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newbie night 7 (and move to hitbox.tv

are you willing to give up nightbot/songrequests for a lower stream delay and more stable volume?

  • Total voters


Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
detroit MI
Beowulf Cerebella Filia
there are a couple reasons for this,

* first of all the new twitch rules means players can't go back and listen to pointers that we give out during matches if a copyrighted song was played in the past half hour.

* another reason the the 4 SECOND DELAY on hitbox.tv i mean that's CRAZY. now i can talk to chat a lot faster instead of them getting the response almost a full minute later.

* the final reason is its a lot of work to manage song request playback volume compared to winamp. i had to have my laptop behind me on another account so i could change the volume without alt+tabbing skullgirls. now i just have to use media playback buttons on my keyboard and since the delay is almost gone i won't need doublemod to talk to you guys in chat faster! :D

unfortunately this does mean that song requests won't work on hitbox.tv, and im sorry about that. for now i'll be playing a KICKASS winamp playlist for the music of the tournament. we might make the move to the soundtrack, though.

now, onto the next newbie night announcement, we had a great turnout last time and i was pleasantly surprised to see everyone at a similar skill level. i really like to see a different person make it to finals every week and i love seeing people improve.


  • the bracket and registration can be found here: http://challonge.com/ch90f211 you need to make a challonge account if you don't have one already. make sure the challonge name is the name i will be seeing in the chatroom that's your steam USERNAME, not your account name.
  • please don't register if you think you can't make it, there only 32 spots available.
  • on the subject of that, feel free to leave your steam username here if the tournament fills up. (you can sub in for someone absent, there is probably going to be people missing)
--what YOU need to do to help the tournament run smoothly--

  • please be in the chatroom of the steam group by 6:45 EST. the steam group can be found here
  • if you plan on subbing in for missing players, join in the chat room and either PM me on steam during check in or say something about it in hitbox chat or the steam group chat (preferably all 3 so i get the message, im only human)
  • pay attention to when your match will be up we will be moving top-to-bottom through the brackets, then we will move onto the 2nd round, and so on...
  • when your match is up, i will announce it on the stream, in the group chat, and i will message you on steam that "you're up" steam makes a pop-up window to authorize the message so you have to go through that if you want the lobby invite it's also sneaky so being aware of your match timing is very important.
  • speaking of lobby invite, your match will consist of being invited to a 4 person private lobby with me, a co-commentator, and (hopefully) your opponent. you have to ready up for each fight.
  • you're allowed to change characters between fights, also.
  • rounds will be best of 3, finals is best of 5
--target skill--

  • you NEED to know some basic combos (about 1/5 health combos maybe) if you want to do well. you'll thank yourself for going into the training mode and learning some easy bread n' butter combos for your main.
  • target playtime in-game is about 3-50 hours. dont be the jerk with 150+ hours on the character you're entering with
  • make sure you don't run a train over your opponent, espically in the 1st round. we're trying to make everyone feel welcome so even switching to an off-main after you crushed them 1st round goes a long way towards making sure people keep the tournament full and alive. nobody likes getting the pain train run on them, and that's why this tournament exists.
  • if you think you're too experienced for newbie night, feel free to play a new character, just make sure i can get a few matches a few days before to judge you and give you the OK. (i have about 40 hours in just cerabella and Big Band so i played squiggly and valentine for the first few iterations of the tournament)
  • rounds will be best of 3, finals will be best of 5
A stream of the tournament can be found at http://www.hitbox.tv/DoubleDark (personal channel, sometimes i stream just me playing skullgirls)

the commentators will probably point out mistakes being made from both sides, and hopefully provide constructive criticism. don't take it personally :)

from experience the tournament will last ~2-4 hours, so keep that in mind.

the prize will be picked from a pool of steam games (most of which i bought from the summer sale for like a dollar each)

if anyone has questions feel free to ask me :)