prepared Jotaro with Star Platinum, let alone a Star Platinum - The World, so, kicking ass with these characters would be easy, but enjoyable to watch.
well, Mr. Satan, or as he's known in the west, HERCULE, is one of the only DBZ fighters who never died, so.... battle of attrition I guess.
Did you know every JoJo character can beat GER?
The thing is, it's impossible to defeat GER, no matter what you do, since he turns zero anything you do against him, even the willpower, so, even by word of god, he is virtually undefeatable, the only stand that can put a fight is Tusk (Act IV) but even that, is not enough to defeat that thing.

Sadly, outside of GER and Chariot Requiem, no other stand has the "Requiem" on their names, so, every other stand is just simple the base stand, it would be awesome if the Bow & Arrow appears again, but since Enrico did some things to the universe, i don't know if that thing even exist.

Probably many people are upset that someone like Giorno, who isn't the most brilliant or likeable character in the Jojo series has the most powerful stand of all the series, but i don't care, i mean, the most brilliant thing about Jojo isn't the powerful meter, this isn't DBZ where Goku gets a power up every time, this is a series about weird but interesting things, a plot that isn't the "cliche" trope of every single Shounen ever where the protagonist is victorious and lives the good life, or has a happy ending by itself, so, by quality of manga, animation, plot, characters, jojo is an unique beast, that no other manga in history could replicate.

Now, Giorno for many isn't likeable, but what would you expect?, he was a lone, sad child until a gang person was talking to him, and suddenly, he becomes a little more self conscious about him, besides, he is the son of Dio, could you expect his soon to be likeable, he should be the antagonist for that reason, but since he is the hero of Part V, he had to change into something more noble, even though he isn't exactly like that compared to Jonathan, but for me, he is the perfect protagonist, and besides, he was in the Part with the most interesting stands of all the series (Bohemian Rhapsody, anybody?), if you don't like him, it's fine, but don't get too cocky about "Even Fatty could kick his ass" since by mere fact, that's not possible, even the strongest in fiction cannot put a finger to him because GER, and you may aswell know this, Giorno doesn't even know exactly the limitations of GER, so, the development potential of the last one it's the most impressive so far, outside of Made in Heaven, but more powerful, so, if you're going to talk against him, do it with arguments, and not simple opinions, ok.
the correct way to beat GER is to not read the climax of Vento Aureo and assume that something cooler happened instead
but what if he insulted Josuke's hair?
how can you stop that which has no drive to begin with, and rage that is unstoppable.
by all means Rohan should have beaten Josuke, but Josuke don't give a shit about logic.
Josuke is the unpredictable variable.

his opinion is so simple that it cannot be argued against
"my hair is cool"

also: Star Platinum The World.
an actual stand.
no other stand also encompasses the power of The World.
just Star Platinum.
but what if he insulted Josuke's hair?
how can you stop that which has no drive to begin with, and rage that is unstoppable.
by all means Rohan should have beaten Josuke, but Josuke don't give a shit about logic.
Josuke is the unpredictable variable.

Josuke actually kicked Rohan's ass because he literally could not see Rohan's art.
He was so angry his eyes stopped working.
He only beat the shit out of Rohan while he was on the ground after he spoke.
but what if he insulted Josuke's hair?
how can you stop that which has no drive to begin with, and rage that is unstoppable.
by all means Rohan should have beaten Josuke, but Josuke don't give a shit about logic.
Josuke is the unpredictable variable.

his opinion is so simple that it cannot be argued against
"my hair is cool"

also: Star Platinum The World.
an actual stand.
no other stand also encompasses the power of The World.
just Star Platinum.

Well, it would be something like this.
Giorno: "Ja, and i thought my hair was a little weird"
Josuke: "The FUCK did you say about my hair, i'm gonna DORARARARA your ass, you little bitch"
Giorno: "I have a dream you know, and i won't let anyone to crush my face, bring it on!"

The fight would be interesting to watch, now, if we're talking about normal GE vs Crazy Diamond, that would be a memorable fight, since Crazy Diamond ability is to put anything back to the main or original state, so, GE ability to turn unanimated things in living things would be at a disadvantage, but if Giorno knows how to land a hit on him, he may have the key to win this battle, know, if Josuke is seriously pissed off, since Crazy Diamond has arguably more strength than the own Star Platinum, goodbye Giorno, you insulted Josuke's Hair and for that you just got DORARARA.

Now, if it's GER were talking about, goodbye Josuke, you were one of the bests in all the Duwang, and you could feel deeply your partners, but GER is GER, the strongest living thing in universe, but that would be arguably since Josuke's ability is to return anything back to the main state, as i said above, so, with luck, he could revert GER to GE, but the catch it's, GER can nullify that, even the mere though of doing that, since he can put anything back to zero, so, what would happen if the ability of GER crush with the ability of Crazy Diamond, well, as the end of Part 6, another universal reset for a Paradox, kinda like if you put GER against Tusk (Act IV) or Made In Heaven, because if you put infinity against turning back to zero, that would cause a paradox that would destroy anything and the universe would have to reset.

Star Platinum - The World it's an awesome stand, Jotaro is one of the best characters in Jojo, and it's own badassery is just unique, but even that, he would be last in the Top 10 or 8 of Stands, i know stopping time it's awesome, but other Stands can counter him in other ways, the time stop has flaws (As shown with Dio's The World when trying to stop time, the effect isn't instantaneous), so, he would have problems with other stand users who can counter abilities, or has good defense, and comparing it to GER is just unfair, technically speaking, anything in fiction compared to GER is just unfair, so, at least that's fair.
His hair styled got trashed so he was too mad to even know what drawings are.
the correct way to beat GER is to just go read Part 6 instead and have a good time
In a No-canon material which i don't remember, Kars's stand ability was to have all of the other stand abilities, even requiems, so yeah....Kars Stand > GER.
His Stand was thinking
see how the moment he was unable to move, he stopped
Clearly, the Stone of Aja can disable Stands
Ripple > Stands
Remember when Killer Queen left Kira for Kars, Morioh got up and left Japan and Dio was the holy corpse because DIO wasn't really Dio?

Good times.
Jorge Joestar was wild the whole way through
In a No-canon material which i don't remember, Kars's stand ability was to have all of the other stand abilities, even requiems, so yeah....Kars Stand > GER.
Thanks goodness that Kars was sent to the outer space, but non-canon is non-canon, that's like saying Gogeta SSJ4 is the most powerful character in DB when he isn't canon, so, although i must say, that in the situation, Kars has the GER, he could nullify anything against him, but the catch is, if you put something like GER vs GER, they could either: 1 - Repel or nullify themselves
2 - Universal Reset because paradox

And you do remember what kind of weird shit happens when there is a universal reset, right?, so, just leave it like that, and no, Ripple isn't superior to Stands, is a good choice to train, and is certainly helpful, but after the events of Part 6, that doesn't exist anymore, and after P.2 nobody was giving two shits about Ripple or Hamon, the only one was Joseph, and some old users, but the rest of them were more like "meh" for that, because Stands are easier and more practical to use than Hamon, not saying that Hamon isn't bad, but it takes quite some time to dominate, and more people prefer to use stands for usefulness, so, there you go.