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USA Ohio: We have all this wonderfZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

To which of Ohio's major metropolitan cities and also Dayton are you closest?

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@Hopscawtch @XthAtGAm3RGuYX @TheGoggledGamer @ragnorok64 @Vanillacream @TheFishWizard @OhioNitsud @Wah @Remzi Get in here. We gotta put a scene together. Or alternately pile in a car and drive to Chicago occasionally since they have a scene. Whichever.

My point is those of you who might have people offline to play with need to let us know and those of us who don't need to get in on it before we all die of crippling loneliness like everyone else in Ohio.
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On Wednesday nights we have game night at Donatos on campus, in Columbus. I bring my crappadelic laptop and myself and at least one other person run sets for a while. On Good Skullgirls nights we may have 2 setups and 5-6 players, typically we have 1 setup and 2-3 players.
I actually havent played SG in like 2 months because college. But since you stalked my location Id be down. Even if i lost every match lol

EDIT: Im closest to cleveland. Where our economy is no longer based on Lebron James.
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As far as tournaments go, there might be a tournament at Ohayocon in Columbus next month sometime during the weekend of January 24-26. I say "might" because there was scheduled to be one last year that got canceled at the last minute due to not being able to get enough signups on the morning of the last day of the con when everyone was checking out of their hotels, so I don't have a ton of faith in the guy running the game rooms to make it happen this year, either. However, if you're interested in going, head on over to their forums and make a post requesting it in this thread.

Also be sure to specify that you want it on PC or Encore or whatever communicates an up-to-date version of the game. The last thing we need is Gex deciding it's going to be on Xbox or something and ruining everyone's weekend. For some reason forum requests appear to be the only thing that matter here, so the more support we can show them there means the more priority they're going to give to getting it done right.

Im closest to cleveland. Where our economy is no longer based on Lebron James.
At least you're not Detroit.
Unfortunately, I most likely will not be going to Ohayocon this year.
Unless there's an SG tournament, I won't either.

If there is one, I'm just going to be day-tripping it. I don't have the dosh for the whole weekend this year.
The fuck is that?
Anime con in Columbus. It's a pretty big event. They also have a number of game tournaments.
I have extreme social anxiety so I would never be able to go and meet you cool dudes. Sorry
Anime con in Columbus. It's a pretty big event. They also have a number of game tournaments.
Thats probably why i havent heard of it.
1. Its quite a few hours away from my location
2. Ive never been to an animecon
3. I know to avoid FG tounreys at animecons. Ive heard PLENTY of horror stories about stupid ass house rules

I have extreme social anxiety so I would never be able to go and meet you cool dudes. Sorry
I do too but im starting to grow out of it. Force yourself to be real gungho about meeting people. youll eventually start to get used to it.

P.S. Ill IP trace your address, shove you into my jeep, and force you to go to any future meetings of this very small community. Choose wisely.

I wont actually do that.
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3. I know to avoid FG tounreys at animecons. Ive heard PLENTY of horror stories about stupid ass house rules[/spoiler]
That does tend to be a problem, but when it's the only nearby opportunity for a tournament, sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Beggars can't be choosers when you live in a town in Ohio that even other people from Ohio have never heard of.
That does tend to be a problem, but when it's the only nearby opportunity for a tournament, sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Beggars can't be choosers when you live in a town in Ohio that even other people from Ohio have never heard of.
I feel like I should point this out.

IRL, I wont rage at peacock like i do over ranked lol. You know what im talking about xD
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So is anything ever gonna happen with this? It appears most of us are northern ohio, since no votes went to cincinatti.
Yeah, it definitely looks like Cleveland and Columbus are our hotspots. RIP Cincy.
I don't think I'm going to bother with Ohayocon this year. It's less than a month away and they haven't even hinted at a tournament schedule yet, and I don't see the point in trying to leave my schedule open and make the arrangements to go just to play in a crappy tournament with dumb rules at best and having it canceled entirely at worst.

We need to bring back Season's Beatings.
I don't think I'm going to bother with Ohayocon this year. It's less than a month away and they haven't even hinted at a tournament schedule yet, and I don't see the point in trying to leave my schedule open and make the arrangements to go just to play in a crappy tournament with dumb rules at best and having it canceled entirely at worst.

We need to bring back Season's Beatings.

Did SB even happen this year? I went to Seasons Beatings Ascension last year and that was kinda cool. Cost me $200 total for a room though. I stayed there for 2 nights.
Did SB even happen this year? I went to Seasons Beatings Ascension last year and that was kinda cool. Cost me $200 total for a room though. I stayed there for 2 nights.
Yeah, I think Ascension was the last one they had, unfortunately.
Well at least i got the shirt and the dog tags lol. I remember it almost fell apart at the seams. Spooky was supposed to stream it but his bus broke down on the way or something so he backed out. It almost didnt get streamed but Console Combat picked up the slack on that one.
@OhioNitsud I live in Urbana so maybe we can make something happen during your Springfield visits.
Fair enough. What's the scene like in Cincy?
So no SG tournament at Ohayocon this year, don't have to feel bad about not going.
Hey all. I'm moving to Cincinnati in a couple weeks. Is anyone still playing in the state at all? I know there's a thriving Smash community in Cincy, but it looks like not too many SG players around.
Clevelanders, I go to Case Western during the school year and I host Smash Bros weeklies on campus (hoping to expand to all FGs tho but for now the only setups people bring are smash ones) If any of you skullgirls players are looking for a place to play, we will most likely have open space for setups and it'd be awesome to get more exposure for SG and have more variety ;)

Side note: do you guys have an ohio SG group? that'd be pretty helpful for coordinating stuff
Hooray for Cleveland SG scene...!

At least Chicago is only 7 hours away
About 5 hours from Indianapolis too. Though ideally, you guys focus on some monthlies in Columbus, I think I heard there were some monthlies that had SG players going to those?