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Steki steki. A great ending to a great series. Can't wait for what Trigger's gonna do after the OVA.
Steki steki. A great ending to a great series. Can't wait for what Trigger's gonna do after the OVA.
Lol about that:

In the orignal novel series' story, the five members of the literature club awakened with extraordinary powers half a year ago. Although the members expected to be thrown into a world of super-powered battles (inō-battle) at their school, their normal daily routine continued. No secret organizations bent on world destruction, no super-powered wars, no braves or demon kings.
However, the members still look forward to the possibilities of adventure, and continued to believe that with each day, they were getting ever closer to those days of fantasy. Their days of romantic comedy and battles with extraordinary powers begin!
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Not sure how to react to that.

Also, we actuallly still got gainaxed, just in a more subtle way.
Although they did make it so that the series could comfortably end where it is, they still trolled everybody and left it open for continuation. They can troll us just by never giving us that continuation just like with what happened with PSG. Even though it didnt actually put itself in the same position as KLK
I dont care about what trigger wants to do!

where the fuck is Little Witch Academia, and when is winter of 2014 and how long is it gonna fucking take and why isnt it here already?!



;n; I just want it so bad!
I heard April 2015 for LWA 2 ;_;
I just wanna say that my favorite part of the episode was watching Mako smash one of Nui's heads in with a nailed baseball bat, even if it was only for a moment. It made me unnecessarily happy.
I wish someone important died in this anime. The villains died, but their deaths weren't big. Senketsu suddenly died, which didn't make me feel anything (he was my favorite character personality wise).
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I wish someone important died in this anime. The villains died, but their deaths weren't big. Senketsu suddenly died, which didn't make me feel anything (he was my favorite character personality wise).
Did they really die? KILL LA KILL 2 revenge of Rei Hounomaru
Kill la Kill OVA Preview

Graduation OVA bundled with 9th volume of Blu-ray. Out September 3rd, 2014.​
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Kill la Kill OVA Preview

Graduation OVA bundled with 9th volume of Blu-ray. Out September 3rd, 2014.​
My body is sooooooooooooooooo ready for this
I have no complaints, enjoyed the whole series pretty much the entire time.

I also liked KlK a lot more than TTGL.

Have to feel somewhat sorry for Gama.

Have to feel somewhat sorry for Gama.
If what I've read around is correct, its not as hopeless as you think.
basically, since Mako's monologues are packed with japanese wordplay and puns, its practically impossible to get the the full meaning of what she's saying in translation. And since she's using the word "date" in english, the implication in japanese is that she's just inviting Ryuuko out for a Girl's Day Out, which is why its mostly about hanging out and shopping and stuff. And Satsuki's invited too.

But it could mean something else entirely, since Mako is crazy and there's all those puns to consider.

Also Gama's got those flowers. And he's freakin' Gamagoori. He can do ANYTHING.

But we'll just have to wait until the OVA to see what Trigger does at a time when they've had plenty of time to fully absorb all the fan reactions to the show.
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Yeah, don't take the word "date" too literally. Nor any of what Mako does in her monologues
If what I've read around is correct, its not as hopeless as you think.
basically, since Mako's monologues are packed with japanese wordplay and puns, its practically impossible to get the the full meaning of what she's saying in translation. And since she's using the word "date" in english, the implication in japanese is that she's just inviting Ryuuko out for a Girl's Day Out, which is why its mostly about hanging out and shopping and stuff. And Satsuki's invited too.

But it could mean something else entirely, since Mako is crazy and there's all those puns to consider.
I've heard the exact opposite. That the use of date in this form of Japanese is directly intended for romantic purposes, they have a different word for "girl's day out." (Plus, why would Ryuko herself reference said date anyway?)
If what I've read around is correct, its not as hopeless as you think.
Also Gama's got those flowers. And he's freakin' Gamagoori. He can do ANYTHING.
Say what you will, but the romance evidence between Mako and Gamagoori has been horribly one-sided. Mako may respect him, yes, but has shown to not care too much about him after that.
Remember when...

Gamagoori appeared to have died and Mako turned on the waterworks? That may be an indicator of more than respect.
I've heard the exact opposite. That the use of date in this form of Japanese is directly intended for romantic purposes, they have a different word for "girl's day out." (Plus, why would Ryuko herself reference said date anyway?)
I'm just going by what I've heard others say.

So I got no idea on that.
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can't we all just get along and run NononxSatsukixRyukoxMakoxGamagoori(xSanegayama for a little fun on the side)
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Uh-oh, looks like Ragyo survived elsewhere!
what if Ragyo just went to another planet and pulled a Giygas?
So when is the KLK OVA supposed to be released? please answer with as many acronyms as possible.
So when is the KLK OVA supposed to be released? please answer with as many acronyms as possible.

I. H.A.V.E. N.O. I.D.E.A. B.U.T. I. H.O.P.E. T.H.E.Y. R.E.L.E.A.S.E. I.T. S.O.O.N.
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So when is the KLK OVA supposed to be released? please answer with as many acronyms as possible.
O.V.A. E.X.P.E.C.T.E.D. T.O. C.O.M.E. W.I.T.H. L.A.S.T. B.D. I.N. S.E.P.T.E.M.B.E.R.
So when is the KLK OVA supposed to be released? please answer with as many acronyms as possible.

September 3rd, 2014.

it has boxer in it...so I agree with this ship
Also I like that guy he's my favoriest in the series
Huh. I just realized that Hakodate has a crapton of tennis balls under her skirt.
she's got more balls than any dude on the show
except maybe Gamagori
You guys just can't handle the power of Hakodate's balls.
maybe we should learn the secret of hakodate's balls so that we can learn to walk again
maybe we should learn the secret of hakodate's balls so that we can learn to walk again

Mako's already mastered it and she was hit with the "110 Million Cannonball Serves" the first time she came across her. We can learn a lot from her.