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Since I caught it it barely had any good stats so I hypertrained it this generation hence "went to the gym" I guess. Also I meant since Megas got buffed this generation with speed tiers being correctly adjusted for the first turn instead of the second. So since Mega Banette's ability is prankster finally they can actually use it and it just makes it a much more useful pokemon u know?

On the bright side I found out today they just released beedrillite and mawlite to people who participated in the online event and those who didn't get those items from a code when april rolls around. ...Begging the question why didn't they just give them to us in the first place but whatever I guess...

Ah.. now I understand ^^

Yes... Nintendo already said the Megastones will be gived as online event first and after some months to everyone by code. Now they are giving the M2 Megastones, and the Beedrill and Mawile ones in april... how much you need to wait to get the Banetite...?
It could be as soon as the month after or as far as he end of the year, depending on when GF decides to set them up as prizes.
So I'll be expecting the last stones by march of 2019, good to hear.
Nooo I have school at that time. Damn Japanese doing things at Japanese times.

Oh well I'm sure I'll hear about it soon enough. :P
Oh well I'm sure I'll hear about it soon enough. :P

Yup yup dood ◠‿◠)
Plus there's a pretty good chance they will be a youtube video of it either from the peeps themselves or another peep who decided to recorded the event so there's that ╹‿╹)
With Pokemon UltraSun and UltraMoon, Gamefreak's once again bucking their own trends of release formulas! They've made remakes in the same generation as the original release! :P

(Battle Frontier and more post-game story please. Also more cosmetics and dates with Lili/Gladion >_>)
With Pokemon UltraSun and UltraMoon, Gamefreak's once again bucking their own trends of release formulas! They've made remakes in the same generation as the original release! :P

(Battle Frontier and more post-game story please. Also more cosmetics and dates with Lili/Gladion >_>)
These aren't remakes, it seems to be sequls a la black 2 and white 2
I'm more intrigued by how it's an "Alternate Story", so it's not B/W2, but it could be Emerald.
But if it was emerald, why split it into two?
I think it's gonna be a super alternate/what if? Story
it'll be everyone's role is swapped
Gladion is your best friend
Guzma is the professor
Kukui is Team Skull Boss
Mohn is the Aether President
Lusamine is now Lusabean
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I can see it.

Edgy 13-year old Lily who busted out with Type:Null. Black clothes.

Timid Gladion, his emo hair is now shy hair.

I like how that Pokken trailer dragged on and on and on and on, and then for the new main series game they told us fucking nothing.

No wait, the other thing. Hated. I hated that.
Crazy theory here but the Legendaries are in this black armor-like stuff and Necrozma's ability is Prism Armor. Maybe they fused to create a powered-up Forme?

But it's just a theory that may or may not be plausible. That is yet to be seen.
Please don't just be Kyurem again, don't like that gimmick.
Lunala finally has arms to hug with, guys
think of all the high fives it can give now
I'm more intrigued by how it's an "Alternate Story", so it's not B/W2, but it could be Emerald.
But if it was emerald, why split it into two?
I think it's gonna be a super alternate/what if? Story
it was a weird translation. the JP version said it was a different story.
DISCLAIMER: There is no Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon info in this post. However, it would appear some events happen after SM's completion that may tie into Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

So some neat info came out from the Pokemon Daisuke Club talking about extraterrestrial pokemon and the Ultra Beasts that have now been unleashed upon the world. A friend from another forum has given us a basic summary of what was shown
  • The HGSS Celebi and Arceus events are canon, and Ethan/Lyra apparently told a bunch a people about it, so the events are common urban legends across Johto.
  • After discussing Pokedex info like how Elgyem are rumored to have come from a crashed UFO 50 years ago, and Magnezone broadcast and receive unknown radio signals and are often mistaken for UFOs, the Hex Maniac puts out the theory that Magnezone are artificial Pokemon made by an alien civilization.
  • There is a common theory among ancient ruin researchers that ancient societies in the Pokemon world that built places like the Ruins of Alph, the Sky Pillar, the Sinjoh Ruins, or the Abyssal Ruins, had access to advanced technology on par with or surpassing modern day, and that something caused these societies to decline and lose their advancements. One theory is that the ancient people received advanced technology from time travelers from the future.
  • Because of the lack of evidence for Unown breeding or eggs, it's theorized that they're in some way related to Ultra Beasts.
  • It's confirmed that what Arceus does during the Sinjoh Ruins event to give birth to the creation trio is create a new universe. Or at least, that's what the legends say was believed to happen there when Arceus got on top the Mystri Stage.
  • The existence of Ultra Beasts are seemingly somewhat common knowledge after the events of the SM. Also, the protagonist of SM apparently snapped some pictures of Ultra Space while they were there and showed them off to people.
  • It's theorized that there were only Nihilego in the Ultra Space we visited because there's separate Ultra Spaces containing different species of Ultra Beasts.

It also came packed with these cool images of the Ultra Beasts appearing all over place, as well as other pokemon deemed occult, mysterious, or otherworldly...

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  • The HGSS Celebi and Arceus events are canon, and Ethan/Lyra apparently told a bunch a people about it,
...They can talk!?
Yeah, Red is just a weirdo
So... NEWS


New Lycanroc Form, Dusk Form, which seems to be a mixture of the 2. It evolves from a special rock ruff to be handed out in an event, and knows the abiity tough claws, as well as both signature moves from the lycanrocs (Accelerock and Counter)

In addition, game informer also had an interview with the directors at Gamefreak, which put a little insight on whats too expect.

at 3:18 in the video, they responded to a comment on gamfaqs asking for a large openish world with the gotta catch them all premise, and they both smiled and responded "We're making it!"

Sooooo Breath of the Wild Battles confirmed?
It must be the core Pokemon RPG for the Switch that was slipped into the Nintendo E3 conference.
gdi game freak please fuck off with this shit
...ok by event I meant Mystery Event. Relax. You'll get it.
I like how they reverted back to their original clothes
time is a curious thing in the pokemon world
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Soo... as expected.. Marshadows come by Gamespot distribution........................ need to wait for a net distribution or find some good soul to get one for me in USA.... :/

(at last the Lycanrock will be a net distribution................ but WHY we cannot get one in game????? First a special Greninja, now this................................................)
I like how they reverted back to their original clothes
time is a curious thing in the pokemon games world
According to a recent interview, no time passes in the Pokemon world. Everyone is the same age as when Ash started his journey.

I shed a manly goddamn tear when I saw Bulbasaur again.
The last mega stones code as released!!!

And all codes can be redeemed until October 31!!!

Get then now!!!