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Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

I think everyone understands that, Marvel is all big business now.

That said, I don't entirely agree with their approach, part of their "appealing to casuals" is a smaller roster, that doesn't seem right, if I was looking at this game from a "Oh boy Marvel characters fighting" perspective I'd want more characters.
Just want to remind everybody: modern capcom
100% sure that no one has forgotten.
Somebody said it looks like tvc2; We'll be lucky if it turns out to be Sfxt2.
The first step is admitting you have a problem.
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I'm saying this as someone who's never played Marvel 2 -- only SG -- and also only ever heard stories about it or watched old footage of the game.

I was really hoping Marvel 4 -- uh, Infinite -- would be a giant clusterfuck of 80+ characters, unblockables, infinities, Sentinel, super jumps, Sentinel, and just utter insanity.

2vs2, and no assists? Even as someone who plays solo in SG and does little with the team element, this just sounds dull. Part of the fun of SG is the utter "controlled insanity" it can turn into at times, regardless of what your team size is.

Watching and reading all of this really just makes me want to download a ROM of MvC2 and finally get into that.
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Wouldn't recommend that route. Mvc2 emulates poorly (notoriously so).
That sucks; it's really a game I've been wanting to get into thanks to SG. Looks like I'll have to take a trip to ebay and get a Dreamcast copy then, even if I can only play the single player. :(
If you already have a dreamcast, then just burn your own copy. With a custom soundtrack and palettes. And blackjack.
I think the Capcom side character will be a newcomer, to coincide with Captain Marvel.
So those TvC tags are actually just plain raw tags, no cost and you can do it whenever. Presumably safe or at least very hard to punish.

In case you needed anything more to convince you that modern Capcom doesn't know what they're doing, wow. Can I just tag out every time I get a scratch of red life on me? Don't even have to worry about point/anchor either with no assists. Like, I see no reason to not just be constantly tagging all the time.

Game's clearly in an alpha state, nobody's gotten there hands on it, don't judge a book by its cover and all that, yadda yadda yadda.
We're not talking about bugs, oversights, or things that just aren't finished yet. This is a deliberate design that shows how clueless they are. Someone sat down and thought "Raw tags that are completely safe is a great idea for a fighting game to have." That person is an idiot and I'm judging the hell out of him.
I'm really psyche'd by how crisp the breif combos we saw looked. the SXT flashbacks kind of unnerved me at first, but then I realized the combo potential once I saw you could even do them in middair. Combo Creators are gonna be doing some Flashy Stuff.

Infinity Stones seem interesting. Less of X Factor and more of Overdrive from Blazblue, just less diverse. too early to see if its just as spammable, but its much more interesting then "press 4 buttons to win with Level 3 Vergil."

And If im going to be super truthful, I want to see some original Characters for the series again. Where's Ruby Heart? What's Amingo been up to? And SonSon? What if we get someone brand spanking new? I wanna see it happen, Capcom. Show me your creative side!
That person is an idiot and I'm judging the hell out of him.
My life motto. We're friends now.
I think the Capcom side character will be a newcomer, to coincide with Captain Marvel.

actually I just realized X is a newcomer, so maybe not.

Maybe it will be Morrigan or something.
I find that the game of MVCi will contain every able body in the barn (barn) if you can not hold true to the idea that tvc x sfctvx x x duck hold x marvh suepr hearoes. MVC3 has a good roster that everyone knows such as people like deadpool nad iron fists they are tops tiers characters and no one will understand that they have to find a new rstoer of chracetrs god my hands are cold i'm sorry but the roster of charsractrers that will probably be in mvci will be not only very civil war heavy and a crazy spew of capcom characters like Leon from re2 and more than likely no x mang hero and villian in the game. From what I have seen I find that the game looks very IOS based and for it is even definitely in pre pre alpha due to release in mid twenty seventeen and I just want to point out that the things like gems will make the game interesting to see. If we can be like Dengenki Bundle Figto Explosion and choose our gem like we choose our gem that we are in for an interesting time of the time of the next year. It definitely seems that there are a lot of hard hitting FACTS b THAT WE ARE SEEING OH CAPS from teh trailer that we ahve currently seen from that fun time of Capcom cup its just that depending on the cockatiel that shows up whoah why did my thing turn this way hmm interesting. depending on the rosett that we end up seeing from further videos that will probably be randomly shown with more Xfactor'd Akuma holding cotton candy in his hair. if this game is to adhear to the adult entertainment with the idea of keeping the male and female idea range to keep the life alive with such mear ammounts of money that isn't more than 60 dolalrs that will probably keep up the list via DLC that will not have much morre other than more gem (truly outrageous) and possibly characters that appear from more amrvel based life such as Civil War and things like Batman Harvey Reloaded. I find that hopefully that so far that the game gets improved and puts it's thing in the right spot to make sure that eveerything is in order for the paperwork to be done in the when its complete. This game makes my gluten free flirting foreplay hot bars adult alternative virginity to the hot mainstreem with the life force top squee.


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As much as I want to be hyped for a new Marvel, it pains me to say that I have almost no hopes at all for this. Capcom is only one step above Konami in my eyes right now, and I put no faith in them to craft a quality product.

Bear in mind all the following is just my taste, but:

Street Fighter 4 was boring

Street Fighter 5 looks like shit, and has been plagued with technical problems including legendary amounts of input lag and a fucking rootkit.

Street Fighter X Tekken barely lived a year, and rightfully so.

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 was one of the biggest gaming disappointments I've ever had. There's so much I don't like about it that if someone were to ask me what I don't like in my fighting games, I could just point to mvc3 and say "everything there".

Maybe they could make a good game by accident. Or maybe they'll hire someone new to handle the gameplay. With this track record, I'm not betting on it.

Maybe I'll pick it up sometime for* shits and giggles. Hopefully it won't give my pc a fucking virus in the process.

*Or maybe if it has an obscure old capcom waifu that I really love that hasn't gotten enough love. Because I am a dirty waifu lover. BUT THAT'S IT

That sucks; it's really a game I've been wanting to get into thanks to SG. Looks like I'll have to take a trip to ebay and get a Dreamcast copy then, even if I can only play the single player. :(

Some friends and I still play the PSN version over netplay. Not sure how you'd go about getting a hold of it now though, what with the store delisting it.
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I just realized now is the probably the biggest chance for Asura from Asura's Wrath to slip into a Vs title.


I shouldn't get my hopes up but... I can't help it....

I just realized now is the probably the biggest chance for Asura from Asura's Wrath to slip into a Vs title.


I shouldn't get my hopes up but... I can't help it....

I hope Gene's in it too, and one of his Supers is the Dragon Kick, if it connects it also acts as a Snapback/swap breaker for like 20 seconds
I would be over the moon if they gave Gene a roulette super

and also remixed the credits theme (credits theme!)
Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel? Is that not redundant? I don't know. I guess if it is then clone characters are an option but with a smaller roster that's pretty bad.

Howard the Duck? Who would that even be for?

The hell is a Gwenpool?
Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel? Is that not redundant? I don't know. I guess if it is then clone characters are an option but with a smaller roster that's pretty bad.

Howard the Duck? Who would that even be for?

The hell is a Gwenpool?
Gwenpool is Gwen Stacy as Deadpool.
It's riding off the coat tails of both Spidergwen (A superior choice), and Deadpool.
Yet isn't as good as either.
It's just as fucking dumb as it sounds.
I'm not sure if I can handle an MVC without my tron combos... She's been my main since MVC2....
Having Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel is absolutely fine, considering last game we had Wolverine and Girl Wolverine.
X-23 at least had a separate moveset as far as I recall.
X-23 at least had a separate moveset as far as I recall.
No reason Kamala couldn't have a separate moveset as well. Actually, I think that Kamala and Carol have different powers despite both of them having been Ms. Marvel at some point.
Gwenpool is Gwen Stacy as Deadpool.
It's riding off the coat tails of both Spidergwen (A superior choice), and Deadpool.
Yet isn't as good as either.
It's just as fucking dumb as it sounds.
Nooooope. Gewnpoole is named after them, sure, but have 0 relation with either. Her name is Gwendolyne "Gwen" Poole, and Seems to be an Agent for M.O.D.O.K.