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Mario Kart 8

I got Larry first.
I got Rosie second. Good enough.

First was Iggy.
I got the game... YAYY!
But I don't remember my NID where do I see it? LOL
On the gamepad, you see the icon with your Mii on the main screen? Click it to see your Nickname and NNID. The NNID is orange and below the Nickname.
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well my NID is Anbec7 so if you add me let me know :)
To play with some skullheart people lol
Surprisingly, I'm really liking Metal Mario this time around. He feels more robotic this time around then in Mario Kart 7.

Pink Gold Peach, however, is just a reskin of Peach period.
I unlocked Metal Mario first. Overall impressions of the game so far? Hell, to the yes. I love how, just like in past games (from my perspective), speed is basically insignificant and acceleration rules the road. And with the new item balances and Super Horn, I stay out in front longer and easier. I think it's actually BETTER that you can only hold one item at a time, because the guy in second can only hold one red shell at a time too (Mind you Triple shells exist).

Found that the traction stat doesn't really do much either. It just makes indrifting bikes useless (Which I don't particularly find myself attracted to in this game anyways) so it's a win-win. I'm having so much fun with this!

My NNID is RellekEarth! I've already added all those who currently posted them I believe.
I think that people using kart/bike that have indrift capabilities need to plan their drift ahead of time since they a little delay before they can drifting inward, which I find a bit awkward. Also, the turning is sharp, so make full advantage of it. When you get that boost, make sure it's in the direction you want it. Otherwise, you'll probably end up going off the road. That's how I see it.

Edit: My goodness, I love Dolphin Shoals!
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Alright so I've added everybody, just waiting on confirmations. Starting up the game with my brother right now in the meantime.
It's weird. Between Fukua and Pink Gold Peach I'm becoming more and more okay with the idea of palette swaps being their own character.
>Tries to redeem free game again today
>club nintendo actually appears to be working
>Yeah, I can't wait to-
>"Your reward has already been redeemed."
>Checks inbox, no new emails
Dammit, club nintendo!
I can't help but feel ocne I unlock the last six characters I'm just gonna do nothing but Multiplayer then.

Also, Baby Luigi + Rocking Horse Motorcycle = Kickfucking ass
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Just got the game a few hours ago, having a blast with it. The first character I unlocked was Toadette.



RAINBOW ROAD 64 WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED AND MORE <3 Though I wish there were more laps....
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Just got the game a few hours ago, having a blast with it. The first character I unlocked was Toadette.
Must be totally random then, she was the last I unlocked.
I unlocked Iggy last.
No guys

You can't be OKAY with Pink Gold Peach

That's just gonna open the floodgate to more stupid stuff like her.
Yeah I already hated people who thought they were cool playing metal mario.
I've been sleeping outside Nintendo's headquarters protesting since I unlocked her.
The effectiveness of my occupation might be compromised since I'm playing the game while doing it.
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Also, I really think there's another row of characters. 6x6 square begs to happen. There's definitely room for it.
Yeah I already hated people who thought they were cool playing metal mario
Wait do you mean Mario Kart 7 Metal Mario, or current Metal Mario? They changed his overall "appearance" (as in, how he moves and such) to add more distinction between him and normal Mario.
I really hope we get DLC
The game is amazing I'm having a blast (send help! I can't stop lol)

I added 3 people from Skullheart a while ago.

Are we doing some tournaments later people? Would be fun! :)
So uhh, club nintendo's still telling me I'm eligible for a free game even though I just redeemed windwaker hd.
Not sure if I should try again or not... hmmmm...
So uhh, club nintendo's still telling me I'm eligible for a free game even though I just redeemed windwaker hd.
Not sure if I should try again or not... hmmmm...
LOL go for it!
but if you don´t want the code you can give it to me xDDDD
LOL go for it!
but if you don´t want the code you can give it to me xDDDD
Bleh, it figured out that I already did it half way through. I was so close to pikmin 3 I could smell it.
Saw that it went through again for some people posting on gamefaqs, though. Wonder if they'll do something about it.
I just finished 100cc today.

@Jutsei Did you receive my friend request on the Wii U?
I sent requests to everyone as well.
You unlock the gold wheels by beating all the nintendo ghosts on all the racetracks.
You unlock the gold kart by getting at least one star on every grand prix cup.
I forgot what you specifically do to get the gold flying accessory but I know it's the last unlockable by coins.
After owning a wii u for 18 months, I finally opened the friends list for the first time.