Oh. There were some new developments as well, outside of just that match.
Outside of pools, I received advice from both
@cloudKing211 and
@dekillsage once again.
Cloud's advice was essentially be more conscious of when I'm applying pressure with Bella/MShadow, and when it's good to back off. He said try to call shadow, go for the mixup, then back off if they don't get hit. I still tend to get in there and stick to them, habits from solo bella still popping up when they shouldn't. He also suggested attempting to aim shadow for when the opponent is landing from a jump. He said a good tactic is to put the opponent in situations where they feel like they can do something, but they can't. Other than that, it seems like I'm playing the team more or less appropriately. I have noticed that this same issue with staying in too long also applies after I get the hit and go for a reset. I'll do something really tight backed by Shadow, have it blocked, then continue the pressure and get hit. I should see if I can't back off again and play Bella a little further back than I'm used to. I'm also getting more comfortable doing Battle Butt and shadow at the same time, which is pretty good stuff.
Sage also asked if I ever played Bella/Fukua/Band. Honestly, I'd never considered it before, so I played a few casuals with it. It honestly isn't terrible. The team is very solid, too. I can sit at the range I do for M Shadow, and use Beat Extend if they press me too hard. If I need to, I can dhc to Fukua pretty easily. If I do that, it's Fukua/Band/Bella, which isn't terrible, and if Fukua dies then I come out with Team Drewski, which isn't bad at all. If Bella dies, Fukua Band is very playable. If Band gets snapped/AC'd in, I can still DHC to Fukua pretty safely (the only difference from above is if Fukua dies it's Team Mike Z, which is equally not bad). If Band dies after that situation (being snapped in or w/e) then I come out with Fukua/Bella, which Sage has proven time and again is great.
If I do decide to work on this trio, which I might (I like their colors :3), I'd need to figure out where this team fits in with the rest of my strategy. In tournaments, I like going solo bella against unknown elements, or people I feel like will let me in or make bad assist calls. Bella/Shadow is for people who won't let Bella in, as I showed vs Fenster above. Bella/Band can shut down people who like to sit away from me and call assist often with Brass, people who like to stay in the air where I can't reach with a-train, and it can keep a bubble around me that the opponent can't get into safely with Beat Extend (also Dynamo pickups).
The trio would be either H LNL/M Shadow/Beat Extend (by default), or probably Excellebella/Drill/H Brass (idk about this one yet, but maybe?). But... I don't know who it would be able to beat that picking the above teams wouldn't. If someone can be shut down with just mshadow, then making myself weaker gives me more chances to lose when I should have gone duo, and the same applies to bella/band. I need to do a lot of experimenting, before I even start looking at Beo (who I was planning on learning next while I improved my Eliza).
Oh. Also see how safe Devil Horns and H Brass at the same time is.