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now i want platinum to make a Kill la Kill game revengeance style
shit would be pretty hype
should I jsut put a warning on the first post for unmarked spoilers beyond page 14. Having to spoiler everything is kinda ridiculous IMO.
now i want platinum to make a Kill la Kill game revengeance style
shit would be pretty hype
Pretty sure if we had a choice on who to entrust with making a Kill la Kill game that's as zany as the show, it's gotta be Platinum Games.
Don't know it was so obvious that they were sisters as it was that there was likely a connection between Ryuko and Ragyo meaning they had to be sisters. After all there's only 2 characters in this show with luminescent hair highlights.
...Rewatching the scene, How did she even have a free hand to grope Satsuki with anyway?
Don't know it was so obvious that they were sisters as it was that there was likely a connection between Ryuko and Ragyo meaning they had to be sisters. After all there's only 2 characters in this show with luminescent hair highlights.

Honestly it could have been misleading. I mean look at punk haired guy, he had different colored highlight hair. I just don't think it was an obvious twist. You would have to had looked really closely into it.
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So here's something interesting...

It's interesting to note that Ryuuko’s name has like 8 symbolic meanings to it.
First, her name in kanji, hiragana and romaji: 流子 = りゅうこ = Ryuuko
-The straightforward meaning is: 流れ子 = Wandering child, stray child
-The sad hidden meaning is: 流された子 = Child that was washed away, abandoned child
-The cool meaning is: 流星子 = りゅうせいこ = Meteor child
-The thematically relevant meaning is: 流行 = Ryuukou = Fashion
-The self-evident meaning is: りゅうこ = Ryuuko = Hero
-The clever meaning is: りゅうこ = Ryuuko = Two big rivals
-The homage meaning is that Ryuuko's name is a direct reference to the protagonist of Otokogumi; as you may remember from the original interview, Kill la Kill started as a big homage to Otokogumi. Otokogumi’s hero was called 流, Nagare. They added the 子 so it would become a girl name: 流子 = Nagare-ko = Girl Nagare; the reason they decided on the Ryuuko reading of the kanji makes it even cooler as a homage and you will see why on the eight meaning.
-The love interest of Otokogumi's Nagare was called 涼子 = りょうこ = Ryouko; Ryuuko's name is basically the combination of Ryouko's and Nagare's names, as if she was their successor of sorts.

Also, in the Febri interview Nakashima himself said to pay attention to the “流された子” meaning and it makes perfect sense now; they probably hinted to it in episode 12 when Isshin said that he has no sense for naming and just calls things what they are. When he found Ryuuko, Isshin literally named her “abandoned child” because that's exactly what she is.

Speaking of hidden meanings, this month's NewType spread (pictured) has a whole new sense to it now… specially considering the big red text reads “THE GENE OF REBELLION”.


If anyone finds this illustration scanned in high-resolution, do let me know.

And because the ride never ends:


So here's something interesting...

Anyway speaking of Gama . . .
I really hope there's a joke sequence about him brushing off Ryuko's previous victories as "HA! As expected of my master's beloved little sister!" and she get's super flustered.

Also the next episode preview said Satsuki, Ryuko and Mako are missing. WHERE'D MAKO GO?
So here's something interesting...
I can never get enough of the Revengeance parodies
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If there's something I learned as a Sengoku Basara fan is that the Japanese language allows for possibly the craziest, most elaborate multi-meaning/punography word plays ever conceived by Man.

Anyway, dunno if you folks been keeping tabs on it but just in case, gonna leave you link to scans of the KLK production art that's featured in Trigger Magazine - http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/7563
All the stuff in that pool is as raunchy as the show but it's danbooru so for the sake of your virgin eyes, don't wander off. :3
Gamagoori x Mako OTP confirmed
also more groping
join Nudist Beach? 0_0





join Nudist Beach? 0_0
Someone please write "WARNING! SPOILERS!" in the thread's title, because almost every post here is using Spoiler tags.

What's gonna happen between Ryuuko and Senketsu in the next episode? She's really pissed at him. Why did the COVERS' "harps" awaken specifically Ryuuko?
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Jaws hit floors!

Events were happening!

Collective exclamations of "WHAAAAAAA?!"

And Ryuko . . . is Mako going to have to slap you AGAIN?

Its super real.
Why dies Kill la Kill only proceed to get better and better?

It's a bit of shame though that the Elite four don't have their badass battle gear but oh well it fits for what is happening the story. Also here was me thinking things would go well for Senketsu and Ryuko for the rest of the series. I think we are going to need Mako again to break Ryuko out of her anger although she is still badass.
The saddest thing would be
Ryuko ends up attacking Mako
The saddest thing
How OK I'm with Ryuko's latest LOSING HER WAY yet again will be directly proportional to how quickly they undo it.

Basically they don't have time for her to spend a whole episode on her brooding again like after she went berserker.

Next episode should start with Mako slapping her and giving a serious speech while trying and failing to put on her NB uniform.
moms are funny things no :D
OK, to be fair, I had realized that Satsuki and Ryuko were sisters, but the fact that this implied that Ragyo was Ryuko's mother didn't hit me until the end of the episode like a train running at top speed. On another note, I totally didn't expect COVERS to be alluded to in the first opening (remember how there were bodies linked together to form a sky of red over Honnouji Academy? That might happen next episode with the mind-controlled students).
What's gonna happen between Ryuuko and Senketsu in the next episode? She's really pissed at him. Why did the COVERS' "harps" awaken specifically Ryuuko?
It was mentioned that Satsuki didn't synch well with the Life Fibers, while Ryuko did so right before/during Satsuki "slaying" Ragyo. We don't know whether she was actually "awakened" by the harps.
Is Ira a common Japanese male name? As a Russian speaker I find it weird, because it's a Russian female name, but then again it's a different language.
Shippers will go CRAZY on this ep. And, anyone else got empathy for our favorit talking suit? He won't no longer talk at the end for the preview becous there won't be anymore D:
Also ment the end before the credit roll!
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moms are funny things no :D
with Ragyo, every episode is episode 24 of SAO

she's super creepy.
with Ragyo, every episode is episode 24 of SAO

she's super creepy.

And yet I still love her. She's my favorite character.
ok, so how are you guys watching this? daisuki hasnt uploaded it english,
ok, so how are you guys watching this? daisuki hasnt uploaded it english,
Crunchyroll. Since I live in Estonia episodes get delayed by 1-2 months, so I use an app in Chrome to set my location as USA and watch KLK episodes on time plus other shows that aren't available in my area. Damn Licensing restrictions! It's a good thing that my area still gets new Golden Time episodes on time plus I have all the Gintama episodes.