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The Fact that they do not call them mega or Primal Reversion Forms, but more along the lines of Shaymin, Giratina and Keledo Alternate forms made by attacks indicates how the Radiant Sun and Full Moon forms should work.

More like Meloetta, probably...
Grampa soap dragon from Never Ending Story is my new favorite.

Grampa soap dragon from Never Ending Story is my new favorite.

To me, this Dragon is a Catoplebas
Bruxish's ability blocks all priority moves. RIP Talonflame. Probably also gonna be a beast on Trick Room teams.
Only Priority, so Mach Punch, Quick Attack, etc. those attacks are useless against Dazzle Bruxish.

Means Focus Sash Level 1 Rattata will no longer win.
Pokemon Go is out.
Don't know much, but I did see some streamers on twitch.
Jeez Game Freak is really giving it their all on new kinds of abilities, almost every new pokemon has a unique new ability
Gen 7 is all about "Fuck the old meta".
He can Poison a Poison type, who normally absorb Poison effects no harm, and is a natural counter to Breloom as he's also fire...damn this guy's stats better be weak to counteract such a strong ability.
even though I'm in a very rural area, pokemon go is stellar. It's a shame that most pokemon land in someone's farmland/property.
even though I'm in a very rural area, pokemon go is stellar. It's a shame that most pokemon land in someone's farmland/property.
Get in there, police be damned.
I'm in a fairly populated suburb, yet after getting my starter Bulbasaur it just dumped me onto a blank map. I see nothing even zooming all the way out. Maybe I'm missing something here, but the game isn't explaining anything.
The worst thing about Pokemon Go is that it only has Gen 1 mons
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They said in an interview a while back they'll be rolling out updates for a generation at a time.
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This little bastard chillin in my garbage

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This little bastard chillin in my garbage

Your Garbage or the local dumpsters set up for recycling?
I honestly, legitimately hope that the only way to get Arceus when they're added is to book a flight to Vatican City.
Alternatively, your nearest church (Gotta be a big church though)
Arceus probably going to be an event like they showed with Mewtwo

Violence Bear and Creepypasta
Normal/Fighting with Klutz and Fluffy, and Ghost/Fairy with Disguise respectively
When we hit Gen 3, we better get actual natural disasters happening after Absols are found.
Both of these are just kinda really fucked up and weird.

Robotic-gaze bear that breaks your spine and a ghost that lures children with a fake Pikachu face.
I've been sick of every generation needing to have another Pikachu knockoff, but this one is damn awesome.
Robotic-gaze bear that breaks your spine and a ghost that lures children with a fake Pikachu face.
pardon you
Mimikkyu just wants to look friendly because it can't go out in the sun
it's just not very good at it
I like the concept for the bear but that design really needs to go back to the drawing board. Looks like a bootleg creature of the night.
I've been sick of every generation needing to have another Pikachu knockoff, but this one is damn awesome.
Technically we already had this gen's Pikaclone with Togedemaru

Leatherface Pikachu here is probably more like this gen's Voltorb/Electrode/Foongus/Amoongus
It's also here to be our cute fucking ghost pokemon you wanna be friends with.
Look at that lil' guy
He wants to be Pikachu so people will like him
well i like him
i like him a lot.
I will raise him right like I did with those 12 Yamasks
I like Mimikkyu. But Gen 7's bringing out unique type combinations and that's pretty rad. Also Mimikkyu's English name might be translated to have something like mimicry in the name.