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Playing with frame delay: Does it hold you back?


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
I live in a country with shitty third world internet (Canada) and I often have to play matches with >100ms ping. As a result, I often set my GGPO delay to 5 frames. Realistically, how much would a 5 frame delay hold you back? Throw breaking is only a 6 frame window, so with a lot of delay you are basically forced to anticipate throws. Would I be better off setting my delay to something lower, like 2, and learning to deal with rollbacks/corrections?

Also, would I be best off trying to be as consistent as possible with my frame delay? Like picking one setting and sticking to it (and training with it) and only increasing delay with very poor connections. Do you guys find that always changing you delay throws you off with your combos? A lot of combos are just muscle memory timings, but I sometimes rely on visual cues to know when I have landed on the ground, so variable frame delay could throw that off.
It is holding you back and it will ruin you if you ever play offline. Higher delay forces you to anticipate everything instead of reacting to it.

Also, you're always forced to anticipate throws, delay or not. It's just that a higher delay will give you a lower chance of actually teching them.
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So how do competitive players deal with online play latency?

Do they just always play offline?
I tried messing with the frame delay once and it did nothing but screw me up. Not doing that again!

Also, I dunno if this is just me, but I've found that high ping times aren't necessarily a good indication of how smooth the match will actually be. I've played comfortably on like 250+.
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I have a sub-par internet connection at home, as well (AT&T shared among a family of five), so my pings tend to float around 90+ ms (suggested delay of 2-3). Regardless, I leave the delay at 0. Increasing the delay makes it difficult to perform things like Parasoul's links, more so if you change the delay frequently, and the ONLY benefit you get from it is a smoother display. The rollbacks and weird sound interactions aren't that intrusive to normal netplay, so it's more advantageous from a player standpoint to set delay to 0 and have a natural feel, even with high ping.

You'll still get hit by unreactable mixups and throws all the time, though. That's just the connection, and can't be fixed. Get ready for those super-long TOD resets!
Like you, I too suffer from Canadian Internet Syndrome, although not necessarily as bad as others.
I used to set it to zero all the time, but sometimes the rollbacks are so bad that it's completely unplayable.
I would never go above 2 delay.
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I've been playing at 5 frame delay for a good while now, and it's mostly terrible. You're going to spend most of your time predicting what's going to happen since you'll have a harder time reacting to anything. And even if you're right, you may still miss it (e.g. throw tech) since you have less time to do so.

I may try the 0-2 frame range again to see how it goes, but AT&T provides me with the experience of Canadian Internet Syndrome at a fraction of the speed, right here in the good ol' US of A.
I always keep delay at 0, regardless. Take advantage of the superb GGPO netcode.
You canadians think you have it bad, but you merely adopted the lag. I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see a green ping until I was already a man!

True story.
I usually play a mix of 4-5 on higher pings and if I find a local player I go 1-2, I have a sparring buddy in NYC where we play on 3-2. And I stay sure to add in a good amount of training mode time to keep all timings in my head all the times.

What truly holds one back is not playing and not making the most of your playtime.
I've switched to playing exclusively at 2 frame delay (even on training for consistency). Most games sub 150ms are fine but the occasional one is terrible, though I suspect this is due to a poor quality connection rather than just latency.

My main concern is with how easily I will be able to adjust to offline play. The two frame delay is probably creating some habits that would be problematic at a live tournament.
Uuuh how do you choose your delay in Training Mode?

Options in the main menu has a GGPO frame delay setting. I thought it applied to offline play along with online but I could be wrong.

Edit: I did a "test" a while ago by setting it to 8 and I started dropping combos so I assumed it affects training mode (not the most empirical test though). That value is always set to whatever you played your last online match at btw.

Edit 2: On second thought I'm probably wrong about this is though. When I get home I'll take another look at it but I'm starting to think that Training Mode has no delay.
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I live in a country with shitty third world internet (Canada) and I often have to play matches with >100ms ping. As a result, I often set my GGPO delay to 5 frames. Realistically, how much would a 5 frame delay hold you back? Throw breaking is only a 6 frame window, so with a lot of delay you are basically forced to anticipate throws. Would I be better off setting my delay to something lower, like 2, and learning to deal with rollbacks/corrections?

Also, would I be best off trying to be as consistent as possible with my frame delay? Like picking one setting and sticking to it (and training with it) and only increasing delay with very poor connections. Do you guys find that always changing you delay throws you off with your combos? A lot of combos are just muscle memory timings, but I sometimes rely on visual cues to know when I have landed on the ground, so variable frame delay could throw that off.

I think then problem may be in game server.You can try playing another online game.If the same problem occurs.Reset the Modem ....Un plug the connections,then plugin.You can check the ping using the methods below before playing the game and while playing the game...sure you can find is the problem in connection or in the website.You can check the Ping of the Internet Connection easily...To check Local LAN Connection Ping by using the Following method
GO to start->run->cmd->Ping ip-address
or you need to check Ping for website from your computer means you can reach here Whoisxy.com and do the Ping test for yahoo,Google etc...

Check your internet connection . Delay may occur because of network traffic/slow connection . You can use the internet boost up ideas and try to check ping your ip address using the following command : Click start -> run-> cmd-> ping ip address If the same delay persists, contact your ISP .