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Platinum Games

I have a question for anyone who has played The Wonderful 101:

In The Wonderful 101, is there any way to determine if an enemy's attack is or isn't blockable with Unite Guts, without... getting hit trying to block? I ask this because, while I have been enjoying the game, I have been feeling increasingly frustrated by the number of times I have taken a huge hit to my health because I thought that an attack was going to be blockable. I would like to know if there is some sort of visual way of telling if a move cannot be avoided by one or either of the defensive Unite Morphs.

For instance, Vorkeen's Unify Boomerang is unblockable and undodgeable, and must be avoided by running away from it. I would be totally okay with an attack like this, but I only figured out how to avoid getting hit by it through trial and error. It didn't seem like there was any form of visual hint that I had to avoid the attack in that way.

I am totally willing to believe (and hoping, for that matter) that there is just something that I am missing, and that figuring out what is or isn't blockable is actually simple, so someone please let me know.
if it's like
a slash
or a laser
or fire
then you can't guts it

Vorkken however is a piece of shit cheater and his guts can block anything
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For lasers/lightning just walk into them with a Unite Sword out (laser will reflect back doing damage to enemies)
Same for fire except with Unite Hand

Both will absorb the element and make your attacks stronger plus you can just swing the weapon around when the screen is filled with it and not get hurt at all (i.e. when the first boss breathes fire on you just make a Unite Hand and start wailing on the head;with the hand nulling all the fire damage, it might as well just be sitting there giving you free hits, same goes for those electric snakes that travel in the ground with Unite Sword)

All attacks can be dodged
You just gotta feel it
Also don't forget to have Hero Time equipped (works like Witch Time in Bayonetta)
Not everything can be blocked by Unite Guts, but some of the other morphs like Hand and Sword can block fire and lasers respectively.

But other than trial and error, there's no real indication on what Guts blocks.

Aaaaaand Clawsome is on top of it right as I'm about to post. Good job Red!
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Not everything can be blocked by Unite Guts, but some of the other morphs like Hand and Sword can block fire and lasers respectively.

But other than trial and error, there's no real indication on what Guts blocks.

Aaaaaand Clawsome is on top of it right as I'm about to post. Good job Red!

Just doing my job sir
Of course, I wouldn't be able to do it without my fellow Wonderful Ones by my side



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I have in my position the first Bayonetta and the more expensive version of Revengeance (the one that automatically comes with the DLC and everything) as well as God Hand from back when they were Clover.

All I have to say is: Platinum Games is the best developer. Or at least, they are my absolute favorite. I just love the Platinum style of game development, and my love for them is already boosted by the fact that the unofficial "spectacle fighter" genre is my favorite genre of games ever, with them being the absolute masters of the genre.

I am saving to purchase a Wii U so that I can purchase The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2, I have plans to get the rest of their games as well and Okami, and while I had my concerns, so far Platinum seems to be making good work of that Korra game they are working on, and if it ends up being as awesome as I hope, I will never doubt Platinum ever again.

No, really, I normally don't believe in "believing the hype" but if Platinum works their magic on this licensed game, then, exclusively for Platinum, I will forever believe the hype, and tell others to do so as well whenever Platinum even hints that they are working on something.
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@Clawsome Bombs @Solblade44 @Ruin Before anything else, thanks for the answers to my question and further advice on defense. It really helped going further in The Wonderful 101. I would have thanked you guys and/or gals sooner, but I was busy... playing The Wonderful 101.

I was up till 4:30 A.M. last night, finally beating the game.

So. What did I think? I believe the video below is an accurate summation of my feelings towards the title as a whole:

In all seriousness, though, the game was freaking AWESOME! It was so much fun! Once I worked through my reservations over Unite Guts and the other defensive tools, the game suddenly became much better. This became quite apparent to me when I revisited the first few levels again to grind some money, and realized how hard I was wiping the floor with the GEATHJERKs. Okay, they were only Gold Metals, but still...

I was already told prior that, like with Bayonetta, the game required mastery of the combat and systems, but admittedly, my difficulties with defense were starting to make me slightly doubtful. I still don't like that it takes trial-and-error to find out if certain attacks are blockable or not, but the amount of those attacks were far fewer than I originally thought, and like I said, once I read your guys' answers and stuff, suddenly things starting falling into place, and I began reaching that same level of "Wow, I am totally in control of this situation" that I had after hours and hours of Bayonetta.

I do wish that the game had a better way of dealing with the Wii U Tablet sections when using a Pro Controller, as the Minus Button screen-changes ranged in quality from decent work-around to actually making sections significantly harder. One could argue that I could have just used the Wii U Tablet, but I hate the Wii U Tablet almost beyond reasonable levels of hatred for a controller, and I will NEEEEEEEVER use the Wii U Tablet when the Pro Controller is an option, regardless of weird work-arounds.

But regardless, the game was great, and I had a blast. Once I finish a couple other games I need to get around to, I'll be sure to give Hard Difficulty a shot, and try to unlock all those other Wonderful Ones.

Plus, now I'm even more excited for Bayonetta 2. I didn't realize that was a possibility until now.
P* is more or less why I got a Wii U

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So I was gonna get Wonderful 101 soon, but I just can't find a good physical copy seller, to my dismay.
But then I realized I could do something nuts
Platinum Games Legend of Korra comes out in October, Bayonetta 2 comes out in October...
I should buy Wonderful 101 in October.
Have a fucking Platinum Games overdose
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So I was gonna get Wonderful 101 soon, but I just can't find a good physical copy seller, to my dismay.
But then I realized I could do something nuts
Platinum Games Legend of Korra comes out in October, Bayonetta 2 comes out in October...
I should buy Wonderful 101 in October.
Have a fucking Platinum Games overdose

Are you insane
You can't combine 3 P* games like that
I'm gonna barely survive getting LoK and Bayo 2 in the same month
'Tis madness sir
Godspeed if you do it anyway
You want me to throw my Metal Gear Rising Revengence Replay in there too?

*Unite Guts*
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Dangan Ronpa 2: Sept 2
Hyrule Warriors: Sept 26
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Sept 30

My list is already full and such
late 2014 why do you want me poor it's not fair
More like
Theatrhtyhm Final Fantasy: September 16th
Hyrule Warriors: September 26th
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: September 30th
Smash Bros 4: October 3rd

And two other things I cut
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution: September 16th
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: September 30th
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I ain't got the bones for more than 3 games sadly
3DS Smash Brothers is already set to deliver to my house so I'm all set
Dangan Ronpa 2: Sept 2
Hyrule Warriors: Sept 26
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Sept 30

My list is already full and such
late 2014 why do you want me poor it's not fair

I really want to say that this is my same exact game plans for September, buuuuuut I feel like I have to cut Hyrule Warriors. I feel like I've been spending too much on games, especially since I haven't been able to play all of the ones I'm buying. Logically speaking, I should be cutting Danganronpa 2 since I'm running through Persona 3 Portable and I haven't even started up Xblaze: Code Embryo, which has been chilling in my Vita since early July. But I really want to return to the battle of hope and despair :/

I won't be saying no to Bayo though. That's getting bought no matter what.
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I really want to say that this is my same exact game plans for September, buuuuuut I feel like I have to cut Hyrule Warriors. I feel like I've been spending too much on games, especially since I haven't been able to play all of the ones I'm buying. Logically speaking, I should be cutting Danganronpa 2 since I'm running through Persona 3 Portable and I haven't even started up Xblaze: Code Embryo, which has been chilling in my Vita since early July. But I really want to return to the battle of hope and despair :/

I won't be saying no to Bayo though. That's getting bought no matter what.

I might have to cut Warriors myself
DR, Ultimax and Bayo 2 are definite
I've never really been into Dynasty Warriors games like that
Only caught my interest because Link and friends
But my Warriors loving friend wants me to buy and play it with him (he don't got a Wii U) so I dunno
For me, it's Ultimax,
Hyrule Warriors if word-of-mouth is positive,
Smash 4 3DS, Korra, and Bayo 2.

I hope I can make time to play all these despite college and work coming up.
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I hope I can make time to play all these despite college and work coming up.

I also have these things in my way
Good thing I can play nearly all of those things in class

*in Sociology class*
Teacher: "Alright class, what's do you think the biggest problem concerning the world is right now?"
"I haven't got a clue, love"
Teacher: "What the-"

*puts Wii U Tablet away*
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Interview with Hideki Kamiya.

Heheheh knew there would be some arcade game and shmup influence in there.

Arcade games are life. Arcade games are love.
@Squire Grooktook

1) How many game devs/directors do you know of that collect arcade boards? Or for that matter actually use them and make their own arcade cabinets? Because if you didn't know of any before, I guess you can't say that now. God damn.

2) His talk of watching people play to figure out the game so he could enjoy it more easily without worrying about wasting money is my justification for the existence of Let's Play. :)

3) I share Kamiya-sama's dislike of horror stuff. The only I think I can handle is horror music, and even then my only experience with that is an AFI horror punk song that appeared on the charts out of nowhere and Creature Feature's discography, plus the Rufus Rex album. That's not a lot. :P
@Squire Grooktook

1) How many game devs/directors do you know of that collect arcade boards? Or for that matter actually use them and make their own arcade cabinets? Because if you didn't know of any before, I guess you can't say that now. God damn.

2) His talk of watching people play to figure out the game so he could enjoy it more easily without worrying about wasting money is my justification for the existence of Let's Play. :)

3) I share Kamiya-sama's dislike of horror stuff. The only I think I can handle is horror music, and even then my only experience with that is an AFI horror punk song that appeared on the charts out of nowhere and Creature Feature's discography, plus the Rufus Rex album. That's not a lot. :P

1) Hmmm, IIRC Richard Garriot (Lord British) has some cool stuff like that at his house. Other than that I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm not surprised. I imagine a lot of them would (especially the richer ones).

2) Yeah, definitely. It's kind of lost on us today because many modern games aren't that hard, but it's prevalent for stuff like fighting games, S Ranking stuff, Speed runs, RTS, etc.

3) Yeah, I feel the same way. It must have sucked to get assigned to the Resident Evil team and be forced to watch a ton of horror movie stuff for reference (I vaguely recall that being mentioned in another interview) lol.
Squire Grooktook said:
1) Hmmm, IIRC Richard Garriot (Lord British) has some cool stuff like that at his house. Other than that I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm not surprised. I imagine a lot of them would (especially the richer ones).

2) Yeah, definitely. It's kind of lost on us today because many modern games aren't that hard, but it's prevalent for stuff like fighting games, S Ranking stuff, Speed runs, RTS, etc.

3) Yeah, I feel the same way. It must have sucked to get assigned to the Resident Evil team and be forced to watch a ton of horror movie stuff for reference (I vaguely recall that being mentioned in another interview) lol.

1) Not sure who that is. I may have to look into this man.

2) I love hearing people say that they played one of the older arcade games after it had been ported to console and that it "wasn't that hard". I usually correct them and say, "That's because the console port gives you infinite lives, because you can't stick a quarter into your console. Without that, it would be hard, because they were designed to steal you fucking quarters!"

3) Oh, god, that would've been hell for me.
Anarchy Reigns/Max Anarchy hype? I freaking love that game despite how bad it currently is, it's a mess and is in desperate need of a patch. SEGA do your f**king job and fix it. If there's any PS3 people with the game and want to play then let me know, I'd be more than happy to get more people to play with. I'm Sonicman and I main Rin Rin, Fei Rin and Ai Rin although I'm focused on Rin Rin more just because.
I got it on launch day,.
So yes.

Damn, why haven't I seen you around? It's a crime! Lol. I only ask if you had it because A LOT of people have returned the game or just dropped it all together after a day or two online. Have you ever run into any of these names: FearForDignity, Deezeekujaku, Shizzlee23, Razorsedge296, Munozscyther, Youkai_Shaw, Omegainnoscene, Trebay23, Neon6plz, Aldalome, Grimmjow44 or YinYangTiger?
So guys. Korra comes out tomorrow.

Get hyped or whatever.
So guys. Bayo 2 comes out in 4 days.

Get hyped.


I wuv you too Korra but Bayo tho