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Big Band Resets for Beginners


Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
Big Band Cerebella
So you've gone on the forums, read the compendium, learned your combos, practised them for hours, honed them and you're pretty sure you can get them out a good 70% of the time.
Good job, that's step one.

Skullgirls is a heavily reset based game; players will mess with their combos and develop reset points for them, essentially being pauses to give their opponent a second of breathing space, before quickly jumping back at them with an attack from an angle they didn't predict in order to reset their hit count and hence their damage scaling. The importance of knowing resets cannot be overstated, with a few good reset points it is perfectly possible to let one hit on your opponent lead to them scratching their head, staring at their monitor and wondering how the hell they just lost all their health.
This however is quite a step for a new player; not only do you now have to modify your combos to allow you these resets points, but you also have to learn how to effectively reset; Getting inside your opponents head, telling yourself exactly what they're going to do when you give them that brief window of opportunity and how you're gonna punish the hell out of them for even trying that throw.

To this end, I decided to make a video detailing a few corner resets I devised last night based on the intermediate Big Band Corner Combo (located here: http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/general-bnb-compendium.4072/). They use a horizontal Cerebella assist, both to give the opponent a bit more air-time, and later on to smack them further from you; I'm not quite sure what other assists you can use to fill these spaces as I tend to stick to Big Band and Cerebella myself, though if you ask for a character specific I'll be happy to try and find some). Unfortunately this means that you solo Bands don't have a lot to gain from this video, though the reset after ground throw at 1:06 is something you may want to consider, I'll also list some other solo resets if you need them.

If you have any questions about the video, resets in general, Big Band combos, whatever, I'll be happy to answer.
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Resets for beginners? Those aren't for beginners.

A beginner reset would simply be once the opponent is on the ground standing again, do a low/throw and repeat your combo.
Resets for beginners? Those aren't for beginners.

A beginner reset would simply be once the opponent is on the ground standing again, do a low/throw and repeat your combo.

See BnB Corner Crossup #2.

I can agree with you on the first one though, the execution for it can be kinda finicky, though the purpose of the video is to show new players how they can bridge out their already known combo into various resets. I'm not worrying particularly about difficulty of execution as that's something that can simply be beaten with practise, I just want to show newer players some resets they have to develop their tried-and-true combo with once they decide to move above simply knowing a combo.
To be honest I expected alt+F4
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Might be also a good idea to point out when it’s appropriate to reset and why. Some beginners might, for some reason, get too ahead of themselves and do resets very early, losing potential damage and wins. An example is like an early throw reset in a combo rather than maybe linking twice then resetting.
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Might be also a good idea to point out when it’s appropriate to reset and why. Some beginners might, for some reason, get too ahead of themselves and do resets very early, losing potential damage and wins. An example is like an early throw reset in a combo rather than maybe linking twice then resetting.

I'd say always try and get the most mileage out of your resets, but at the same time, going for an early reset isn't entirely a bad thing; Mixing up when you chuck out resets is a good way of making yourself very unpredictable to your opponent and can be a great way to shut down their brain.
linking twice then resetting.

For some beginners, linking multiple times for a longer combo is actually more difficult than going for the early reset.
Something for the Solo Bands!
Was playing around with the cross-up combos as Solo Band and realised that you can simply perform Cross-up #2 by replacing jMK with jMP. Seem's a bit stupid that I didn't realise that earlier.
More in the video below.

Cross-up #1 still remains assist only however.
Can these resets work with Parasoul as opposed to Cerebella?