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Big Band Parrying a loaded Vial


NorCal's A V A T A R
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
RK Beamsprouts
Freeze Lancer
Peacock Filia Big Band
So I played against Outlaw Spike last night and discovered something wonderful that I hadn't known before since I don't have many Val players to play against!


This is probably old news to some people, but..... y
I know parries count as if Big Band got hit, but come on. Parrying a projectile shouldn't lead to me taking 1000 burn damage.
diamond deflector does this too and it's not a bug.
Because you didn't block it, and parries need everything they can to be weaker than in 3s.
yeah Mike is right. I just got back into playing 3s on fightcade and man are parries really really good. getting the poison effects on band after parrying a vial seems fair.
I'd be OK with parrying completely removing zoning from the game
Because you didn't block it

Isn't that the point? One risks getting hit when parrying so you're rewarded with less chip when you're successful?

parries need everything they can to be weaker than in 3s.

Looking at specific instances of something with specific characters that are different (vial vs parry, vial vs deflector) that do not apply to the game mechanic as a whole (parrying/reflector) and then saying "I don't want mechanic to be too good which is why it's like that in that one instance only" is a seriously lazy way of looking at it. It's one illogical instance of something working in a way that doesn't make very much sense, parrying would not be stronger if in this ONE instance he didn't have to deal with the effects. Same to Bella's reflector.

I'd be OK with parrying completely removing zoning from the game

There's a lot of things wrong with that other than that you can technically theory-craft Big Band as a parrying god and therefore the only viable character in the game, which he's not. Maybe in 20XX.
It also doesn't apply to the specific interaction between Big Band and a vial. A character with ONE projectile that is safe when she SJ > double jumps it does not invalidate zoning in the matchup.

All this said, I'll start blocking since it sounds like no one agrees with me. Sincere thank you for your time either way, Mike. (´・ω・`)
[something negatively impacts Big Band]

characters that are different (vial vs parry, vial vs deflector) that do not apply to the game mechanic as a whole (parrying/reflector)
They do, though.
Both are implemented as - get hit by projectile (projectile hits you and knows it) then instead of going into hitstun, go into some other reaction.
That's WHY you get poisoned in both instances, because you were not blocking.
Fukua's fireball returns meter as on-hit, scalpels stick to you instead of bouncing off, Zoom can be cancelled to Nom, etc. You got hit, because you were not blocking it.