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Possible Glitch for Ms. Fortune?

Rev Tanuki

New Member
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Double Peacock
My comp is too shitty to handle recording skullgirls to show you, but I would recommend trying it for yourself.
I'm not sure if it's that Ms. Fortune was built around building meter extremely quickly, but after a few test matches, i found an a possible inconsistency. Ms. Fortune's Light Cat Scratch builds meter unbelievably fast, about as much as n.MP would, even if the opponent is blocking and she gains this per strike of Cat Scratch. Once i started incorporating cat scratch into all of my combos, i noticed that I was going from an average of 4 meter a fight vs 1 opponent to 6-7 meter a fight vs 1 opponent, depending on how well the opponent is blocking. Again, not sure if this is was intended or not, but it'd be good to get some actual dev feedback on this, because I'm legitimately curious.
Huh...her specials build 3-4x as much meter per hit as they were supposed to. H Fiber is a little nuts. Go me.

I'm not sure she needs any more nerfs at present, and this would sorta be a nerf, but I'll keep it in mind since it certainly is inconsistent.

Thank you!