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Losing my save (PC)

Ika Musume

Last of her kind.
Yesterday I finally unlocked every palette colour (Minus DLC) for Ms. Fortune, and moved on to Filia, and I start it up from steam today, and it seems my entire save's been either corrupted, deleted or is just gone. I have no idea what happened. I haven't been in any of the files in the Steam directory. Does anyone know a way to get it back? If you want proof that I had a save, I'll link my Steam, you can see I have the achievement for completing story mode with all characters. I recorded it to show you that I've got nothing now. Here's the video.

(Sorry about low quality)

Here's my steam, to prove that I've actually got the threads of fate Achievement.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get my save back, or do I have to start from scratch?

Note: I haven't got the colour palette DLC, so that shouldn't bother it, but I do however have the Squigly DLC.

Thank you for reading. I made this account just so I could post this, since I have no clue what's happened.

EDIT: Just noticed that when I move from the first and basic colour palette, it doesn't let me pick it. It goes back to being locked.

Here's a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/29qb2e

EDIT EDIT: When I unlock colours, they do stay. I just went through Ms. Fortune's single player again, and the colour palette has unlocked, and is staying unlocked for the time being. However all the other ones are still locked.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: On a side note, whenever I try to go into training, then tutorials, the game crashes and closes. I'm playing the client in English, if that might matter?

EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: Reinstalling it fixed everything, but I have to start from scratch.
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I have the same problem. I suspect it's related to patching the game, since it happened to me twice already, both times after installing a patch.
IIRC, there is some potential issue caused by Steam Cloud saves and patches. I would recommend disabling Steam Cloud saves for this game and see if that prevents any further resets.