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Painwheel MDE Combo Thread (Page 3 Onwards)

There isn't really anything special about it. If they tech, you aren't doing the buer fast enough (or maybe they hit the ground before your air buer and you used up your otg).
Got bored and decided to make a counter hit combo for lights based off of kracks corner carry combo. Requires at least a medium counter hit.

[kraks combo]
cr.lk, cr.mk, st.hp, lk buer,
flight cancel, 6j.lk,
cr.mk, lk buer,
flight cancel, 3j.lp,

[medium counter hit adjustment: lights only]
j.mp, lk buer,
flight cancel, 2j.hp, lk buer
cr.lk, s.mk, hk buer
flight cancel, 8j.mk, j.hp
s.lp, s.lk, s.mk, s.hp, lk buer, Death Crawl

I also like the j.mk, j.hp at the end for light counter hits. Might make a heavy one once I can make a good one. And once I get bored enough (which shouldn't be hard since it's summer and I have nothing to do).
My goal is to make a version for every counter hit on some of these so that it'll look like zidiane's Cerebella guide.

Also found out that this also works on mediums. Also, 5j.hp after j.lk buer over 2j.hp on some lights. It doesn't really make much a difference but you might lose a hit on j.hp and miss out on like, 2 points of damage which is completely unforgivable.

Edit: Just noticed the double post. Sorry bout that.
Finally, I can post again!!!

Medium counter hit for earlier posted corner combo (Lights only).

cr.lk, cr.mk, cr.hp, hk buer, flight cancel,
j.lk buer,
otg lk buer, flight cancel,
s.mk, hk buer,
j.mp, j.lk buer, flight cancel,
8j.mk, j.hp, lk buer,
s.lp, s.lk, s.mk, s.hp, lk buer, super

Or at least I'm pretty sure that's it. Too tired to try it out and make sure.
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i dont play this character

<Weatherbee> gllt: PW midscreen go

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That was... interesting. Horribly inefficient, but interesting.
The first video combo isnt inefficient at all. The second one is just for laughs i guess.
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It takes too long to kill. We mentioned double snaps earlier here. If it doesn't leave a gap within the hit stun, the combo will stay scaled down, making it take longer. That's why people juggle. Keep in mind that the opponent gets more meter than you do during a double snap. If it's the last character, then it might be fine. It'll take forever to kill but it'll work.
It takes too long to kill. We mentioned double snaps earlier here. If it doesn't leave a gap within the hit stun, the combo will stay scaled down, making it take longer. That's why people juggle. Keep in mind that the opponent gets more meter than you do during a double snap. If it's the last character, then it might be fine. It'll take forever to kill but it'll work.
But the first one is midscreen.. do you have a better midscreen one?
I prefer to corner carry both of them with a launch combo. LP stinger only works on one character right? I prefer to stick with launch combos since i they bring them to corner faster where i can mp spam.
I prefer to corner carry both of them with a launch combo. LP stinger only works on one character right? I prefer to stick with launch combos since i they bring them to corner faster where i can mp spam.
Er, you can't launch a dead character. This pushes the dead body with you, which is why it works.

Watch it again haha. The first character dies then he carries the other to the corner (well close, but he drops it)
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Er, you can't launch a dead character. This pushes the dead body with you, which is why it works.

Watch it again haha. The first character dies then he carries the other to the corner (well close, but he drops it)

Didn't notice the dead character was a problem. If you're worried about the character in the middle of the screen, I prefer a hk flight cancel loop. I personally find it easier.
this guy...

anyways, um yeah lp stinger does hit 2 characters, amongst other things.
Bro, it was a question. Calm down. Not that serious.
I know Painwheel turning over the dead body is a problem but don't worry guys there are ways around it!
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Do these ones work on heavies? lol
Nope! Painwheel can't even cross under Big Band with sHK xx flight, much less get back up to cross up again before his landing.

I also have my doubts that its doable on every light because of how dependent on standing idle hurtboxes it is, but most characters usually have some extra boxes that make them easier to hit them in the back (Painwheel's spine hurtbox is what makes this doable on her)

EDIT: This works only on Painwheel and Peacock.

It does not work on Filia, Fukua, Fortune, Eliza, Bella and Parasoul because Painwheel is unable to get the momentum needed to crossup after crossing under before they land.

It does not work on Valentine, Double and Big Band because Painwheel in unable to cross them under after the launcher.

It does not work on Squigly because her hitbox is too thin to hit the the jLK.
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I wonder if something like launch, j.lp,j.lk xx flight cancel forward, will allow painwheel to crossunder the dead opponent then land and combo again going the other way...i know it works against a non dead opponent to get the crossunder (but they recover midair and can destroy this which is why it would never be used as a reset) but on a dead body... It might work.
I did one earlier where i just spammed s.hk into j.hk. When i was about to cross over, i did j.mp before the j.hk. It even reset the combo

I just never got to play around with install and this one is good to know

reversal SSJ, install,
jump, air L buer, fly,
j.mk, air H buer,
H buer, fly,
8j.lk, air H buer,
s.mk, H buer, fly,
8j.lp, air H buer,
jump, j.mp, air H buer,
s.lp, s.lk, s.mk, s.hp, L buer, deathcrawl

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Does this with for any dhc? I assume it does. If so, I'm so hype. HI is back! (sort of)
Does this with for any dhc? I assume it does. If so, I'm so hype. HI is back! (sort of)
ssj does a prettt big chunk of that tho...
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Looks like almost 4k of the 10k damage.
SSJ scales down the damage right? 6k after scaling is still good.
Is anyone using c.hp>fly>8j.mk for midscreen combos? The j.mk can be followed up with most ground moves including buer and s.hp but uses otg.
It's something to keep on mind. I don't think anyone ever really thought of it before. I normally go for buer early in my combos so I would never have a chance to use it.
I try not to simply because it uses the OTG early, but it's a really easy confirm so it's totally worth the OTG if you have trouble with some of PW's other loops. Also, I believe you can side-switch if you do a slightly delayed 9j.mk or 9j.hk after the fly ( meaning, fly forward then delay the j.mk/hk ), so it can be really useful if you're in the corner. Unfortunately, I can't test that right now since I'm not home, but I'm fairly certain it's possible to do side-switches with it, might be character specific also.
The side switch thing sounds like the best use for this. I'm not trying to hit confirm with this instead I'm wondering if it could be useful in the following combo strings.
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If you really wanted to, you could c.hp into j.lk or j.lp and preserve otg(though you should probably use s.hp and buer in the middle of a combo instead).
You could also c.hp into buer for a whopping 50 more points of damage. Saves otg if timed right.
Is anyone using c.hp>fly>8j.mk for midscreen combos? The j.mk can be followed up with most ground moves including buer and s.hp but uses otg.

I posted this a while back, but it uses H brass assist:

c.lk, c.mk, c.hp, H brass, fly,
s.hp, L buer, fly,
6j.lk, c.mk, L buer, fly
c.mp, s.hp, L nails,
dash, s.lp, s.lk, c.mp, s.hp, L buer, super

I don't like to use c.HP since I use my OTG near the end of my combo with 6s.HK. However, I should probably learn a nice BnB for c.HP, because sometimes I screw up the transition from c.MK to s.HP in my regular BnB and I get c.HP instead. That move has such a long hit-confirmation time that I can usually make up some janky combo or reset on the fly (:PUN:), but it would be nice to have a nice, standard follow-up.
Both buer and flight cancel j.lp or j.lk work. I've messed up used the wrong move before and it still worked out.
Near the ground. It's a slight delay. Turn on slow motion if you need to.