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Killer Instinct - Series in General

If they do finally do a PC port, it'll most likely be in-between this and a potential 3rd season <assuring people could still pay for DLC on PC>, or after the X1 version is completely done with its support.
My guess, and this is pure speculation rooted in no hard evidence at all is that if we are to see a PC version it will come around the launch of SF5.
If you assume most of the people at that panel currently play KI, then the audience presented a pretty interesting visual. Even though Iron Galaxy was excited about the large number of players that had achieved Killer Rank, only two people in that crowd were actually able to claim that rank, and one of them was a top player for the entire scene. For that matter, only a handful of people said they were even playing ranked to begin with.

Seems like if you multiplied those ratios accordingly, you'd probably be able to represent the audiences for most fighting games. For every top player out there, you've got only a few other guys that take the game seriously, and at least a hundred more people that are just hanging out with it.
Like we have Skullplayers and Skullfans. Except Killerplayers and Killerfans doesn't have the same ring to it.
Hisako stage concept


Needs fitting creepy music to go with it.
Actually they have no obligation to do this. Dead Rising 3 was a third party property, and therefore could not be kept indefinitely exclusive. KI, however, is a first party Microsoft property.

They have no obligation to ANYTHING. But then, they have to choose between getting my money from the game or nothing at all. i'd rather be stuck with my ps3 and PC than get a xbone.
Yeah, it is unnecessarily, infuriatingly restrictive.

One of the reasons I'm more of a "PC master" race type of gamer is because console exclusives and no meaningful cross-platform are terrible for games and terrible for gamers... and I view (maybe wrongly) PCs at least remaining some kind of neutral as far as that goes (give or take some controller limitations for MOBAs and RTS).

Imagine how much better SGs would be doing if we had one cohesive community instead of one spread across three consoles (including the poor bastards that only have it on the xbox :( ).

I really hope SF5 with its PS4/PC xPlatform heralds a changing paradigm.

(Back on topic to thread) And I really, really hope KI decides to participate by coming to PC and implementing xPlatform there.
Yeah, it is unnecessarily, infuriatingly restrictive.

One of the reasons I'm more of a "PC master" race type of gamer is because console exclusives and no meaningful cross-platform are terrible for games and terrible for gamers... and I view (maybe wrongly) PCs at least remaining some kind of neutral as far as that goes (give or take some controller limitations for MOBAs and RTS).

Imagine how much better SGs would be doing if we had one cohesive community instead of one spread across three consoles (including the poor bastards that only have it on the xbox :( ).

I really hope SF5 with its PS4/PC xPlatform heralds a changing paradigm.
Just to quickly point my view on this, but consoles are machines built specifically for gaming. They're easy. Exclusive games are built to take advantage of this. You never hear people complaining about exclusives on handhelds, because there's no competition in that regard, but with consoles many ppl get turned off when they hear about exclusives. Even if we just had PC, there would be exclusives. We would have multiple shops and encryptions and I can see many such things happening like that. Exclusivity is a business practice we all have to deal with. I'd rather use a console just because it's quicker than my PC, I don't need to worry about my PC specs, and there aren't a hundred different things I need to know the difference between to figure out if the game will run or not on my PC. It's ease of use that makes consoles great and exclusivity just helps sell them. I'd rather have consoles and exclusivity than some other arbitrary means of exclusivity on the computers themselves.
Yeah, for example if you want to buy Dead Space 3 (you don't, trust me) or other crappy EA games, you can only buy them on Origin, I guess you could say they're "exclusive" to Origin. Now the easy way out of that is to just not give a shit about EA games. It's not hard.

Mirror's Edge tho :(

Let's get back on topic.
According to Iron Galaxy, there is to be a Hisako related stream on their twitch channel today at 7:30 EST/6:30 CST.
KI stream right after Mortal Kombat Stream? Great timing. :D Too bad it's gonna be pretty late in the night for me.
I'll admit I got kinda giddy when I saw Hisako and Spinal fighting. It never gets old to watch two iconic movie monsters from different parts of the world duke it out.

Plus, all the laughing, screaming, and curious head swaying between those two actually makes it look like they're playing with each other. Hacking at a fellow undead is probably the pinnacle of fun for a fearsome warrior spirit!
Well I mean cute zombie girls certainly exist. Just lookit our very own Squigly.

Hisako is just not one of them.
just because I think something is cute doesn't mean I want to put my wiener in it
i think puppies are cute but I'm not a goddamn monster
i just wanna hug Hisako and help her wreak vengeance
I haven't had much to say about the character visuals themselves, but I think Cinder looks really bad.
Who in the nine hells decided to give cinder an armor? he's meant to be a lava man, not flame centurion!
So...British/dapper sounding voice.
Weird face.
Who wants to pop the cork on the Bandersnatch Combinebutter jokes?
Eh, I like Cinder. Certainly better than "a dude on fire" from the original. His voice sounds REALLY cool. I'm hoping for lots of arrogance. :D
The design basically got a bit more complex from the old buff Human Torch now. Glacius had the same deal. Final version may be cleaned up more.