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newbie night 15 needs YOU (12/16/14)


Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
detroit MI
Beowulf Cerebella Filia
ok guys and gals, this thread is here not only to try to raise awareness of newbie night, but to also take all criticism that you have at the tournament (or at me)

so with that little disclaimer out of the way, i have an announcement: newbie night is going to be once a month now. there are a few reasons for this, and i made a little video to explain them.

TL:DR- * the tournament if getting kind of closed off to newer players, mostly due to lack of advertising on my part and how frequent the tournament is. * on the open Sundays where we aren't running, im going to do noob open lobbies and stuff

its mostly my fault for not advertising newbie night between tournaments.

so yeah, next tournament is going to be quite aways from now (December 14th 7PM EST) but that's when my finals end so that's the reason

going to once a month means that each tournament will have more people, and ill let you guys know when the tournament is after the previous one.

for those of you who have not yet entered the tournament or have once and never came back, this is a great time to enter!

  • for those of you unfamiliar with the rules, here they are: http://pastebin.com/pkX07gWh[2]

  • here is how to sign up/join the group/what will be happening on Sunday night:

  • TL:DR- sign up on challonge, join the steam group. on the night of the tournament, get in group chat and sign into challonge. when your match is up, either be friends with me or constantly check your overlay to get the lobby invite.
  • BRACKET LINK: http://challonge.com/MonthlyNow[4]
ok, time to tell doubledark that he's a lazy idiot and should just acquire more time to host and advertise the tournament