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Poll: What is the worst Mirror Match in the Game?

Worst Mirror Match in Skullgirls Encore?

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Stop Bugging me about Avatars ;_;
Mar 7, 2014
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Indianapolis, Indiana
It's a phrase I see all the time, but the answers are wildly different. Who do YOU think is the worst mirror to play and/or watch in the game?

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Para mirror doesn't even look like that unless you're fullscreen. Even then, you have options.

It's much more fun than getting reset all day.
It's gonna end up looking like that 9 times out of 10.
zeknife with the next-level Napalm tech.
None of the mirrors are particularly great. But i voted peacock because obvious. Imho the worst mirrors are peacock, parasoul and painwheel.

And since I'm super bored I'll explain why each mirror is terrible in my eyes:

Peacock... Both players playing rote rps games of bang x3,hk port, lvl 1 item and fake port.... Over and over and over again. The matchup can be played fun if both players are happy to move forward... Which is rare.

Parasoul... Napalm shot x n... Meh not as stupid as peacock imho.

Painwheel... Lets fly and see who can get the highest to launch an attack while above the other. And lets both up/back in flight all day... A ridiculous matchup if both painwheels are defense minded.

Squigly... Lets both zone with j.hp all day..... Ok this is fun...

Bigband... First to brass loses... Brass on brass action...sweep... Fun... No

Bella... Let's double jump around all day and try to get above each other... Yes yes

Double.. Battle of the j.hp and the j.mp to beat the j.hp. And lots of down back and dashin mixups. Not a terrible mirror just a bit slow if both players are footsies minded.

Fukua... Tennis with fireballs.. Well, more like dodgeball

Val... Possibly the best mirror when assists come into play... Just fundamental sg with lots of movement and pokes and zoning and counter zoning. Space for many different styles of play. As a strict mirror is probably a bit bad with both vals just double jumping all over the place trying to get a good look.

Filia... Ridiculous. Air dash spam all over the place, st.hk is tooooooo good cause it beats airdash and throw and cr.lk a dumbass mirror that all kinds of dumb things happen in... Gregor to max out the stupid.

Things like sweep to go under st.hk and then cancel into dp to punish st.hk become "viable" lol.

Fortune.. Pretty good mirror... And now that i think about it... Might be amongst the best in the game especially if one is a head user and one isnt... Though i guess technically that isnt a mirror. Head off mirror seems kinda dumb... But idk.

Marie? Yes... This has to be the dumbest mirror in the game nothing but skull on skull action... Revenge of the skulls.

Robo fortune... All the clanking of tin on tin action... Oh the sounds.. It will grate on the ears.

Beowulf... 2 dogs barking at each other and "wrestling" i guess it could be worse.

Eliza...a complete spacing rps game. First to block an iad attack loses.
Peacock mirrors are the best thing ever. Do you people hate fun or something.
Bella... Let's double jump around all day and try to get above each other... Yes yes
That is how "terrible bella" mirror match up looks like.

"actually know how to play bella" mirror match up is the most fun thing ever if you enjoy reads and mind games.
And knowing about spacing makes it even better.
Val mirror. Let's travel the screen every time someone gets a combo.
Peacock mirrors are the best thing ever. Do you people hate fun or something.
You have a very twisted definition of the word fun
That is how "terrible bella" mirror match up looks like.

"actually know how to play bella" mirror match up is the most fun thing ever if you enjoy reads and mind games.
And knowing about spacing makes it even better.

Yes, this could be. I dont play bella so... Yeah. Much of what i posted there is slightly in jest after all the peacock and parasoul and band etc mirrors use more moves than what i said... I was just using caricature.

Though ive seen sage and tj and taluda mirrors against each other and yeah they look like jumpathons sometimes... And i dont think YOUR bella is touching any of theirs...

9:07 taluda versus uzu... I guess they dont know how to play bella. And i wasnt even looking for this... This was linked by someone else in the pw forums to talk about the pw versus parasoul matchup. I think you just want to disagree and start shit... As always. I'm very close to just ignoring you. Take that however you want i certainly wont be losing sleep over it either way.

If I'm reading you wrong and you arent just being snarky for snarks sake then i apologise.

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I was actually thinking what I was saying.
Looks like my meta isn't the community's meta.

Your ability to hate people on sight is disturbing.

And please no shit talk about someone's level when you don't know him at all. Not saying I'm godlike, just saying you didn't have to mention this to make your point.
Peacock mirrors are actually pretty fun. When I play solo vs solo against Nutria it's some rather neat stuff. A good mix of keep away and approaching as well as just reading and predicting one another's movements. Though once one Peacock is controlling the space with projectiles, the other has to take a risk just to try and tip the momentum in their favor.

From what I've seen Parasoul mirrors are pretty much who can napalm shot the fastest =p
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Parasoul mirrors are fun. Napalm shot spamfest is avoidable. They're still hell. And it's all outside the napalm shot spam fest. I promise you.

It's basically rock/paper/scissors (jLP/jLK/Throw)
None of the mirrors are particularly great. But i voted peacock because obvious. Imho the worst mirrors are peacock, parasoul and painwheel.
And since I'm super bored I'll explain why each mirror is terrible in my eyes:
Peacock... Both players playing rote rps games of bang x3,hk port, lvl 1 item and fake port.... Over and over and over again. The matchup can be played fun if both players are happy to move forward... Which is rare.
Parasoul... Napalm shot x n... Meh not as stupid as peacock imho.
Painwheel... Lets fly and see who can get the highest to launch an attack while above the other. And lets both up/back in flight all day... A ridiculous matchup if both painwheels are defense minded.
Squigly... Lets both zone with j.hp all day..... Ok this is fun...
Bigband... First to brass loses... Brass on brass action...sweep... Fun... No
Bella... Let's double jump around all day and try to get above each other... Yes yes
Double.. Battle of the j.hp and the j.mp to beat the j.hp. And lots of down back and dashin mixups. Not a terrible mirror just a bit slow if both players are footsies minded.
Fukua... Tennis with fireballs.. Well, more like dodgeball
Val... Possibly the best mirror when assists come into play... Just fundamental sg with lots of movement and pokes and zoning and counter zoning. Space for many different styles of play. As a strict mirror is probably a bit bad with both vals just double jumping all over the place trying to get a good look.
Filia... Ridiculous. Air dash spam all over the place, st.hk is tooooooo good cause it beats airdash and throw and cr.lk a dumbass mirror that all kinds of dumb things happen in... Gregor to max out the stupid.
Things like sweep to go under st.hk and then cancel into dp to punish st.hk become "viable" lol.
Fortune.. Pretty good mirror... And now that i think about it... Might be amongst the best in the game especially if one is a head user and one isnt... Though i guess technically that isnt a mirror. Head off mirror seems kinda dumb... But idk.
Marie? Yes... This has to be the dumbest mirror in the game nothing but skull on skull action... Revenge of the skulls.
Robo fortune... All the clanking of tin on tin action... Oh the sounds.. It will grate on the ears.
Beowulf... 2 dogs barking at each other and "wrestling" i guess it could be worse.
Eliza...a complete spacing rps game. First to block an iad attack loses.

Well when you put it like that I might have to reconsider my vote...

Also worth mentioning is Robo-Fortune is probably going to have some sort of self destruct attack. Every Robo-Fortune mirror match will most likely end in a draw.
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Your ability to hate people on sight is disturbing.

And please no shit talk about someone's level when you don't know him at all. Not saying I'm godlike, just saying you didn't have to mention this to make your point.

I dont hate anyone. I just dont waste my time arguing with people that have a history of arguing any opposite side of something i say simply because i say it and i dont bother with people of whom ive never talked and they just come at me with some new account or some old no posts account just to tell me im stupid...

Why would i listen to them? You are in the first category. I havent ignored you because i feel as if your points that go against mine are your actual opinions. I dont mind opinions i mind people that simply want to disagree to disagree. To fight to fight... Etc etc.

You brought up "terrible bellas" not me. I linked to a couple of known to be better good bellas that..
Were playing exactly as i said the mirror plays and said.. Probably rightly, that they were better than you and yet they still played that way.

It wasnt personal. Had you not mentioned terrible bellas i wouldnt have mentioned your own skill.
Instead of arguing about "terrible bellas" you COULD have posted something worth reading by posting the way a bella mirror "should" go in your mind. But all you did was use some ad hominems about spacing and mindgames... As if 2 bellas tying to double jump over each other arent using spacing and mindgames...

So yeah, if you have a problem with what i just said. I invite you to use the ignore button. I dont think i said anything unfair to you at all. If you do then maybe its best we not talk?
If you do then maybe its best we not talk?
That. A hundred times. Our respective ways of thinking are just not meant to confront each other.

Ignoring doesn't feel right, there's still a possibility one say something the other one agree with. Let's just stop taking each other seriously and do our best not answering to any of our future posts ever.
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That. A hundred times. Our respective ways of thinking are just not meant to confront each other.

Ignoring doesn't feel right, there's still a possibility one say something the other one agree with. Let's just stop taking each other seriously and do our best not answering to any of our future posts ever.

I agree that agreeing to disagree is a very good way to resolve conflicts. We arent all like minded and expecting one another to always think the same is preposterous. I certainly dont expect everyone to agree with me.

Glad we could come to a point of agreement without resorting to ignoring each other.

Have a good rest of your day man :)
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Big Band mirrors used to be pretty silly because you had no reason not to wait on the other side of the screen if you had the life lead

H Giant Step and H Brass could both be parried for a full punish, so in mirror matches Big Band had no ranged solution for when the opponent was doing nothing but fishing for parries. The losing Big Band would have to cautiously try and make his way over which in turn makes them a lot easier to deal with.
Take Brass out of your team, do not change Bella assist to H.LnL, and say this again~
Solocock mirrors are the best thing ever. Do you people hate fun or something.
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Big Band mirrors used to be pretty silly because you had no reason not to wait on the other side of the screen if you had the life lead

H Giant Step and H Brass could both be parried for a full punish, so in mirror matches Big Band had no ranged solution for when the opponent was doing nothing but fishing for parries. The losing Big Band would have to cautiously try and make his way over which in turn makes them a lot easier to deal with.
You don't need to parry giant step, you can just as easily hp brass on reaction for an even better punish than parrying it
You know I was thinking "Parasoul" when I saw the thread title, then I saw who posted this thread and I laughed and laughed
I'll go ahead and crosspost this
Holy shit this is great
When I play solo vs solo against Nutria
Please record this
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I debated as weather I should vote the Filia or Peacock mirror. I picked Peacock because of Filia's recent nerfs. Back then IMO, Filia mirrors came down to who can out bullshit the other. :P
I actually like Fillia mirrors due to how stupidly fast paced, chaotic, and outrageously silly they are.
I know this is about the worst but when point Val was all the rage a few versions ago, those were great mirrors.

Worst is Double imo. She's like the only character with 1 combo and it makes me sad and bored.
ok went and played another mirror match.....i still think fukua mirrors are just dumb as fuck to watch AND play.

its a goal of "who will land the fireball on the next jump until one fukua gains a brain."
I know this is about the worst but when point Val was all the rage a few versions ago, those were great mirrors.

Worst is Double imo. She's like the only character with 1 combo and it makes me sad and bored.

but the resetsssss
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I think I'm lean against Big band. Or it's that I should really engrave all his hit boxes into my brain!

But really, almost any mirror on any game is boring (thoese horrible HoMM3 Necro v necro memories)
It kinda bothers me that people think the Parasoul mirror match is dumb because of napalm shot. :/

(Its fucking dumb tho not cuzza dat)

Painwheel mirrors win for me in terms of the worst to play.

Double mirrors are definitely the worst to watch though.

Peacock mirrors are pretty fun.
Filia mirrors in the neutral game are the worst
Like wtf wheres my setplay
Bella mirrors are fun because its like "oooh shit whos gonna:
A: get hit by a random jump crossup
B: whos gonna get grabbed"
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But really, almost any mirror on any game is boring (thoese horrible HoMM3 Necro v necro memories)
Mirrors are actually my favorite match up in any game though. I actually often pick my characters based on who initially seems the most fun to mirror.
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