Changed but I just wanna verify, is this just true for M item?
M Item stays on Peacock, H Item stays a bit further (is behind her then)
Kinda dumb to explain, best you try it out yourself :P
The main point was that the tracking doesn't switch sides proper, so if I M Doom, jump over, walk back, the Doom isn't staying on the opponent but on me
Hmm I was under the impression s.lp reached just a hair further than c.lp, even checked the hit boxes right now and it seemed like it. Granted on some characters like Parasoul where their lower body sticks out more c.lp would more easily hit them
I just tested it by saving state and walking forward tiny steps, checking when s.LP starts to hit and when c.LP does
c.LP hits earlier on every crouching character I tested, and earlier or at the same time on every standing character I checked, for overall "minimally better range".
No guarantees this is the case for really every character, but .. yeah.
For example you can test the following on Filia/Fukua:
- s.LP them until it whiffs
- c.LP is usually gonna hit still at this point
Sometimes c.LP whiffs too now, then:
- Take a mini step forward, s.LP (if it hit, s.LP again~); if you really just took a mini-step forward, you should now see s.LP whiffing into her leg with that giant smear frame
- c.LP is usually gonna hit still at this point
It doesn't really matter too much since the difference is miniscule, but with the normal being better in every aspect, it always seemed weird to me that nobody aside from me prefers to use it
Maybe you all got fooled by the s.LP smear~
It has the same or better frame data in every single aspect
Same startup (6f), 1f more active 1f less recovery (same total frame data on whiff), same hitstop, +3f on both hit- and blockstun, making it more positive and giving more time to chain/link out of
c.LP(2) pretty much the same game, except it has more startup than the 2nd s.LP would have.. which is like, completely irrelevant.
If you don't regularly whiff s.LPx2 at midrange (where the higher startup on c.LP(2) would matter), I don't see a reason not to use c.LP instead