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Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

I forgot, were you maining Junpei? It's my favorite fighting game right now. :) Skullgirls & Xrd are a close 2nd & 3rd.
I was playing Ken. I play Potemkin and Bedman in Xrd. It would be nice to play some Xrd next weekend, but I don't know if the netcode is good enough since I'm on East Coast.
I was playing Ken. I play Potemkin and Bedman in Xrd. It would be nice to play some Xrd next weekend, but I don't know if the netcode is good enough since I'm on East Coast.

Oh yeah. Good Ken you played. Just watch out for missing his Furious Action or he's super-wide open. Yeah, point taken on Xrd. We could always try once to see. I might finally beat P4AU Risky Golden Arena L.200 this weekend. Just need to get Dekaja (finally got Die For Me). Got the Dojima Narrator for hitting L.35 (I think). That leaves Marge & Theo. All these extras & vs. have kept the gave alive for me. But I'm trying to get more Xrd in as well. Eventually BBCPEX...
Hey hey I gots the real Interwebs now so I can Ultimax Thursday evenings, all day Friday and Saturday, and Sunday evenings
Sometimes I might show up on other weeknights but don't count on it because I gotta do that education thing
i should probably play more matchups in this game, especially if i want to play this game at evo. i'm free to play in a couple hours if anyone else wants to play some games
Cool, glad to see some more posts in here. This was a... truly lousy week. The weekend's here at last, and I'll send some invites for a player room, or invite me. Hopefully we're lag-free & close in skill level!
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Didn't reach anyone here last weekend, but will give it a shot this one. Feel free to send me an invite as well.
GGs w/people from some random people, dustloop & GFAQs last time, though.
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Didn't reach anyone here last weekend, but will give it a shot this one. Feel free to send me an invite as well.

You got it
My Rise and Adachi are ready for battle

Edit: my folks like to use my PS3 for Netflix so it's not always me on there
I'll be on for most of this weekend, in fact, I'm on right now
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If you guys are still here, I'm jumping on now.
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If you guys are still here, I'm jumping on now.

Send me
An invite
It's all good
I'm in your room now actually

Edit: And I see someone rage quit against a Minazuki
Let the salt begin


Sad Edit: I keep getting kicked out of the room for some reason
Might be connection problems but I'll keep trying
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Got in some good matches yesterday w/my Teddie, Kanji & Labrys mains/subs. A bit of Ken too.
Still l. blue card (so silly that beating people of a higher color rank doesn't change your level). Oh well.
My brother finished G. Arena (Risky)
Glad you guys got some matches in. Feel free to invite me (I sent some yesterday, but schedules vary).
Improving in GGXrd & hope to get some Skullgirls in this weekend too.
So, I REALLY want to get into the Persona series now. I mean, I have been aware of the series for a while but never owned anything beyond Persona 4 Arena (and that was because my friend let me borrow his copy of the game, and I only played it for about a month.) After purchasing Ultimax cuz why not I've found a deep appreciation for the series, and I only started Ultimax a couple of weeks ago! (I am familiar with the game mechanics, having played the first P4A and all, but the game in general is still an alien concept to me besides my go-to knowledge of fighting games.)

I never actually played the RPG's, but I most certainly want too now. Everyone has told me I can start from Persona 3 or P3FES and work myself up, and just watch the animation to get the jist of Persona 4 Golden. I got a lot of feedback saying Persona 1-2 don't follow the "new" atmosphere that the games follow now, but it may be good for those who wanted a more straightforward and dark turn on things. Once I get the funds, I'll be getting Persona 3 (or FES, whichever is available for PS3 download) and Persona 4. My friend will give me his copy of P4A since he says he doesn't play it that much anymore, and you can bet I am getting hyped for Persona 5. Unfortunately, I don't think I will have access to Persona Q sadly, but everyone keeps telling me it's more of a canonical fanservice version of the series. (WARNING: Long post incoming)

Now as far as Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is concerned and how I feel about the game as a whole:
I love it. I love the central theme, the Blazblue inspiration, the interesting persona and "Shadow" mechanics, and it is relatively simple to pick up (lol 5A mashing)
However, this game is a double edged sword for me personally. When I actually want to learn a game or character, I would hope it would go through a series of moves or explains what certain moves do and how they can be useful in battle. Unfortunately, tutorial mode only covers the bare basics and Challenge mode is pretty much "Here do these combos if you can. Your done" most of which aren't all that practical.

I know the games way of teaching new players isn't as in-depth as say Blazblue or Skullgirls tutorial modes, but I would hope to believe that they at least tried to explain certain mechanics better then just giving a general overview. It is a struggle to keep up with the combo system, and one glaring feature I noticed about this game off hand as I practiced; Timing and Delays are dahm near a chore. Even in cases of button mashing do I find it a rather obnoxious experience (sometimes.) A character I am trying to learn, for ex. is Marie and the timing on her c.X button (I am not familiar with all the terms yet) has to be delayed literally 0.5 seconds before connecting the follow up attack for some combos, and it throws me off.

vs. Other fighting games where I feel timing/delay and moves connecting one after the other is evenly paced, but here it does not feel that way. It seems like in very specific combos or timed delays do combos actually link one after the other (It may just be the character or my inability to pace my self at a slower input execution, but it is very noticeable.) Skullgirls, UMvC3, GG Xrd, Blazblue, and even DoA to an extent can give you options to flow combos more fluently without stricter delay execution whereas here it is pretty much relied on.

Then there are the combos themselves: I do enjoy them, I really do, but somehow they seem highly impractical/risky. There is also the fact there are no true explanations on why Marie's weather mechanics should be used or how they work (from what I know, they affect your Persona's attributes but unless I did research I wouldn't know anything beyond that.) If I got in an online match, I'd be attempting the same moves and combos over and over just to figure out what works, and what doesnt which would result in me getting punished. It's a process but it is something.

Well that is all I have to say about my P4A Ultimax experience. I do really want to get in the game, maybe even competitively, but unless I find a way to figure out timing issues or delayed inputs, it may be a long while before I reach that point. Anyone willing to give me any pointers or even spar with me some to get my feet wet?
Wow, good points there. I got into P4A as a fighter/Arc fan without having played the RPGs & watched P3(both) & P4G playthroughs on YT. Combos can be tricky; I really like having 2 bars + connection for them. You can spar w/me on weekends; send me a message if you're ready. I really enjoy the game and try to keep improving. And not spread myself too thin between a lot of characters. XD
I don't really understand what you're saying about the execution entirely, but all I'll say is that you just have to keep practicing and you'll get used to it. This game isn't really ridiculously difficult in regards to execution, it's pretty lenient in fact, especially compared to BB and Xrd which you seem to have under your belt.

As far as getting information goes, Dustloop is the god. You can find a lot of information, particularly in regards to the system mechanics and it's intricacies, on the 'Dustloop Wiki'. Obviously the forums themselves are also good sources of information, too.

Anyway, it seems like your biggest problem is just execution in general, but if you grind it out the awkwardness will pass, I promise. This game doesn't have a particularly steep learning curve like BB or Xrd especially, so once you get used to it you'll be fine. This game is really fun and is does have a tremendous amount of depth, as one would expect, so I hope you stick with it!
Ive heard good things about Dustloop so I'll be checking out soon.

I am kinda digging Marie style, though I can't tell if she is a keepaway character or some type of Zoner/set up character.

I feel like Clean Hitting with Junpei is like sweet spotting in Smash Bros. :P
Clean Hits are basically sweetspotted attacks, except they often have additional effects beyond increased damage (like being able to special cancel Clean Hit bunt or Clean Hit DP).
Yeah, good point on execution being easier than GG & BB. I've been having a tough time w/some GG stuff. Dustloop has so much to read up on, people to connect with, videos, etc. I like using Junpei & Marie a bit too. Improved a bit, through wins & losses. Used every character online now, beat all shadows. Some of the extra things are fun: unlocking all the P-card icons. Trying to finish all of one character's challenges...not so fun for me. 0.0 Narrators take me a long time for me to get. Lv.55 for Marie is still a ways off. And Theo's at 75...
Still don't have my PS3 back yet, but when I do, I'd like to arrange a Skullheart Boss Mode night. Maybe try and hash out some more of the buffs Boss Mode gives everyone.
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Still don't have my PS3 back yet, but when I do, I'd like to arrange a Skullheart Boss Mode night. Maybe try and hash out some more of the buffs Boss Mode gives everyone.

I'd be so on that
man, I need to get back into the game.

is my main still good?
Still don't have my PS3 back yet, but when I do, I'd like to arrange a Skullheart Boss Mode night. Maybe try and hash out some more of the buffs Boss Mode gives everyone.
I never even unlocked the boss mode characters. I honestly never gave a hoot about Golden Arena (which is where I assume you unlocked such things). But I'd be down for bringing out the ol' bat and dusting off the bases! I played Junpei, if ya couldn't tell...
I never even unlocked the boss mode characters. I honestly never gave a hoot about Golden Arena (which is where I assume you unlocked such things). But I'd be down for bringing out the ol' bat and dusting off the bases! I played Junpei, if ya couldn't tell...
You actually unlock boss characters by beating Risky Arcade mode with the characters you want Boss mode for. I don't think Golden Arena actually unlocks anything.
Ah ok. Might make a good warmup
man, I need to get back into the game.

is my main still good?
Judging from your av: Rise? She's good. I think the whole cast can be considered good if someone masters the character. But yeah, tiers will be addressed if 2.0 ever releases out of Japan (patience). I have all boss characters unlocked (though I don't use them), so I can join. Used a PSN gift card to help cover the cost of getting all the navigators (no way I can get them in Risky S.Attack). I was doing G.Arena w/various characters w/my bro to hear a bunch of the dialogue for fun.

Online, I lose more than I win, but have inched up to Player Lv.44. Trying to get to 50 & 55 for Marie Narrator, but it takes a long time. And my color card is still l.blue; can't seem to find and/or beat that color much. Oh well. Had a good set w/a PSN friend last weekend.
If anyone wants to play, I usually play every weekend.
Judging based on latest changelogs: Both Sho and Minazuki will still be quite competitive.

Edit: Worth noting that both Narukami and Yosuke got big nerfs while S. Mits and S. Chie seem to be the top killers now due to new Shadow changes and character rebalancing.
no, my main is Sho.
He's mah second go-to guy! God I need to find time to et back into this game.
You guys Sho that's the best we can do? Yu all realize the kind of Sho we could put on, right? THE POWER OF PUNS COMELS YU!
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Fools. It's not your shotime yet. You haven't even clocked in, yet your clock's ran out. Time to die, I guess.
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Fools. It's not your shotime yet. You haven't even clocked in, yet your clock's ran out. Time to die, I guess.

there is this nice combo movie, my friend did the Aigis Combo
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whatever fan-mage Minato shadow sprite this is gets all the likes I can throw at it. Totally obvious its a Yu reskin, though :(

EDIT: Oh, Tatsuya? Looked like Minato to me :/