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Painwheel MDE Combo Thread (Page 3 Onwards)

The j.LK,j.MK > s.HP xx Fly j.LP string towards the end isn't optimized. O^:

Also cr.MP(4) is more damage than s.MP OTG at that point in the combo.
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Corner Combo with Stage 3 Hitting Assist (H.Bomber) - 9039 Damage

cr.LK,cr.MK,s.HK(3) xx HK.Buer + Assist > (20)
Falling Air.LK.Buer xx Fly > (20) 40
Air.LK.Buer > (20) 60
OTG LK.Buer > xx Fly (20) 80
3j.LP > (15) 95
s.MP > (20) 115
j.MP(4) xx Air.LK.Buer xx Fly > (40) 155
j.MK Restand > (20) 175
s.MK(4) xx Late LK.Buer xx Fly > (40) 215
6j.LK > (15) 230
s.LP,s.LK,s.MK(4),s.HP xx LK.Buer xx Deathcrawl

Corner Combo with Stage 2 Hitting Assist (H.Brass) - 9889 Damage

cr.LK,cr.MK,s.HK(3) xx HK.Buer + Assist >
Falling Air.LK.Buer xx Fly > (20) 20
Air.LK.Buer > (20) 40
OTG LK.Buer > xx Fly (20) 60
3j.LP > (15) 75
s.HK > (30) 105
j.MP(4) xx Air.LK.Buer xx Fly > (40) 145
j.HK Restand > (30) 175
s.MK(4) xx Late LK.Buer xx Fly > (40) 215
6j.LK > (15) 230
s.LP,s.LK,s.MK(4),s.HP xx LK.Buer xx Deathcrawl

These also technically aren't optimized, but I wimped out on forcing myself to do the j.LK > s.HK link, which is one frame smaller than j.LP > s.HK

I think I posted these before somewhere.

The trick is to take away anything that's not a Buer and replace it with Buer until you run out of extensions from Buer.

NOTABLE EXTENSIONS (In Order of Efficiency)

Extensions from LK.Buer

xx Fly > 6j.LK
xx Fly > 3j.LP

Extensions from HK.Buer

Falling Air.LK.Buer - Requires Assist Call During HK.Buer
xx Fly > Air.LK.Buer - Burns OTG
xx Fly > j.HP(4) xx Air.LK.Buer - Lights/Mediums Only, Burns OTG
xx Fly > j.HP(4) - Lights/Mediums Only
xx Fly > 9j.HK - Universal
xx Fly > 9j.MK

Extensions from Air.LK.Buer

xx Fly > j.MP xx Air.LK.Buer - Burns OTG, Requires s.MP or s.HK launcher
xx Fly > j.MP - Restands, Requires s.MP or s.HK launcher
xx Fly > j.HP - Restands, Requires s.MP or s.HK launcher, Very Character Specific
xx Fly > j.HK - Restands, Requires s.MP or s.HK launcher
xx Fly > j.MK - Restands

Super Late Edit:

There it is...
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Is the otg buer viable vs heavy characters? I can't seem to get that to pick up.
It doesn't work for the most part
You can OTG with St.lp x buer too. It's hard but it works.
Wasn't there a midscreen combo with H brass assist? I can't seem to find it. Also, what's the current corner combo against heavies? I'm still using krak's combo against light and mid weights.
Hey so this thread is kind of a mess so I thought I'd ask if there was pw throw conversion from both the ground and air that people like to use.

I had tried making my own but only ended up with 5.8k from ground throw and I think pw can do more that (maybe if I use 6HK?)

All I had was
throw > 214K > 9jMK
5HP > 236LK > 214K > 3jLP
2MK > 5HP > 236LP
2LK > 2MK > 5HP > 236LK > 214K > 6jLK
5LP > 5LK > 2MP > 5HP > 236LK > 236PP
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If you do buer immediately after a throw you'll land and can dash forward and do c.mk before you have to waste an otg. After that, just do your regular midscreen or corner combo
Oh that's really good to know thanks. Also what do people do for air throw conversions?

I'm having a bit of trouble with otg 2MK as they seem to be stuck juggled rather than standing so buer misses.

edit: delaying the 5HP slightly did it.
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Same as ground throw. Buer will cancel the grab animation and you can dash forwards and 2MK without wasting otg
the midscreen variation i use, if you like to have as much buer as possible, is:

throw x buer>buer x fly x 6j.lk > buer x fly x 9j.lp>j.lk
s.mp x sj >j.mp>j.hp x fly x 9j.mk (6.mk for heavies)> j.hp>j.hk
cr.lk>cr.mp>s.hp x buer x death crawl

thats probably more complicated than it needs to be but does ~5.7k.
Keep in mind in the beginning (>buer x fly x 6j.lk > buer) the second buer is not in the air, you will land by the time it comes out.
Kraks combo does about 7k midscreen to corner off of grab I think. Most painwheel combos should reach the corner so that you can get the most damage
I just cancel the throw into j.mk (both ground and air throws) and look to reset early (seriously, unless it is going to kill... do not do full damage off of a throw).

I don't really fall into the corner carry into max damage camp.

Not that it is mutually exclusive, but I think PWs should be focusing more on confirming every hit and learning their resets.
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I just cancel the throw into j.mk
its also good to note for any pw player that if youre going to do this version always use j.hk on heavies. j.mk isnt frame specific but it is easy to mistime vs heavy characters, cause otg, and make it that much harder to convert.
I just cancel the throw into j.mk (both ground and air throws) and look to reset early (seriously, unless it is going to kill... do not do full damage off of a throw).

I don't really fall into the corner carry into max damage camp.

Not that it is mutually exclusive, but I think PWs should be focusing more on confirming every hit and learning their resets.

Throw > Buer Land Cancel > cr.MK,s.HP xx LK.Buer xx Fly > 6j.LK > s.MP > Air.LK.Buer xx Fly > j.MP

That string has the longest carry of all of PW's stuff, and you don't start building Undizzy until the j.LK. It's pretty good. It's also pretty front loaded. I'll often just do this if I'm about 40% to stage edge, just to setup dumb corner shit.
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Throw > Buer Land Cancel > cr.MK,s.HP xx LK.Buer xx Fly > 6j.LK > s.MP > Air.LK.Buer xx Fly > j.MP

That string has the longest carry of all of PW's stuff

Doesn't seem so long to me.

Why not do
throw, buer cancel,
c.MK, s.HP, LK buer,
fly, 3j.LP, LK buer,
fly, 6j.LK, s.LK, s.MP,
j.MK, LK buer, fly, 6j.MP

Like in the carry combo that I posted previously?
Gets you to the corner faster with the least amount of Undizzy used.
Thats a pretty good reason though you can just get to the corner and armor through burst to drop the undizzy.
Using armor to eat the burst is a 50/50 at best. It definitely works, but you're definitely risking that they escape the pressure.
Using armor to eat the burst is a 50/50 at best. It definitely works, but you're definitely risking that they escape the pressure.
Every reset comes with that risk. You can always fly cancel into a mix up to try and reduce said risk.
Every reset comes with that risk. You can always fly cancel into a mix up to try and reduce said risk.

To some extent, yes. But an armored burst bait is a giant sign that says "you need to start blocking or mashing right now", whereas a standard reset should, in theory, be less predictable.

That's not to say "don't use it", as I definitely do use it. It is to say that you should be aware that it has a not insignificant downside.
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Anyone have good CH combos when you get -100 Undizzy? My last one was pre-Buer nerf.
Mine right now feat.Eliza (might record it later), doesn't work vs. heavies:
CH Fly HK (2 hits), cr.mk, cr.hp, Carpenter Axe assist, HK Buer
jump, LK buer, fly, LK buer, falling MK (don't let this OTG, hit them as they fall), land
LK buer, fly, 3LP, st.HK, j.MP, j.HP(3 hits), LK Buer, fly, 8j.HK, LK Buer,
otg st.MK, hp, LK buer, fly, 6j.LK, st.LP, st.LK, st.MK, st.HP, LK buer, Death Crawl

Does about 10100 damage, depending on how many hits of the j.HK hit and stuff. Her j.HK scales combos super hard, and I dunno how else you're going to land a CH for -100 undizzy.

If you DHC to Eliza/Robo level 3 with a 3-man squad (I'm using Eliza/PW/Robo atm) it'll kill a 3-man squad character. If you spend 5 bars with back to back level 3 DHCs it'll kill a 2-man squad character. Or at least it does with Eliza and Robo level 3s, but they do stupid damage at the end of a combo so YMMV on that.
To some extent, yes. But an armored burst bait is a giant sign that says "you need to start blocking or mashing right now", whereas a standard reset should, in theory, be less predictable.

That's not to say "don't use it", as I definitely do use it. It is to say that you should be aware that it has a not insignificant downside.
I find it's best for punishing mashers. That way I only need a short charge to bait before I can go into the mix up or punish. Otherwise, it's not worth it.
I've started to just let people burst me once I've brought them to the corner. They lose their undizzy mechanic and all I have to do is open up a cornered opponent and it's usually lights out for a trio character there or that plus one reset for a duo character.

It's not standard for me at all, but it's an option I'm growing more and more fond of.

Armoured burst baits are actually really effective as well. If only because the opponent gives up undizzy, and also because pw can recover so much faster than her opponent. Then you can just do an easy crossup or a nothing bait while calling an assist.

These aren't standard, but they are great because of the damage potential that they have.
Undizzy baits are great, but they're not foolproof (And it's possible to get blown away by a late/off-time burst, I think). If it was a guaranteed 50/50, then fo' sho, but the opponent can Alpha Counter xx Super. I've been looking at Armored Burst setups involving assist cover post-burst. There's some dumb shit in here.

Risk vs. Reward. The payoff for a successful mixup post-Burst pays off so much that they're worth exploring, but I find the situation you're left in normally when doing it is not so good for mixups. A lot of my setups are designed to be completely mash and raw tag proof. I don't want to lose that, do a burst bait, and then have the opponent Raw Tag/DHC out. I would probably jump off a bridge while eating cyanide candies.
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Go on...

Welp. I run Beowulf H.Hurl in the middle of my team. It's invulnerable long enough to pass entirely through the burst box. This means there's a fairly large window where you can create a burst window, cover with armor, and then cover burst recovery with a meaty projectile that hits in a way that causes the opponent to land cancel in your face as they hit the ground without risking the assist.

The trick is to set up a situation in the corner where they want to press buttons, where the burst window is long enough for Reaction(25 frames-ish) and Instant Burst (0-5 frames-ish), and you can set up armor cover and where they have a hard time jumping out post Burst. Best is if you can skirt the burst hitbox entirely if they burst on reaction to Undizzy/IPS, and not as soon as they hit a window where they'd normally tech or super/reversal.

I also have Cilia Slide, which can setup situations that catch reversal post-Burst and Up+Back AND Raw Tag AND generally everything they throw out. Due to the tight window to catch up+back with low assist now, it's hard to do.

The only Caveat to H.Hurl is if you connect with it, they get a free burst at the top of the screen.
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I run the same team krack does. It's really ridiculous. The difference is that I run h bomber instead of cilia slide.

And yeah, agreed that armor baits aren't guaranteed. But there is still some huger latent power in them. As I said they are non standard. One of my favorite tactics now especially against duo is if my trio pw is full health I will corner carry my opponent with h bomber assist then go into undizzy burst. When they burst and hit me they are still cornered and assuming that's win neutral again with them being cornered and having one assist for me to bait/lookout for, if I win the "neutral" again then many times I can kill. So to me it's a very good option. Yeah I have to play the opponent again, but not having to play against duo undizzy+HP at the same time and forcing the game back to neutral when I have 2 assists and they are cornered and have 1 assist is a nice situation for me.

Right now I see undizzy corner procs/armor baits as medium risk and high reward. But only in that specific circumstance (my trio wins opening gambit or some such and I corner carry to full undizzy) it just works out better than trying to reset the stupid duo a billion times and making no meter and etc etc etc
Hello fellow painwheel players and the rare few that play fortune/pw uh I made a tag combo but I'd like to optimize it if possible and was wondering if I could've done more on the painwheel side of things I'm also going to ask on the fortune combo thread (I hope that's not an issue.) because they (probably) know much more about fortune than me.

So here it is:

For the record I know I can do fortune pw tag combos head-on but I want this specifically because I use cat slide assist.

From when pw hits with her tag I am at 80 undizzy and stage 5 ips with no normals tracked.

Any help would be appreciated.

Uh I have now gotten to 8.2k

with pw chain: jMK 5HP 236LK 6jLK 2LK 2HP 236LP LP LK 2MP 5HP 236LK 236PP

Not sure if I can go higher than that.
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Not sure if I can go higher than that.

You can always go higher. 8D


EDIT 1: 8581 going up.

EDIT 2: And up... 8883 Damage, 1 Bar.

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Holy crap are you a wizard or something? I was thinking like 8.4k tops but this is amazing! Thanks man.
Wouldn't doing buer cancel after the tag in instead of fly, J.mk save you a string and some undizzy?
Wouldn't doing buer cancel after the tag in instead of fly, J.mk save you a string and some undizzy?
You're already at Stage 5, so nope. Both j.MK and cr.MK do the same amount of damage (I don't think I'd use s.HP that late into the combo. All Sub-1000 damage heavy normals are pewp for their 30 Undizzy cost Edit: With exceptions for only being less than halfway through damage scaling)
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so i made something with damage worth posting