I have never played my games on a difficulty higher than normal.
That's a nice thing to know. Why does this matter at all.
I honestly never understood why people say it makes the game better.
If you don't understand it, perhaps you don't understand the game in question, and the mechanics that make the ramp in difficulty interesting.
I just want to play something meant to be fun. not overcome a challenge.
Then find something you find fun and not a challenge. This game in particular is probably not for you for many reasons, difficulty included.
Why does the game have to make me mad at how hard it is when I don't have to play it that way?
The game doesn't have to make you mad, you chose to get mad for whichever reason you saw fit. There is no other difficulty in this game when you play other people, and the difficulties provided will not change
II don't know. Am I looking to hard into this?
Yes, yes you are. You're asking "why can't everything be made for me and my level of effort to put into this video game". It's not always about you. It's probably about what the creators had to say after toiling over their product and endlessly testing, iterating and choosing which features to prune, keep, improve and tweak.
The developer doesn't have to help you, they choose to.
The product doesn't have to help you, it is designed to in some way.
If you aren't good at the game and you don't see yourself getting good at it, you can quit or play something else.
If you feel like the game is too hard for your preferred amount of difficulty, don't play it, because the shit ain't changing
P.S. Why can't everything be made for me and only me? I hate life!
EDIT: If you give a shit about what people think about the games you play at what difficulty, that sounds like you need to put less stock into what other people think about you kiddo.