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Negative Undizzy from Counter Hit


lol, lmao
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Warped Echo
Painwheel Robo Fortune Eliza
Is it possible to get a visual representation of counterhit negative undizzy like how we get the green for regular undizzy. Also, is there a reason why it goes away all at once, unlike regular undizzy which goes away over time? It would be nice I could get a counterhit, not want to do a super long counter hit combo (giving my opponent a lot of meter), and instead go for a mixup and retain some of the negative undizzy for a slightly damage boosted combo from the next hit. I have no idea if this implementation would break something. I remember thinking of something that it could cause a problem for on my way home from work, but can't seem to remember it now.
I wonder if they could make the undizzy bar fill up from the other side when it goes negative (and also be red).

For example:

Normal Undizzy
deplete <-, Fill up ->

Negative Undizzy
Fill up <-, deplete ->

And, yeah, the idea of negative undizzy draining at a pace similar to regular undizzy is interesting because it means you can CH someone several times, and then rack up a ton of negative undizzy for a super long combo.
Perhaps it could have a maximum? idk, I'm not the one to make the call on that
It could be -240 for max negative undizzy like how 240 is the max for normal undizzy.
It could be -240 for max negative undizzy like how 240 is the max for normal undizzy.
That's what I was thinking
I think it makes more sense visually to have the bar fill up from the same side but just be a different color instead.

As you combo the red bar shrinks before building up with green again.

It's like your energy shield or overheal.

Also red is the CH indicator for the heart and flash so that's probably the best color.

I like the idea of punishing someone for hitting 5LP during my block string 5 times before they get the picture and I get MDE Undizzy to punish with.

Cool idea Warped I think it's worth experimenting with.

It could be -240 for max negative undizzy like how 240 is the max for normal undizzy.
There is no max Undizzy :P
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But undizzy goes down by moving leftward, and goes up by moving rightward.

At least, that's how I see it.

Kind of like this:

[_____===== 0 =====_____]

I figure zero undizzy is the middle and it'd move away from zero whenever it goes positive or negative.

having it fill from the same side kind of makes me think of a parabolic function or a sideways U or something.

That's my reasoning for my suggestion.

Also, maybe if you go under -240 undizzy they become dizzy. :^) lol
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This is an interesting idea, but I can't say it would be good or bad for the game just from the idea. I'm not sure I want more potential for longer combos, but lab monsters & people who liked MDE undizzy for whatever reason would have a field day with this.

I do think a visual indicator for negative undizzy is a very good idea.
Visual indication and draining of counterhit undizzy sounds godlike.

I wouldn't forsee stacking negative undizzy being a problem just because the likely hood of counterhitting someone multiple times before going ham is seriously unlikely. Then again, who knows if this would break something.
I wonder if they could make the undizzy bar fill up from the other side when it goes negative (and also be red).

For example:

Normal Undizzy
deplete <-, Fill up ->

Negative Undizzy
Fill up <-, deplete ->

And, yeah, the idea of negative undizzy draining at a pace similar to regular undizzy is interesting because it means you can CH someone several times, and then rack up a ton of negative undizzy for a super long combo.

I would like to test if they could coexist in the same space, fill up the undizzy as usual, but instead of black "rest of" could be red so, when I/ we are playing wil could see "panoramic vision" with the 2 colors separations I think will be useful Something like this, tought

I honestly think it makes the most sense for Negative Undizzy to start from the same point as green undizzy does, and as you use it in a combo it drains in the direction that undizzy normally does. This way when you use it all up the bar looks empty again/fills up the same way if you extend your combo really far. I hope that makes sense. I'm out right now so I'll put up a visual representation later.
Green and red on the bar at the same time next to each other is terrible for certain types of color blindness. That's the same reason I would prefer Worldjem's positioning of the red bar. If you can't discern red and green, them filling up and depleting the same way would be pretty confusing.

I'm not colorblind, even, I just think it's an easy thing to at least consider when it comes to HUD stuff. Try to differentiate things in ways more than just color.
Yeah like as a colorblind person I don't think having the red and green overlap is a good idea at all. I mean it could work if the saturation was correct but that might look bad.
First thing first is to make an argument about negative undizzy draining rather than instantly disappearing (and get that seriously considered). A separate bar/visual representation for it doesn't matter unless the negative undizzy is relevant outside of the initial counterhit combo, which as things stand is not the case since it vanishes immediately. So to put it eloquently: mike pls

That being said, if such a thing WERE to happen, it seems to me that the remaining questions are:
  • In the "Undizzy Bar Filling With Red to Signify Negative Undizzy" Scenario, what colors WOULD work for colorblind people? White? Orange? Yellow? I admit I know nothing about this lel.
  • In the "Another, Seperate Bar" Scenario, uh, I dunno, this sounds fine and (I imagine) wouldn't be difficult to implement. I'm all for this.
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I don't really like the idea of two separate bars to be honest. I think the HUD is fine as is and I would much prefer to have a "backwards build" from the opposite side.

That said, after thinking about it a bit yesterday I would be interested in trying this experiment.
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